Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 60 seconds
Ankle Pulse x 15 reps per side
and then . . .
Followed by . . .
Finishing with. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Behind the Neck in Receiving Position x 2 reps
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Snatch x 2 reps
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep + 1 Overhead Squat
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + High Hang Snatch + Mid Thigh Snatch
Loads should be between 70-80%, build over the 8 sets. Halt at mid thigh.
Four sets of:
Assualt Bike x 30 seconds (Max Calories)
Farmers Carry x 60 seconds (70/53 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds, and then . . .
Three sets of
Assualt Bike x 60 seconds (Max Calories)
Farmers Carry x 60 seconds (70/53 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds, and then . . .
One set of:
Assualt Bike x 60 seconds (Max Calories)
*Looking for the sum of total Calories
Four sets of:
Assualt Bike x 30 seconds (Max Calories)
Farmers Carry x 60 seconds (53/35 lbs)
Three sets of
Assualt Bike x 60 seconds (Max Calories)
Farmers Carry x 60 seconds (53/35 lbs)
rest 60 seconds
One set of:
Assualt Bike x 60 seconds (Max Calories)
*Looking for the sum of total Calories
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Tate Press x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Barbell Overhead Stability Hold x 45 seconds
Rest as needed
A1) 30kg, 30kg, 30kg
A2) 40kg, 40kg, 40kg
A3) 60kg, 60kg, 70kg
A4) 75kg, 75kg (could have loaded more but focused on landing deep)
B) 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 65kg, 65kg, 65kg, 65kg, 65kg
C) 163 calores on rower
D1) 40lbs, 50lbs, 60lbs
D2) 60kg, 70kg, 70kg
Delayed entry:
did the work on 09/12
one , Love those foam roller plate hold, they hurt so good 🙂
A1). SP: 33 lbs,36 lbs, 43
2) TS: 43,63,68
3). SB+OHS: 63×2,73
4) SB: 153,×3
9/12 worK
Dyn/mob: Done
A) F/S: 135 lbsx 2rps,165x2rps,180x2rps,185x2rps, 195x2rps, 200x1x1 fail 🙁
A1. 45#
A2. 45/65/75
A3. 135/165/185
A4. 195/205
B. 145/145/145/155/155/155/165/165
C. 197 cals on AD
D. 35# tate press / 135/165/185 bb oh stability hold
Did on Tuesday…
A1. 45/55/65#
A2. 65/65/70#
A3. 85/95/105#
A4. 115/115/120/120#
B. 95/95/105/105/115/115/120/120#
C. :30 sec bike 12/11/11/10 :60 sec FC 55# no rest between sets. :60 rest after 4 sets.
:60 sec bike 19/16/15 :60 sec FC 55# got spicy. :60 rest after 3 sets.
:60 sec bike 18.
Total Cal: 112
More ART treatment on shoulders this morning. Slowly feeling better. Going to try cryotherapy this week too. Heard good things and I found a local chiro in the area that has it. Should be interesting. A&B – Skipped but did BTN Jerks singles with snatch grip. Got up to 205 before form started to breakdown. Felt good. Then did 5 sets of 50 UB DUs working on increasing speed (also got a new rope). Got it down to 27 seconds from around 29. Working on keeping arms and grip relaxed and loose and spinning more through the wrist. C –… Read more »
B: 85kg
C: 182: AB no rest on sets.
Nice work Brent!
A1. 76/85/95
A2. 75/85/95
A3. 125/135/145
A4. 155/165
B. 115/115/120/120/125/125/130/130
C. 140 calories. Sub rower
D. Done Tate press @30#
Bb oh hold @165 for 30 sec
Snatch Press – 65; 75; 95
Tall Snatch- 95; 115; 125
Snatch Balance + OHS- 165; 175; 185
Snatch Balance- 205; 215
B: Thumb is still a bit swollen and painful to hold the hook grip so used straps.
Snatch Complex – 145; 150; 155; 160; 165; 165; 170; 175(m) – pushed percentages the last 2 rds.
C: 128 Total Cals- Think my grip was crushed more than anything!
1: 48 kcal
2: 59 kcal
3: 21 kcal
Now back to packing and moving. A week or fun! NOT!
Where are you moving?
Nice work on your snatches today, especially with your thumb!
Getting stationed at Fort Belvoir in Alexandria VA . Only 50 miles south, but with traffic in the D.C. area it can take up to 2+ hrs. Decided to move down there instead of spending half the day in the car.
Makes sense!! Hope you have a good move!
Pm session:
C: 162 cals
Did 4 sets consecutive with no rest, then rested 60. Into 3 consecutive sets, rest 60 and finally 60 seconds of work.
D1: 25#
D2: 105#
Great work Pierre!
Just wow on the Kcal man.
Thanks Michael! I was doing it next do a buddy of mine and was beating him by 3 cals going into the last minute of max cals. It was like being in a scrap, we were both dying and grunting and plowing through as best we could. In the end he bested me by 2 cals! Ugh. Those farmers carries also just killed my forearms!
