Primary Training Session
For the following two drills, draw out your ideal jerk footwork and use those marks to ensure perfect footwork. Please click here and watch this video to learn how to draw your footwork.
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Behind The Neck Split Jerk
*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM Split Jerk
Build to today’s 8-RM Dumbbell Z-Press
The dumbbells should be placed on the shoulders with the elbows out and palms facing foward. Keep the shoulders on top of the hips with a flat back, and keep your elbows in line with your hips and shoulders. Pause for one second at the top of the lift to ensure that the lockout is overhead – not forward. A good benchmark is to have each dumbbell be 20% of your max clean and jerk.
Complete as many round and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
10/8 Muscle-Ups
20 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Death March x 20 Steps @ 2011
Immediately followed by. . .
Dumbbell Walking Lunge x 20 steps
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Banded Overhead Triceps Extension x 30 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 6 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
For the rows, set up with a slight bend at the knees and push the hips back until your back is close to parallel to the floor. The barbell starts from the hang position and the bar has to touch BELOW the belly button, maintaining the body at more than a 45 degree angle and no upward or downward movement from the chest. The benchmark goal for this movement is 60% of your 1-RM deadlift.
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Hollow Body Sit-Up to L-Sit on Kettlebells
x 10 reps
Interval 2 – Dragon Flag Negatives x 6 reps @ 50A0
Interval 3 – Alternating Single Leg Cross Toes-To-Bar x 20 reps (10 reps each leg)
Running Endurance Option
Three sets of:
8 Minutes of Running
Rest 2 minutes (walking/jogging recovery)
Try to establish a pace that you can hold for all three sets.
Rowing Endurance Option
Two sets for times of:
Row 3500 Meters
Rest 5 minutes
Your goal is to establish an aggressive pace, but one in which you can repeat within a 10-second difference on the second set after 5 minutes of rest.
Done with 135
Done with 135
B) Set 1-3 230#, Set 4-6 245#
C) Up to 65#, Failed on last rep at 70#
D) 3 RDs flat, muscle ups went downhill fast… 10, 4/4/3, 3/2/2/1/2
Only primary stuff complete before flight out from Bend, OR. Forest fires made for a smokey weekend.. lungs, eyes were hurting!
A. Part one done up to 150
Part two done up to 150
B. Done
Set 1-2-3 200 lb
Set 4-5-6 210 lb
C. Failed on 55 lbs
D. 2+4 i still can’t butterfly cuz of my shoulder’s injury
Optional additional
A. Done ✅
B. Done ✅
C. Done ✅
Hope your shoulder feels better soon Rami!
A. Part one done up to 150
Part two done up to 150
B. Done
Set 1-2-3 200 lb
Set 4-5-6 210 lb
C. Failed on 55 lbs
D. 2+4 i still can’t butterfly cuz of my shoulder’s injury
Optional additional
A. Done ✅
B. Done ✅
C. Done ✅
A. Jerk balance: 65/80/95
Tall jerks: 65/75/80
B. Behind the neck jerks: (first time with these! ?)
Sets 1-3 @ 125
Sets 4-6 @ 132
C. 8 rep DB Z-press: built to 30# DBs
Only got 4 reps with 35#
Strength Accessories:
A. Death March and lunges w/ 35# DBs. These kill my forearms.
B. OH tricep ext. w/ red rogue band
Sup grip barbell row: 75/80/80 (nowhere near 60% of my 1RM deadlift)
C. 9 min EMOM – done; so fun!
D. 2+58 and 50m (sub strict L-sit muscle up)
A.95/115/135 Did all my tall jerks at 135 to focus on technique B. 1-3@255 4-6@275 ***I spent a long time trying to dial in my jerk footwork with an empty barbell and I think it helped a lot. I have a tendency to be a bit wide on my split. WZA qualifer #2 E2MOM until failure 8 bbjo 24″ 8 hang p. Snatch 115 8 thrusters 115 6+20 ***I learned that I need to pace out my first couple rounds and keep my heart rate down. My first round was done in 1:09 and I was already feeling fatigue setting… Read more »
I think this workout is all about being able to maintain 80-85% and understand facing and ability to keep your heartrate down.
Had to work all day, but ran a 5k. 21:45 would rather have been lifting heavy.
