Primary Training Session
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
If you are not familiar with the False Grip for rings, please watch this video
If you are not familiar with the No Zone, please watch this video
If you are not familiar with the Rising Muscle-Up to Rowing Muscle-Up technique, please watch this video.
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Strict Ring Muscle-Up Negative (or Scaled
*Please use the scaled version of this movement if you cannot control the transition fluently.
Interval 2 – Pop Swing x 4 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 15 seconds, for 60 seconds (4 sets) of:
Mounting Ring Muscle-Up x 1 rep
*Try to keep tension on the rings during the entire transition to finish with as little dip as possible. Keep your eyes fixed on a point in front of you. You should not look away from this point throughout the movement.
Followed by. . .
For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Kipping Ring Muscle-Ups x max reps
*Utilize the Rising to Rowing Muscle-Up technique for this set.
For time:
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
Immediately followed by. . .
Three rounds for time of:
150-Foot Handstand Walk
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Deadlifts (315/215 lbs)
Immediately followed by. . .
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
“Granite Games Down N’ Back”
For time:
5 Deadlifts (405/275 lbs)
20-Foot Unbroken Handstand Walk
20/15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20-Foot Unbroken Handstand Walk
5 Deadlifts (405/275 lbs)
20-Foot Unbroken Handstand Walk
20/15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20-Foot Unbroken Handstand Walk
5 Deadlifts (405/275 lbs)
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets each) of:
Station 1 – Supine Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Station 2 – Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 60 seconds
Station 3 – L-Sit or Hollow Hold x 60 seconds
(accumulate the time if you’re unable to maintain this position unbroken)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Two sets of:
200-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
(walk 100-feet out, and 100-feet back)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
200-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(walk 100-feet out, and 100-feet back with as heavy as you can handle)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in five minutes of:
3 Sandbag Clean & Jerks
50-Foot Sandbag Carry
Use a bag that will be heavy enough to challenge you, but one in which you will be able to move with throughout the duration of the 5 minutes. The goal would be to barely sustain nonstop movement throughout the five minutes.
Running Endurance Option
Two sets for times of:
Run 1600 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Two sets for times of:
Run 800 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
Late post but better late than never? ? Primary: I had a hard time with the pop swing and had a hard time not doing rowing ring muscle ups.. I got 5/1 in the max in a minute. A) 35:57 I have an airdyne so my cals were changed to 47 for both… Deads felt oddly heavy even though 215 is relatively light for me most of the time and then my HS walks were… difficult. B) done Strongman: A) I don’t have a yoke so I did dumbbell overhead carries with 20# dumbbells and focused extra hard on not… Read more »
Haha yes definitely better than never!
Post some video to see if we can help with those swings. When you going to get an Assault Bike?! 🙂
Whenever I’m not poor! Haha I just spent anything extra I have on paying for a USAW cert that’s coming up in a few weeks! And I will video the swing next time I’m in there!
PM Session
Gymnastics skills warm up done
For 60 second max Hit 10 MU in about 35 seconds and called it, felt very laboured today
A. 26:31 rxd
Nothing felt very good today.
HSW 3x50ft unbroken each set.
C2B 10/10/10 – 10/10/10 – 18/12
Deadlifts 6/5/4 each round
Bike was sloow!!
B. Done
Looking forward to rest day!!
Primary Training Session
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up ✅
I unfortunately didnt really get the pop swing , and as a concequence neother the rising muscle up. I had issues with stopping my feet in the molenz i wanted. The typ with eyes looking at one point through the hole transicion was helpful?? I really really liked that we did some practice work today. I feel im training a lot but no practicing enough. That was awsome more of this please!
I got 9 (7/2) muscle up in the 1min effort
A. 32min (scaled the deadlift to 195#)
B. ✅
Great to hear the exercise helped. Please post some video so we can help even more!
A. Did the warm-up, liked it. Got 11 MU UB and then stopped there..had 17 seconds left. Should have gotten back on B. Did GG wod for masters 35+ (205# deadlift, 18 kipping hspu) All UB! 3:56 which was my goal. Last Saturday I did it and got 4:25. C. (My C anyways…) I knew I needed to do some C2B pull-ups so I did another workout..not too intense. 3 RFT of: 20 Wallballs (20#/10′)/20 C2B Pull-ups/30 second L-sit hold). Strongman: A. 200′ Yoke carry–just an overhead barbell with 125# total..that was tough! B. Farmers Carry–70# in each hand. Swim… Read more »
Sounds like a solid day! You’re ready!! Now its time to back off the volume in the lead up to GG!
