Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Wrist Stretch x 60 seconds
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Ankle Pulses x 10 reps per side
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 2 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 2 rep @ 75%
Rest one minute, and then . . .
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Front Squat
*Set 5-9 – 2 reps @ 80%
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Clean x 2 reps
(pause in the receiving position for 2-3 seconds)
Build in weight, but focus on speed.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Clean + Clean @ 70%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean High Pull + Clean @ 75%, 80%, 85%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean @ 85+%
Four sets of:
Row x 500 Meters
155/125 lbs Hang Squat Cleans x 8 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 4 minutes
Four sets of:
Row x 500 Meters
135/95 lbs Hang Squat Cleans x 8 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 4 minutes
Four sets of:
Row x 500 Meters
115/85 lbs Hang Squat Cleans x 8 reps
Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 4 minutes
Three sets of:
Hamstring Curls in Rings x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Front-Leaning Rest on Rings x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
A: 85-92.5-100-107.5 then 112.5kg
B: modified because of time…
3 x HC + C 90kg
Clean 100-105-110 then 130kg
Legs felt strong, back felt really good however I strained my right thumb and couldn’t hook grip without a bit of pain. i decided to use the hook grip at 130kg and got it on the third attempt. Very happy considering I haven’t made this weight for the last 3 years due to a few injuries and set backs.
DMA. Done
A. 185-195-225-225, 245]
B. TC 95-115-135
HC+C 175
CHP+C 195-205-215
C 215
C. 3:19-3:39-3:58-3:52
Broke last 2 rds of HSC. Just got tired!
D. Done
Mob done
A.110/120/130/135 then rest at 145
B. No clean work today
C. 3 sets only, and only 4 hang cleans at 115 per round 4:14/4:13/4:12
Knees could only do som much today and the cleans seemed very heavy
Dynamic Mobility & Activation: Done
A) front squat EMOM done with pre surgery %’s!!!! Felt ok on the knees: 195/210/230/245/260
B) skipped – still can’t do full cleans or snatches
C) only had time to complete 2 rounds – can’t do full cleans so stuck to power cleans which were obviously a lot faster – 3:10 & 3:11 for the 2 rounds I completed – then I had to coach…
Mobility done.
On vavacation in Kauai so did class at Kiluea CrossFit.
A. Before class- Front squats built to 255(80%), then sets of 2.
Warm up was row, single leg kb deadlifts and planking.
Then 5 sets hollow hold with PVC for 30 sec. Front then back.
Metcon was 10 min AMRAP of 10 #95 lunges, 20 lateral over bar and 10 ttb. 6 rounds total…
Cool down on assault bike and some stretching.
Hope you are having fun!!
So fun!! Thanks Nichole.
Mobility done.
A. Done. Up to 185
B. Done. Hit 95%, missed my 1RM at 205
C. 4:04/3:58/3:48/3:43 Sub 400 meter run, HSC at 125
DMA done.
A1. 115/125/135/145#.
A2. 155/160/165/165/165#.
B1. Skipped.
B2. 115#.
B3. 125/135/145#.
B4. 150/155/160#.
C. 3:40/3:47/3:35/3:50. Scaled HSC 115#.
D. Ran out of time.
Mobility done.
A – 180, 195, 210, 225 then 240 for last 5.
B1 – Tall cleans 115, 135, 135
B2 – 175
B3 – 185, 200, 215
B4 – 215, 225, 235
C – 3:30, 3:50, 3:49, 3:52 @155#. Cleans – ugh. Did singles. Next time I might try to cycle some of these, but they gassed me pretty good.
D – Hamstring curls cramped my left calf bad. Shut those down. Did FLR on rings.
Mob and Act Done
A. 210/225/245/265 then 280 5×2
B. Tall clean at 135/155/175
B2 @ 200
B3 – 215/230/245
B4 – 255/265/275
C – 3:56/4:05/4:05/4:01 stuck with singles on hang clean. Just looks for a consistent rhythm and pace to hold. Fun workout
D- done.
