Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Three sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps
(use a progressively narrower grip for every set)
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Front squat x 5 reps @ 2210
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1+1/4 Front Squat x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 3 rep @ 90%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 95%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Approximate loading % per set: 55, 60-65, 65-70, 70-75, 75-80, 80-85, 85-90, 90-95, 95+, 95+
For time:
50/35 Calorie Row
20 Muscle-Ups
50/35 Calorie Row
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
50/35 Calorie Row
40 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups*
*If you are not interested in competing in the Open or other online qualifiers, we would advise substituting the 40 kipping handstand push-ups for 30 strict handstand push-ups – the pounding on your cervical spine isn’t worth the risk unless you’re preparing for the movement to be tested in competition.
Rest until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…
Complete rounds for 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 reps for time of:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Devil’s Press (50/35 lb DBs)
Two sets of:
30 second Wall Sit (Add load to front rack if needed)
30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (24/16 kg)
30 second Wall Sit (Add load to front rack if needed)
30 Kettlebell Deadlifts
Rest 90 seconds
A. 200/230/255/270
B. 95/105/115/125/135/145/155/165/170/175
C. 13:43
50 cal Run
D. 45 lb
E. 1 set
Primer and bicep triceps openings done for warmup
A. 110/125/140/148Kg
B. Up to 85Kg
C. 14:49. Subd or scaled to protect shoulders:
Rx rows/20 C2B/20 HSPU/20 HSPU
D. 15:12 Rx
E. Done
Did this yesterday just forgot to post.
Empty Barbell Movement Primer: Done
A. 275/315/350/365
B. 115/125/135/145/155/165/175/185/195.. failed 205
C. in 18:00 minutes
I reached up to 10 kipping Hand support Push up
D. 23:00 (too bad)
E. done
Good/bad day
A. 245 x6
280 x6 PR
315 x3
335x 1.5 lol
B. Almost PRd at 230 stabilized in the catch but dipped forward and dropped at the end only got 215 today
c. 19:20
A. 235 / 270 / 300 / 325
B. Up 215
C. 19:35
D. 19:10
Short on time tonight did
A. 210 240 270 285 dropped 2nd then reracked and did 1 more
C. 20:50 with 20 mu and 30 and 40 reg pushups to small deficit
D. Looks fun will get this week
Great workout thanks Tino!
A) 315 for 2, everyone jumped to 365, missed it twice
B) 235, had 245 and 250 overhead 4 times, but just couldn’t stand up with it today.
C) 15:51
MU: 14-6
HSPU: 18-6-5
KHSPU: 15-10-9-6
D) 14:52, I was tired
Big day! A) Up to 170lb for a PR B) Up to 110lb to tie a full snatch PR, and hit 98% power snatch 3 times trying to get under it. Not yet, but almost there C) Scaled to 10 muscle ups but got 3 UB first time ever. Then hit sets of 2 for the rest, also first time. SHSPU are feeling good. Finished in 17:17 D) Slowed down for this one to work on technique for these 2 movements, since I realized I had been doing Devil’s press wrong. C2B is still a hybrid between a pull-up but… Read more »
What an awesome day of lifting!! Congrats on the PR’s!!
Moved my 80% of my house by myself from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. 24 hour evolution and a solid workout.
Also did max sit-ups/pushups (in 2 min) /1.5 mike run on Friday morning.
Run was at about 90%
A) took these light (100 lbs below RX)
B) up to 235 slick
C) 14:14
12/8 MU (that pissed me off, felt so heavy. Chunky with a little funky)
30 UB RX
15/15/10 SHSPU
Start @ 20
D) (with 55s) 13:18
Pay the man! Hot dang!
I don’t envy your weekend. I hope you learned that it probably better to just bite the bullet and hire someone to deal with all of that. That’s what we did! Looks like you had a pretty crazy weekend!
Hope you’re settling into your new place and Aya is well!
2 months of homelessness!
Ooo yea it was a major PR. The good thing is it makes you think about how much you really need. I lived out of bags for 8 years, I was fine.
Now the things I own, own me.
Rented accommodation?
Shoulder work and primer done.
A. 265×6/300×5/320×3/340×1.5 – lost my elbows on 2nd rep.
B. Built to 205, missed 215 twice forward. Frustrating but trying to be smart and work this back up. Shoulder heading in right direction, it’s just slow.
C. Gym did row raiser this weekend (marathon row) so I subbed 60 cals on the bike. This was a grind, finished 30 Shspu at 14:10, stopped there.