AM Running
1600m – 6:35
1600m – 6:32
800m – 2:57
800m – 3:00
Happy with this considering my legs are dead!
What are your legs dead from?! 🙂
Not sure if your joking or not haha! I was feeling the Sandbag lunge/squat and heavy WB workouts from Wednesday then yesterday’s lunge PP workout just added to it.
Haha Ye you’ve been doing a lot of squatting and lunging! I think you’ll enjoy your rest day today! 🙂
Muscle up drills were fun
10UB then 3,2
Body was pretty wiped today couldn’t do chest to bars my hands were hurting so I didn’t ring rows
Looking forward to next week of training
Sounds like you need that rest day! Enjoy it!
Hit 13 – still shooting for 15
But I’m kinda heavier than I thought currently. I weighed myself at 226 lbs.
Conditioning in 110 degree heat today.
First 50 sub 2
HS Walks started in walks of 50 feet. Then they broke down to 25 feet. But I kept them either 50 or 25.
Chest to Bars
9/6 every round.
Last 50 sucked.
Gymnastics warmup done.
A) had to stop after 2nd round @ 30:50.
Primary Training Session :
Gymnastics warmups Done. Max Set of sMU – 6 Reps
A. Teen Men Standards (335# DL and Kipping HSPU)
3:31 … UB HS walk except for last went 10ft and 10ft , 15/5 & 12/8 Hspu , UB DL . Moved bar forward to next round marker each time.
B. Done
Strongman Training Session :
A. 185#
C. Done w/ 100# .. 7 Rounds + 3 C&J
Primary training session: Gymnastics skills warm up done Did the strong man stuff first A) 50lb dbs B) 70lb dbs C) 50lbs bag didn’t drop it the whole time and not sure how many rounds Then I had a friend I haven’t worked out with since the beginning of summer so we did a partner version of the 3 rounder. We did 70 cal row each at the same time then 3 rounds 200ft hs walk 45 chest to bar pull ups (I did 10 he did 5) 30 deadlifts at 315 Then 70 cal row We finished at 35:43… Read more »
Monday the 11th 🙂
Ohhh whoops hahaha
Gymnastics done
A) 50 cal bike 4:36
100 ft handstand walk
30 C2B
15 deads at #315
Last 50 cals finished at 49:58 just stuck with a running clock. That workout was really hard for me. But glad I stuck with it
B) Done
Solid push today dude. Way to stay mentally checked in
Ring Warmups Done. Still adjusting to the reaaaally tall ring straps. Couldn’t quite get the rising MU correct yet. Did the minute MU but at rep 8 one of the rings released and I dropped. Lucky I didn’t break anything. Was a little scared to get back up after that so I moved on… REAL wiped out today so I scaled the metcon. 25 cal bike 3x: 100ft hs walk (all done in 50ft unbroken sets) 30 c2b 10 deads @ 315lbs (ugh) 25 cal bike 25:26rx That was rough but for not doing a handstand walk in 2 months,… Read more »
Yikes. That’s scary. Glad you’re okay. Nice work on the HS walks. Sounds like you’re ready for a restful weekend!
Ugh that’s a fear of mine! So glad you are okay!!
How the heck did one of the rings release?! I hope you talked to the owner to make sure that never happens again to anyone!
They are going to check it out. The owner watched it happen. Unfortunately, I think I’m one of very few that can actually do muscle ups at the gym, so I doubt it’s happened before.
Dude I’m glad you didn’t get hurt, yikes
Did the Muscle Up Skills per Cj’s comments on my last MU workout. Must’ve helped since I hit 15 pretty UB MU for a little PR.
Then hit the GG workout. Goal was sub 3:00, was well under that.
Deadlifts: 5-5, 3-1-1
SHSPU: 15, 8-7
Shoulder mobility to cool down. Might run later if I’m feeling it. The sun is coming out… 🙂
Holy shit lady. That’s fast
Thats super fast!! My goal was sub 4! Awesome job!
A. 35:30 (subbed rowing and scaled to 45 cals)
GG – 5:37 10′ increments for teens and 220# DL I did mostly strict HSPU cause that’s faster for me
Excited to see you in action next weekend!
Warm up done
6 muscle ups
Still find it hard to get the rising muscle up without landing somewhat in the dip
7-7-6 on SHSPU
B. Done
Post some video of your muscleups and see if we can help
Metcon option A
Done. Just did it. Non wind in my sail
I decided that hanstandwalk needed to be in 50 feet segment’s unbroken. Really slowed me down. But trying to get more stamina on walking on hands in wods