Make sure you spend 5-10 minutes performing calf mobility per the new video this week.We will start a new cycle Oct 2nd after a transition week at the end of this current cycle.
Please continue to post your results so we can track your progress.
If you have any questions please post them to blog/comments.
Post your videos to social media using #InvictusEndurance
Warm-Up (This should only take 15-20 minutes)
Calf Mobility
Two laps around the track (if you don’t have a track available than an easy jog for 5 minutes)
Folllowed by…
Two sets of:
Perfect Stretch x 10 meters
Lateral Lunges x 10 meters
Tuck Jumps x 10 reps
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Change of Support (Posture) Drill: Back Against the Wall
Charlie’s Angels Drills
Jump Rope Drill
Followed by…
Use a Metronome for this portion
100 Meter Sprint at 60%
Rest 45 seconds
100 Meter Sprint @ 70%
Rest 45 seconds
100 Meter Sprint @ 80%
Rest 45 seconds
100 Meter Sprint at 90%
5 Minute Jog
15 Minutes of Static Stretching
Session One
VO2 Max
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Rest the remainder of the time
Compare this to week 1 of this cycle (July 3rd week)
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Rest the remainder of the time
Compare this to the week of July 3rd, 2017
Session Two
Aerobic Threshold
60 Minute Run
No pace here – just go out and run. This is your taper week, so at this point all your training is done.
Session Three
Lactate Threshold
Three sets of:
8 Minute Run
2 Minute Jog
This should be done at your race pace
Four sets of:
8 Minute Run
2 Minute Jog
This should be done at your race pace
Lactate Threshold
Three sets of:
8 Minute Run
2 Minute Jog
This should be done at your race pace
Sets done at avg pace of 4:30 / 4:50 / 5:18
All sets quicker then race pace of my 5k benchmark… so happy with that. Times are getting slower, however i know i could have kept a 5:00 across but my training partner that day pushed me on first to sets which felt bad at the time, but looking at the times i am very happy with it.
Will do the 400m repeat from July this week.
Always nice to have a training partner that pushes you. I always run faster when I run with people that are faster than me….
Session One
VO2 Max
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters – 2:07.9
Run 400 Meters – 1:58.4
Run 400 Meters – 2:06.4
Run 400 Meters – 1:59.0
Run 400 Meters – 1:54.5
Run 400 Meters – 1:52.2
Rest the remainder of the time
Compare this to the week of July 3rd, 2017
@disqus_KVAPdHwYnN:disqus – how did it feel?
You started off slow…I think you could have kept them all around the 1:50 mark.
The fact that you got faster means you weren’t pushing hard enough at the beginning and it shows with the 2:07 and 2:06 – i think you can run faster than you give yourself credit for.
Yes, sir. I did need to catch my breath after every set, but the fact that I felt I was fresh when starting the next 400m, it shows that maybe I over paced/thought it a bit too much.
yeah that’s typical. Start to push yourself.
Taking a week off for my newborn, boys. Will come back strong for the last week of this cycle. And most likely I will stick around for the future because I simply love this programming. Train hard.
Awesome @disqus_KVAPdHwYnN:disqus – enjoy your family!
Question on the VO2 max, is this supposed to be max out effort?
Look forward to finally train/run properly this week!
@Patrick Donsbach:disqus – consistency is key, these should probably be done around 90% effort. If you go all out, there’s no way you can recover for the remainder of the intervals. Did you do this workout back in week 1? It will be good to compare the times.
Totally didn’t spot the comment about July – sorry. Yeah do remember doing it and will take feedback from back in July into account!
Btw. what will the next endurance cycle focus on?
@Patrick Donsbach:disqus – next cycle is going to be for 15k, so keeping with longer distances for the off season and super easy to customize if someone is running a 1/2 marathon as well.
Thanks… IFor overall improvement of the engine, I think you recommend focusing on the lactate and V02 ones – correct?
How dod you plant to measure improvement @Patrick Donsbach:disqus
What are you using as your benchmarks?
I will try to keep a long story short. 🙂 Last year i was running across full year around 50km as total, this year i am already done this within the last three month. Besides those numbers i did get my ass handed over to me on a competition this year which upset me. Worse wod was a mile on the thorax trainier (similar to ski erg), followed by doubleunders, burpee box jump overs (here i literally died) and a 1k run. After this one, friends and me started joking/trashtalking but still came to the conclusion, i might just work… Read more »
@patrick oconnell@Patrick Donsbach:disqus – sounds like you did pick a couple of wods to use as benchmarks? which ones?
I have a few in mind…
Have you done a mile time trial or a 5k?
@disqus_XufQwta9Vz:disqus havent finally decided to be honest – was only sure about the logic i would like to apply… I think i will regret this, but which ones would you use 🙂 5k i´ve done the last time in week one of hour cycle here – on this one i will for sure do a re-test. Also the 400m repeats was a sucess, week one i did 4 intervalls with times between 1:30 1:33 1:38 and 1:43 (not in that order) Yesterday i’ve done 5 intervalls with 1:34 – felt to easy so decided to aim for 1:30 and below… Read more »
@Patrick Donsbach:disqus – those are great improvements on your 400 meters. Keep it up!!!