A. Felt like I haven’t done jerks in forever! Overall felt good today, hit % just fine. 140/150# B. Hit 35# for DB Z-press. Couldn’t quite get 8 with 40# DBs. 38# would be my 20% of c&j C. I did bench (tempo) from Wednesday since I was unable to hit. Got 110# with tempo and then 6 reps at max effort. Thought I would have been able to get more and didn’t realize I’d be that fatigued. Strength Accessory: 30/35/40s on Death March and Lunges. Felt good. Tricpe extension and rows (done at 95#) done Core work: Done Overall… Read more »
Good to see you taking the time to let your body recover after last weekend.
Wodapalooza Qualifier #1. 30 reps. Goal was to average 5 reps minute but fell short. Went 7,6,4,4 then could only maintain 3 for the last 3 minutes.
BTN jerks
Sets 1-3 @ 255#
Sets 4-6 @ 275#
Primary conditioning:
MU and PU unbroken for all rounds. Deadlifts 12-8.
Proving grounds comp-fun day of training on the beach
Nice work today dude!
Thanks for the tip on that chipper wod!
Loved the foot work drills, hit all my percentages ending at 245.
Used 53# KB’s for the Z Press, I could maybe do 60’s if we had them.
Death March and Lunges done with 50’s
Tricep EXT. with black band and only 155 for bent over rows (apparently these need lots of work)
primary conditioning: 3 RDS with 5 seconds to spare on the 20 Minite AMRAP, grip was blown up from death march and Lunges so my pull-ups took forever.
Running: held a 7:30 minute mile pace for just about all of them (judging by distance I ran)
Solid day of work Anthony!
D. 3 rounds. Just kind of paced through this one
A. Done
B. Done
Running endurance done
Full swang Monday. Will monitor shoulder. Starting to feel better getting worked on
Good to see your shoulder is feeling better.
Coached for 4 hours this morning, did wodapalooza workout one after. 21 reps. Body is feeling tired.
One session today.
Primary strength
A. Jerk balances 85-95-105
Tall jerk 65-65-75
B. Behind the neck jerk at 110lbs and then 115-120
C. 8RM z press 35 lbs DB, about 25% of max clean and jerk
Skipped conditioning, and did some light skill work towards rising muscle ups.. posted video on fb, advice appreciated!
Yesterday hit both WZA Workouts
28 reps
7 + 20
Felt off yesterday. I finally got my cyst drained in my wrist which I’m extremely happy about but my wrist feels kinda funny.
Behind the neck jerks
1-3 – 285
4-6 – 305
3 + 10
Good to see you got your wrist sorted and were able to hit the qualifiers hard!
Power Snatch Complex: 154-177lbs (kilos) These felt wonky. Felt like I hadn’t snatched in weeks. I did 2 extra sets of these because they finally started to feel smooth again and wanted to end on a good note. Tempo Snatch Deads: All at 225-225-245-245lbs. Backsquats: 265 up to 335 rx, then added in one more rep at 355lbs. Sets of 10 @ 275lbs. About 75% because it still felt good and smooth for 10, even though it was hard. PP20: 13 reps PC20: 9 GHD20: 10 Power Cleans were tiring on the grip by this point but the PP felt… Read more »
Just did running endurance today(3.4 miles total), just got power back last night, so didn’t get a whole lot of sleep this week. Going to rest up to be fresh for Monday.
Glad things are getting back to normal out your direction.
Limited time.
Every 2 for 12. Btn Jerks – no blocks
1-3 @ 265
4-5@ 285
6 @ 315×1 – failed the 2nd
3+9 Muscle ups – failed 1 ?
Try to run later.
A. Jerk balance 65/75/85
Tall jerk 65/75/85
B. BTN Jerk 3 sets @190, 3@200
C. Z press 35#, got 5@45# (don’t have 40)
D. Only did 2 rounds (11:05)
Recovery has been poor all week and my resting heart rate has been super high. Trying not to break myself.
Ab stuff done (slower than OTM)
Look after yourself Casey. Be smart and let your body rest and recover. The first week back to full training will always be tough.
Assault Bike from Monday. 15 Cals every 2:30 for 20:00 (8 Sets): 1:01, 1:05, :56, 1:08, :53, :54, :54, :55 – played a few different things each time to work on efficiency.
Mobility, Foam Roll, LAX ball, compex work later.