Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Shoulder Opener x 30 seconds
Minute 2 – Narrow Grip Strict Pull ups x 5-8 reps
Minute 3 – Bird Dogs x 10 reps
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Handstand Walk x 20-25 meters (use assistance if needed but accumulate time on your hands)
Interval 2 – Muscle Up Swing x 3 reps + Low Ring Transition x 3 reps
Interval 3 – Roll to Candlestick x 10 reps
Every 45 seconds for 7:30 minutes (10 sets)
Deadlift x 1 rep @ 75%
*Get tight and the concentric portion of the lift needs to be performed as fast as possible to a strong lockout by the glutes.
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes (8 sets of each):
Minute 1 – 6 Power Snatches
Minute 2 – 10 Front-Racked Reverse Lunges
Minute 3 – 12 Toes to Bar
and then . . .
Three rounds for time of:
6 Power Snatches
10 Front-Racked Reverse Lunges
12 Toes to Bar
40-49: 115/75 lbs
95/65 lbs
60+: 65/45 lbs, 10 Toes to Bar
Four sets of:
Dumbbell Tate Presses x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Tempo Ring Push-Ups @ 1111 x Max Reps
Rest as needed
Piston Push Downs x 60 reps
Rest as needed
M&A – done
A. Done. Some progress in hand stand walk.
B. 135 kg
C. 4 rounds completed. Round 5,6 and 7 – lost my T2B, could not string them. Did 9 T2B
3 rounds – 10:10
M&A done
A. Done
B. 300
C. Emom, done. Did not do 3rftorD.
Mobility done
A: Done Longest handstand walk 32 feet (just under 10 meters)
B: @290#
C: Combined Sept 1 and 2 in one session, skipped WOD.
D: Done
Mobility done
A. Done
B. DL @ 375#
C. Done. Hit all Min
3 RFT: 7:04
D. Done
Mobility & Activation: Done
A) Done
B) DL @ 375# for all reps
C) EMOM – all sets done UB: then… 3 rounds for time = 7:24
D) Done
Mob Done
A. Done
B. 255
C. Done w/10 TTB $:34
D. Done PU = 6 x 4 sets
Mob. & Act. done.
A. Done. Worked on handstands but did not have a partner to assist.
B. Done w/ 215#
C.1. Done w/ 105#
C.2. Done w/110#, 9:00.
D. Done.
Mobility done 6 pull ups
A. Interval 1-20 meters, both alone & with assist, interval 2- 10 swings, 5 ring transitions. Interval 3 – 10 unbroken each round
B. #300 all sets
C. Part 1 complete all rounds rx, part 2 skip
D. No time
That was brutal.
M/A done
A. Skipped. (Elbow)
B. 190#
C. 55# sub s/u with 25# plate for t2b
3 rft @ 6:39
D. Done
Still lots of pain with this darn elbow
M&A done
A. Done(did it emom and fewer mtrs/reps)
B. 130kg (using a conservative training max)
C1. Done but using 40kgx4/Lunges x 8/ TTBx10
Perhaps too easy. Not taking any chances.
C2. skip
D. Done. Love it
DM&A Done 3×8 SPU
A: Done
B: Done @140kg
C1: 24 min 8 sets done @50kg
C2: 7:59
D: Done @2x10kg DB & 15/12/12/12 TRPU
Mobility done.
A – Subbed shoulder taps and work on freestanding HS Holds – no one to help me work on walks. Finally figured out the candlesticks.
B – 305.
C – Same times as last week but it hurt worse than last week because it was 20 degrees hotter and more humid. Gym was closing so I didn’t get to the 3 RFT…and I wasn’t complaining about that one.
D – Did at home. Tate @30#; Ring PUs 21/16/16/16 (2-3 min rest). Pistons done.
Mob and Act done
A. Done
B. 215
C. and D. will try tomorrow. Family in town all week 🙂 Having fun!
C. did the 3 rounds- 5:51.
Ran 1.5 miles.
Mobility done.
A. Done.
B. 225
C. Done, 3rft ~8:30
D. Ran out of time.
A. Done
B. 185#
C. Done; 3 rounds in 6:25 ouch!
D. Two rounds done and my triceps were smoked! Called it a day 🙂
Nice work Leticia!
MOB Done
A. Done
B. 266#
C. All 7 rounds completed in 0:13-0:19; 3 rounds for time 4:41.
D. Had to go.
Super fast Cheryl, awesome job!
A. did 1 round; mu singles on rx smart rings
B. (310); done at 233.8
C. only did the 3RFT 6:26
D. 15# DBs/10/10/10/1/4″ purple band
Mobility done
A) Done; HS Walks are starting to come little by little
B) 165#
C) Agh! I just did 8 sets total…I missed seeing the 3 Rds for time and just thought there was a typo : ) I did manage all T2B unbroken, YES! Really consistent across rounds with about 30 sec. b/t each movement. Used 65# for P Snatch
D) 10 – 12# on Tate Press; 8/9/8/8 on tempo ring push ups; piston push down done but with breaks…my right arm gave out much sooner than my left.
Mobility done. (like the shoulder opener)
A. Done (HSW 25 meters to me 4 attempts to do), MU swings& trains done, subbed pistols for candlesticks
B. 345# (super set bent row w/ DL 5 reps at 155 per rnd)
C. EMOM done 3 RFT – 8:19 (rig got crowded with regular class so I subbed GHD sit-ups on the 3 RFT) challenging WOD after EMOM
D. 30# on Tate, ring PU 21/17/16, Push downs done.
Post – 5 Rnds of Rev Hype, Iron Scap series.
M&A Done
A-MU swings Done
C-30 emom
15m Hsw
50 DU
8 #50 DB squats
Hands are destroyed so had to move away from bar work today.