Search Results for: inv

A Huge PR in NYC: Rebecca Boudreaux

Written by Kim McLaughlin If you haven’t met Rebecca yet, you need to. She’s a 6:00 am-er with an infectious smile and a persistently positive attitude. She joined the Invictus community less than a year ago and she’s just an amazing person. She recently returned from New York…

Ricky Moore

Ricky is a CrossFit Level 2 Certified Coach and has participated in a number of other CrossFit seminar courses. He specializes in coaching gymnastics, Olympic lifting and competitive athletes. He, himself, has spent a majority of his life competing in a variety of sports – collegiate wrestler; Gymnastics Specialist for the Phoenix Rise Grid Team;…
Tracking your food and calories

Tired Of Tracking Your Food? Try This Instead

Written by Kim McLaughin  Tired of tracking your food? Tracking your macros, or calorie counting, is a widely used method for nutrition accountability and guidelines. Apps and trackers might make life a bit easier, but tracking burnout is real. If tracking your food causes you a major…

Paleo Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Sam O’Neill

Interview by Lindsey Johnson If we were giving out awards like a high school yearbook, “Miss Consistency” would probably be the superlative I’d give to Invictus Member Sam O’Neill. You can pretty much set your watch by Sam; she’s always here by 3:45 p.m. for the 4:00…

Aush Chatman

Aush fell in love with CrossFit back in 2005, and quickly realized the potency of the burgeoning program. He holds numerous CrossFit Certifications and, in addition, is one of an exclusive few inaugural Gymnastic Bodies trainees under renowned Coach Chris Sommer. His love for CrossFit culminated in his ownership of the affiliate CrossFit San Diego.…

How to Attack Travel Workouts with Very Little Equipment

Video by Tino Marini & CJ Martin You don’t need very much time or equipment to workout while traveling. In this video, Coaches Tino and CJ give you some examples of how to attack workouts with whatever equipment you have available in your hotel’s gym –…
Applying ice to an injury

It’s Time To Move On From R.I.C.E.

Written by Elmer Vazquez Aches, pains, and injuries happen at the gym (albeit far less often than most other activities, including running)1,2,3.  What Is R.I.C.E? When injuries happen, many coaches/trainers/healthcare professionals still recommend the old R.I.C.E protocol to their athletes. That is Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.  A Better…

Mike V. – Another Success Story

  Written by C.J. Martin Mike V. didn’t wait for the Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good Challenge.  If he did, he would have to be considered a heavy favorite.  Mike came to Invictus with a bit of weight to lose.  He wasn’t overweight, but he knew he was…

12-Minute Mobility for Hip Hinge Day

Video by Nick Hawkes Coach Nick goes through a full body warm up specifically for a training session with hinging movements (deadlifts, kettlebell swings, etc.) that take into consideration not just the muscles involved, but also the joints and the way you breathe into the stretch. If you put…
Invictus Masters athlete about to take on a workout

Invictus Masters New Cycle: Mastering The Basics

Written by Nichole Kribs Mastering The Basics The Invictus Masters Program is kicking off its last cycle of 2024, Master’s Mastering the Basics, starting on October 28th. This cycle will focus on improving mobility and gymnastics. This cycle will take you through the new year with strategically designed…

On a Quest for Nutrition Knowledge: Curt Lewis

Interview by Invictus Intern Trine Petersen Invictus member Curt Lewis was a first time participant in our 2014 Fall “Look Good, Feel Good” Challenge. He was having motivational issues getting to the gym and needed accountability and goals to work towards – which, in his case, were…

Nick Hawkes

is one of only a handful of people who has earned the title of CrossFit Level 4 Certified Coach, and has been actively involved in CrossFit since 2005. Nick holds numerous specialty certifications, including participating in the Optimal Performance Training CCP (now OPEX) coaching curriculum, as well as FRC (Functional Range Conditioning). Nick was one…

Join Us for “Saved by the Barbell” on Saturday, September 1st!

As kids get sicker with chronic diseases, school districts cut recess and P.E. budgets, cafeteria food and school vending machines encourage the worst possible nutrition habits, and a sedentary life spent indoors on the couch becomes the norm for kids of all ages, it’s hard not to get discouraged about the future of health and…
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