D. Skipped
E. Done.
Not the most positive day but putting this one behind me.
60 cals of bike Erg?
You put in some good work dude and You’re shoulder is feeling better. I’d say that’s a good day!
Assault Bike, unfortunately no bike erg at our gym.
Why didn’t you do 50 then?
Haha I thought you had said the sub was 60 cals?! Next time I’ll stick with 50 if it’s assault bike.
Shoot sorry I’m an idiot. For some reason I thought today was Assault Bike 50 calories which would be equivalent to 60 calorie row. I’m sorry dude ??♂️
Primer. Done.
A. 100-115-130-136 kg
B. 50-55-60-65-70-75-80-83-85-87 (failed) kg
C. Rx: 35 cal of the third rowing (did 30 SHSPUs).
D. Rx: 18:23
E. Done.
Have a great week!
Solid start to the the week dude!
A- built to 150kgx2 beltless
B- 105kg
C- around 14:45
D- went full black out mode, subbed c2b for pull ups 12:03
e- done
Pushing the pace today! Great start to the week!!
A: 125, 140, 155, 160# felt good today.
B: 120# and then a few fails at 125# ?
C: 17:49. Done with 10 bar mu and 30 strict hspu instead of kipping.
D: 10 min timecap. 5 devils presses into the round of 7.
E: done.
Good to see you being smart and saving your neck by not ramming your head into the floor ?
A. Limiting squatting did: 4 sets Front rack barbell Step ups x 5 each 95×2/115×2 50 foot yoke carry: yoke + 400# This actually crushed me B. Up to 230 C. RX 17:30 The kipping hspu killed me again MU:16/4 Shspu: 20/6/4 Khspu: no idea a lot of sets Rows around 2:30-2:45 Was moving well up until the Khspu Finished Strict a little past 9 minute mark Rest to 20:00 D. RX 17:00…. but had to stop twice once because grips broke and once to hit the bathroom ?♀️ E. Something like this done Not a great session today A… Read more »
Compress As You Descend – Your handstand push-ups should look like an upside-down version of your wall ball shots. You would never catch the ball with your legs straight; you would always absorb the ball, receiving it as you descend into the next squat. I want you to do the same on your kipping handstand push-ups. You should be bending your knees to put you in a good kipping position at the same time that you are bending your elbows to descend your head to the mat. This will also ensure the quickest cycle time of the kipping handstand push-… Read more »
Thanks Tino this helps. I’ll continue working on them they shouldn’t beat me up like they have been
A. 245/280/315/335
B. Up to 255lbs
C. RX 15:26 All strict HSPU
D. Had a 10:00 cap. Got to round of 5
E. Done
Overall felt good today. Feel like MU are stringing together a lot better. Will keep working and getting to know my ability
Almost a gymnast ?♂️
Lack of time but here it is:
Primer done
A: Based on 130 kg
B) stopped at 95kg with good feeling. Knew that my body wasn´t ready for 95 +
C) RX: 14.59 Quick transition between every station. Done with ring mu. 5+5+5+5 UB strict hspu and 20+20 kipping hspu. Slow pace on rower at 1100cal/h ish. Quick rest on hspu cause that is my strongest part.
D) skipped
C) Rehab/Prehab at evening 30 min before bed.
Got a damn solid session in considering limited time. Nice work!
A. 245/280/315/335
B. Up to 245, couple solid misses at 255
C. 17:48 – 30 strict HSPU
D. Class running late so 10:00 cap. Just started 1 pullup in the round of 6
E. Skip, school today.
School is starting to take up more time, need to stay on top of nutrition and recovery and not let it slip. Was feeling it today.
Coaches not doing their job ??
Hahahah, maybe he gets a pass since it’s his birthday today. ??
Finish Snatch 95kg (my Max 100kg)
19:42 RX
Tomorrow ???
A: 105/120/135/142,5! Was skeptical about the percentages prior to lifting. 6’s very heavy but the 3 and 2 were very easy!
C: 15:25 RX
D: 13:06 RX
@40:00 – max snatch: made it to 110kg and 2 misses at 115kg (very close ones)
Great session! Upper body fired up. Just a little worried about the PC+J cycling tomorrow after that D pieces.
Looking strong! Now you need to trust your strength! Solid start to the week!
Tino, if we were to sub AAB for row, would you still keep to 50 cals?
I would hot 60 calories 🙂
I pictured this going differently in my head. Thanks, I think.
Haha, the longer the time domain the more calories you should be able to sustain. It ends up a little more forgiving than the bike 🙂