A.1 15kg A.2 415kg A.3 35/40/42kg A.4 45/47kg B. 42/42/44/44/46/46/46/46kg Skipped C to do another online qualifier workout AMRAP 11 min 63 DU 21 Thrusters @65 21 Pullups 45 DU 15 Thrusters 15 CTB Pullups 63 DU 21 Thrusters 6 of 21 BMU Wish I was good at BMU! Ran out of time before coaching, flirted with the idea of doing C, but I have a competition on Saturday and should probably not go too crazy this week, did some accessory work instead. 5X5 seated box jumps @25″ 4 rounds of: 1 min ring plank Rest 1 min 1 min… Read more »
Which online qualifier are you doing?
It’s the Atlas Project in Montreal.
A1) 55, 65, 70lbs
A2) 35, 45, 55
A3)100, 105, 110
A4) 115 (missed), 115 success
B) 95,95,95,95,100,100,105,110
C) 13/10/10/9 no rest between sets
12/11/11 no rest between sets
16 on last go
Total calories 92
DM&A done. Really great today.
A1 – 30-35-38
A2 – 30-30-34
A3 – 40-45-50
A4 – 55-60
B1 – 43-43-45-45-45-45-50-50
I’m pretty happy with today snatch session and think I made progress. I will send some videos on FB.
C1 – 19-18-17-17
C2 – 22-22-21
C3 – 24
Hardest part for me was take KB for farmers carry after AD…I need air but it is hard
to breathe with 2×32 kg in arms 🙂
D did day 13 of Ty Rost challenge (7-6-5-5-4)
Great to hear Simon!!
And yes, that is the challenge but so good to learn how to go from max effort on the AB into something else!
Dynamic Done – really helped today
A1. bar only
A2. 95
A3. 115/155/175
A4. 135/155/155 – after the 175 had nothing left
B. 115/125/125/135/135/135/130/130 – shoulders were done today
C. no bike so used a rower – total kcal – 113
D. 65 lbs. DB/ 115 lbs. OH
DMA – done
A1 – 45 – 50 – 55 (+5 lb.)
A2 – 35 – 45 -55
A3 – 115 – 125 – 135 (+5 lb.)
A4 – 140 – 145 – 150 (PR – 15lb.)
B. – 95 – 95 – 95 – 100 – 100 – 105 – 105 (mid thigh have improved over past weeks)
C. 28 cal (no rest between sets, only after last one) 75 cal (again no rest until 3 sets completed) 94 total. Forearms were burning pretty good on these.
D. DTP – 20/25/25
BBOSH – 85 – 95 -95
Fantastic Barry! Great job on your PR!
A. and B. No equipment
Core (50% from SAT program):
– 10 tuck-ups,
– 20 v-ups,
– 50 shoulder-taps,
– 20 v-ups and
– 10 tuck-ups.
C1. 4 rounds of:
– 10 burpees and
– 200m shuttle-run.
6:32 Min
C2. 3 rounds of:
– 20 burpees and
– 200m shuttle-run.
7:45 Min.
C3. 60 sec. max burpees:
20 burpees
D. No equipment
Great adaptation of the workout!
DM&A done + Crossover Symmetry
A1. 75# x 3
A2. 115# across the board
A3. 135# across the board
A4. 140# across the board
A5. My own thing. EMOM 10 Bear Complex — 75# up to 160#
B. 105#, 115#, 125#, 130#, 135# x 2, 140# x 2 (struggle with the mid thigh!)
C. 4 sets–I read as no rest between sets. 18/17/15/12
then :60 rest
3 sets–again no rest between sets. 24/20/18
then :60 rest
28 cals
Total of 152. Ouch. Hope to find the ability to breathe normally again soon.
This mobility round was great! First time doing any of the full wod’s, new to Invictus. Is it crazy that I actualy liked the Ab and FC round?
A1 – 75, 85, 95 x3
A2 – 95,105, 115
A3 – 135, 155, 165
A4 – 165, 165
B. 115, 125, 135, 135, 145, 145,155F, 155, 155
C. 141 Cal. used 50 lb. dumbbell (don’t have kettle bells, yet!)
D. 20/25/30lb dumbbells – 95lbs barbell
Welcome Eric and it isn’t crazy at all! I love the AB and FC!
Not doing this until tomorrow, but not 100% clear on C. Is there any rest within the sets? As I read it, it’s AB/FC x4, THEN 60 secs rest before the next set of AB/FC x3 etc. In other words, there’s no rest after EACH FC, right?
Hi, that is how I understood it also, I used 1:30 rather than 1m
A1. 65/75/85
A2. 95/105/105
A3. 155/165/175
A4. 185/185
B. 135/155/165/175f/165/165/165/165
Stayed conservative on everything today. Had a good massage, some dry needling and an adjustment done on my back. Will try to hit C and D later.
Mobility: done
A1: 45lb, 65, 65, sot press
A2: 7 sets 3x OHS 3211 in 90secs up to 155 (still minimizing impact on my toe)
B: every 90sec, halting snatch deadlift
C: 122, w/ 53lb kb (heaviest I have). This really hurt.
D: done. 20lb Db, 35lb bar w/ two 35lb kb on green bands.