Search Results for: travis ewart

Wall Slides – A Fantastic Exercise

Video by Travis Ewart Wall Slides are a great shoulder mobility check to see where an athlete’s range of motion starts breaking down to improper form; it is also a fantastic exercise when applied to a rep scheme. Though the movement itself is relatively simple, it can become very…

No Equipment Needed: Hamstring Prep for Gymnastics Day

Video by Travis Ewart You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to properly warm-up but you DO need to warm-up! We love these two hamstring stretches on gymnastics day or when toes to bar makes an appearance in your workout. Many people don’t consider that movements…

Midline Madness: Supine GHD Hold

Video by Travis Ewart Have planking and hollow holds become too “easy” for you? Looking for a fun new challenge? Working toward a lever? Need an idea for ab supplemental work? If you answered yes to any of these questions then Supine GHD Holds are for you! If you have…

Muscle-Up Transition Drills

Videos by Travis Ewart Are you working on getting your first muscle-up? Don’t know what to do when muscle-ups come up in your gymnastics skill session? Trying to perfect your muscle-up technique? If you answered yes to any of these questions then these drills are for you! Just like anything else in…

Midline Madness: The Dragon Flag

Video by Travis Ewart Invictus Athlete Gymnastics coach, Travis Ewart, demonstrates three versions of a Dragon Flag core exercise. The first of the three exercises (the most difficult) utilizes a straight body position on the decent. The second demonstration utilizes a straight leg and a bent knee which is quite…
female athlete at the top of a rope climb

Master the Basics of Rope Climbs with These 4 Drills

Videos by Travis Ewart Whether you’ve spent many-a-workout on the ropes or are a beginning rope climber, mastering the basics is essential to keeping you efficient and avoiding unnecessary fatigue during workouts. Basic Rope Climb Drills Try out these four drills to make sure you…

Handstand Push-Up Scaling Options

Video by Travis Ewart Invictus Athlete Gymnastics coach Travis Ewart discusses and demonstrates five different ways to scale a handstand push-up so no matter where you are in your journey, you’ll find the right place to start in order to reach your ultimate goal of either getting your first handstand push-up…

Kill Two Birds with One Stone with this Calf + Hamstring Stretch

Video by Travis Ewart Invictus Athlete Gymnastics coach, Travis Ewart, describes and demonstrates a Calf and Hamstring Combo Stretch using a plyo box and a 25# bumper plate. Also Check Out… Upper Anterior Chain Opener: The Banded Scarecrow Wall Slides – A Fantastic…

How to Tape for the False Grip

Video by Travis Ewart Invictus Athlete Gymnastics coach, Travis Ewart, discusses and demonstrates how to tape the wrist for false grip work to protect the wrists from wear and tear so that you can complete your workout pain-free! Also Check Out… Common Handstand Problems How Can I Strengthen…

Choosing a Strap Length to Make the Most of Muscle-Ups

Written by Travis Ewart Strap length really does make a difference in the performance of ring swings, thus the muscle-up. Use this as a general guide to take into consideration at your gym to make the most out of you efforts on rings. Bear in…

Tips for Deadlift Cycling & Hand Placement While Upside-Down in 18.4

Deadlift Technique for Fast and Light Cycling Video by Hunter Britt In this video, Invictus Athlete Coach, Hunter Britt, demonstrates and discusses the proper set-up, finish and hip movement for deadlift cycling as well as positions to avoid so that you remain strong and protect your spine. If you are interested in the next 8-Week…

Ring Rows & Scapular Retraction

Ring Rows & Scapular Retraction Video by Aush Chatman Don’t be confused – scapular retraction and arching (overextension) of the spine are two different things. In the ring row, we are looking for scapular retraction while holding a hollow body position. Check out this video for examples of both and how to properly execute ring…

Handstand Work – From the Ground Up!

Video by Travis Ewart Learning a handstand can be a long process, though well worth all the effort! On the surface it seems like all you need to do is get upside-down just right, and “voila!” you now know how to do all things inverted. Unfortunately this is…
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