Search Results for: travis ewart

The Difference A Year Makes – Recap of 15.3 Re-Test

Written by Hunter Britt Last week we gave everyone a chance to tackle event 15.3 from last year’s CrossFit Games Open. This is an event we think is likely to come back in 2016, so we were extremely excited to see countless PR’s coming in.…
A male athlete presents to sleep in a pile of medicine balls.

How to Become a Wall Baller in 3 Simple Steps

Written by Kaitlyn Kassis The keys to becoming a baller at wall balls – a Wall Baller – is 1) to be able to identify the common faults in the movement and whether you are falling victim to any of them; and then 2) know…

Evolving with the Sport – Invictus Athlete

Evolving with the Sport…Introducing Invictus Athlete Written by C.J. Martin The evolution of the sport of fitness since 2007 is staggering. At the 2007 CrossFit Games, there were a handful of fitness coaches, several police officers and firefighters, and at least one bald lawyer. Nearly all of us who participated there had to request time…

Common Handstand Problems

Video by Travis Ewart   Got handstand problems? Coach Travis and Invictus Athlete Heather Hippensteel cover some of the most prevalent problems CrossFitters exhibit in their handstand performances.

Learning from a Bar Muscle-Up Attempt

Video Analysis by Travis Ewart Recently a member of the Invictus Gymnastics Program posted a video of her bar muscle-up attempt in the Invictus Gymnastics Facebook Group to receive feedback from Coach Travis Ewart. One of the benefits of the program is that Travis takes a lot of time…

CrossFit Games Open 21.3 & 21.4 – Strategy & Tips

CrossFit Games Open 21.3 & 21.4 – Strategy & Tips Videos by the Invictus Athlete Team The 2021 Open is in full effect and this is the place to get all the strategy and tips you need to perform your best this season! Each week, our team of expert coaches will provide both written and…

Pro Tips: Bar Set-Up for Bar Muscle-Ups

Written by Travis Ewart It is extremely important for the sake of your health and confidence that you know you are using safe and predictable equipment so you can focus on your Bar Muscle-Ups with all of your attention. How to Set Up Your Bar for Bar Muscle-Ups…

The Problem with Sit-Ups – A Gymnast’s Perspective

Written by Travis Ewart I had someone in my gymnastics group asking about sit-ups, lower back health, and ab strength. I can’t say that I have the best answer, as unfortunately I think this is a fairly complicated issue and I would probably advise anybody who is…

Invictus Coaches Panel Q&A Recap

Ever looked at a workout and thought “Why on earth are we doing this?” Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at Invictus HQ when developing our programming and coaching? We got our Invictus Athlete specialty coaches on a Zoom call last week and let you ask them these things!  There were a ton…

Ring Straps: Long vs Short

Video by Travis Ewart Strap length really does make a difference in the performance of ring swings, thus the muscle-up. Use this as a general guide to take into consideration at your gym to make the most out of your efforts on rings. Bear in mind that an athlete’s proportions…

Why Gymnasts Use the Hollow Body Position

Video by Travis Ewart The key position that needs to be established for most gymnastics movements is called ‘The Hollow Body Position’. In this video, Invictus Gymnastics Coach, Travis Ewart, discusses the hollow body shape and how it works in regards to artistic gymnastics as well as how…

Strict Muscle-Up Progressions: Good ‘Cheats’ & ‘Negatives’

Strict Muscle-Up Progressions: Good ‘Cheats’ & ‘Negatives’ Video by Travis Ewart The ability to execute a strict muscle-up is by no means a simple task. It requires flexibility as well as a great amount of strength in both your ability to pull and your ability to press out of a very deep ring dip. It…

How to Safely Cartwheel Dismount from a Handstand

Video by Travis Ewart Are you afraid to work on your freestanding handstands or handstand walking because you aren’t confident with safely getting your feet back to the floor? Or maybe you’ve crashed and rolled a few times and are looking for an alternative dismount. You are…

Handstand Walking Tips for Competition

Video by Ricky Moore Handstand walking is already hard enough for most people without having it thrown into a workout for time. Here are some tips to keep you moving forward instead of falling all over the floor in 20.3. Tips for Handstand Walking Head position for Handstand Walking Don’t…
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