M&A Done
A. 135, 155,165,175,175,185,185,185
B. 65,85,105
B2. 135,145,145
B3. 155,165, 175
B4. 185F (tweaked wrist, last time it took me 12 months, this isn’t as bad) 135,135
C. 3:50, 4:10,4:38,4;33
D. Done
How is the wrist feeling today?
feels like a very minor sprain, no where near what I did before.
Message me so we can chat.
A: done
B: Finished with 305# – felt heavy, stopped there
C: 2:24/2:48/2:55/2:54
D: done
Didn’t post yesterday but finished up with 3 snatch at 235#.
Great times Brent. Happy to see you back on!
DM&A Done
105/110/120/140-big jump-Started to warm up with #35lb plates on the bar instead of #25. didn’t calculate right. Felt good though!
B. Tall cleans-90-100-110
B2. #110
B3. 115/125/130
B4. 135/140/145-Have not tried to hit 145 in awhile. A little sloppy but I got under it and got it-YAY!
C. Short on time…did 4 sets
Used #115
No single C2B-YAY!
Cut rest time to 1:30 then last set rested for a few and finished.
D. Skipped
M&A done
A1. 135-166#
A2. 180#
B. Skipped this as I’m resting my bicep from all pulling today
C. Did 500m row/6 front squats at 145#/15 GHD situps
D. Done….anybody else get severe cramps in the upper calves on the hamstring curls ? Ouch!
I did two before my left calf locked up completely and I was in so much pain I could barely breathe. Stopped. Rubbed it for about 10 minutes to loosen it up. It’s still sore 3 hours later. Bizarre.
Yeah, I actually asked Sam Dancer about that and he said it is pretty common to have calves, since they are posterior, cramp up doing things like curls or Glute Ham Raises.
Man that was some serious paralyzing type calf cramps! It was quite comical!
DM&A Done
A.- 200/215/235/255- 285×5 rounds
B.- Tall clean 115
Hang+ clean 185 x 3
Clean pull + clean 205/215/225
Clean 225 x 3
C.- 4:15-5:18-5:40-5:10 first time i did 10 ctb butterfly unbroken each round, hang clean took my breath away… I Need to improve in metcom wods….
D.- run out of time
Nice work on the c2b Angel!
Did the DM and A
A. bench press last sets at 235
B. skipped the clean since I snatched yesterday and dont want to irritate the knee
C. did 500m row/10 KBs/15 C2B
D. skipped D-
D Skipper!
I know my ABCs- but thats as far as my alphabet goes
You’re a simple man! ?
Dyn/Mob All work done
A1) 167,175,190,205
A2) 217
B1) 85
B2) 98
B3) 105,113,118
B4) cleans 120,133×2 fails, 133
C) 5:53,5:34:5:16 (had to cut the rest to 2 mins after the third round), 5:23
had to skip part D – I will make it up this week.. 🙁
Dma done
A. Worked up to last 4 sets at 265#
B.tall 175#
Hang + clean 205#
Pull+ clean 225#
Clean up to 265#. Pretty good day
D out of time
Nice work Jeff
Mobility done
A. 155/165/175/190/200
B1. 115/125/135
B2. 170/175/180
B3. 185/195/210
B4. 215/225/235
C. 4:31, 4:57, 5:12, 4:35 RX
D. No time today
Really pushed the knee today for the first time since I tweaked it. Felt good, but I’m gonna be sore tomorrow!
Rest up and assess how the knee feels tomorrow!
A) 190×2 5 sets
B)TC- 75 95 115
HC + C 125 3 sets
HP + C 135 145 155
Clean 155 165 170
C) 3:41 4:00 4:11 4:18
D) Done
Dynamic Mobility – done A. Front Squat – tried out Front Squats today – have had to substitute with Back Squats last couple of weeks. Happy to be able to do them! 120/130/140/150/160 (5-9) B. Tall Cleans – 65/75/85 Hang Clean + Clean – @ 131 lb. High Pull + Clean – 140, 150, 160 Clean – 165(f), 165, – Stopped after 2 lifts and worked on 1st pull at this weight for a couple of reps instead. C. Row, S. Cleans, Pull-ups – 5:32, 5:08, 5:11, 4:56 D. Hamstring Curls + Front Leaning rest – done! Calf was cramping… Read more »
Great work Barry, happy to see you Front Squatting again!