Search Results for: inv

Midline Madness: Supine GHD Hold

Video by Travis Ewart Have planking and hollow holds become too “easy” for you? Looking for a fun new challenge? Working toward a lever? Need an idea for ab supplemental work? If you answered yes to any of these questions then Supine GHD Holds are for you! If you have…
Sam Dancer slangin a barbell in the Invictus Total Strength program

Introducing Invictus Total Strength

Get ready to meet the newest online program from Invictus that is here to get you freakin’ strong: Invictus Total Strength Invictus Total Strength is designed specifically to push your limits and elevate your performance in the big three: Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. Whether you’re a…


Increase your work capacity and become a machine.

Michele Vieux

Michele is the Content Editor for Invictus Fitness but has worn many hats over the years and is one of the company’s original coaches. She has been in the coaching field since 2007, and has worked with all types of individuals in that time. That coaching experience, along with her background in journalism and writing,…

2 Simple Drills to Relieve Your AC Joint Impingement

Videos by Michele Vieux Many-a-CrossFitter has experienced that pinchy pain in the top of the shoulder joint – the AC joint – between the deltoid and the collar bone while snatching, pressing and hanging from a bar or rings. And many times, it is enough pain…


What Does It Mean To Be Powered By Invictus?WODify Sign-UpWhat Does It Mean To Be Powered By Invictus?SugarWOD Sign-Up Previous slide Next slide How does it work? Invictus has been providing health and fitness coaching excellence and programming for over 15 years. With the launch of the Invictus Programming, gym owners can now purchase…


Fuel your goals with our recipe for success.

David and Sabrina: The Father-Daughter Duo

Written by Kim McLaughlin If you have not been to our 6:00 a.m. class at Point Loma, you probably haven’t had the pleasure of meeting the best father-daughter duo out there. David and Sabrina Silva are part of our early bird crew and even though they have only been…

Nichole Kribs

Nichole holds a number of CrossFit coaching certifications, including participating in the OPT CCP Certification Program (now OPEX). She has been a part of the CrossFit community since it’s beginning and has years of experience working with a wide variety of individuals. After earning her B.S. in Health Studies: Physical Activity & Exercise at Portland…

Watch That Self-Talk

Written by Invictus Member Jay Morrison We all know how important our head-game is to our success as athletes. A huge component of building mental fitness is awareness of, and control over, our self-talk. Self-talk is our automatic thoughts, our running inner dialogue about ourselves, the world, and other people. Sometimes our…

Affiliate Next

What Does It Mean To Be Powered By Invictus?Learn More How does it work? Invictus has been providing health and fitness coaching excellence and programming for over 15 years. With the launch of the Invictus Affiliate Programming, gym owners can now purchase Invictus programming for their gym, to bring that same level of excellence to…
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