September 19-25, 2016 – Julien Pineau’s Strongman Program

Day One
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)

followed by…

Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed

followed by…

Two Sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps
(build to today’s 5-RM)
Rest as needed

Strongman Conditioning Session
Build to today’s 3-RM Sandbag Front Squat

Build to today’s 3-RM Log or Sandbag Clean & Jerk

Three sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull

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(goal is max load…you’re only allowed one stop in the 100-feet)
Rest 2-3 minutes

Two sets of:
150-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
(goal is to establish max load for 150-feet)
Rest 2-4 minutes

Three sets of:
5 Sandbag Squats
150-Foot Sandbag Carry (bear hug)

Goal is to use max load for each set.

300 Meter Sandbag Carry

Followed by…
150 Meter Prowler Sprint – light load, steady grind

Day Two
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)

followed by…

Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed

followed by…

Two sets of:
Viking Sloth Press x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Ab Wheel Rollouts x 10 reps
(wear a weight vest or place weight on upper back if possible)
Rest as needed

Strongman Conditioning Session
Four sets of:
100-Foot Yoke Carry (50′ out, 50′ back)
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Farmer’s Walk
(turn at the 50-foot mark)
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (bear-hug hold; 50′ out, 50′ back)
Rest 5 minutes

Two rounds, without rest, of:
30 seconds of Dumbbell Shoulder Presses for max reps
30 seconds of Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises

Rest 2 minutes, and then…

Two rounds, without rest, of:
30 seconds of Lateral Dumbbell Raises for max reps
30 seconds of DB Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up

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