Snatch Technique Warm-Up
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 95/65 lbs
*Set 3 – 95/65 lbs
Five sets of:
3-Position Snatch @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
(high hang, mid-thigh, floor)
Rest as needed
Loading is not the primary goal – feeling positions should be your priority.
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
followed by…
One set of:
Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 85%
(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top, the set is over)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
21 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
15 Power Snatches (95/65 lbs)
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
Three sets of:
Strict Toes-to-Bar x 10 reps @ 2020
Rest 30-45 seconds
Side Plank x 45 seconds each side
Rest 30-45 seconds
Ab-Wheel Rollouts x 6 reps
(slow and controlled…the slower, the better)
Rest as needed
C. 4+21
A) @85kg across
B)120/135/145/152,5/162,5 kg
5 reps @ 152,5kg
c)4+13 Rx (wb unbroken, didnt push the PS enough)
d) done
I come back ?
Warm up done.
A. 70kg ?
B. Built up to 140kg (easy)
Warmup up done
A. 140# shoulder is feeling noticeably better, less discomfort on the catch
Felt better the warmer I got, so kept going and did a set every two min for 20
B1. 225 255 275 295 315
B2. 5@290
C. 3+23 in 14 minutes
Then did a little more, 5 total rounds in 23:54
D. 15 vups / :60 plank / 10 rollout
Great workout thanks!
A. 125#
B. 195,225, 240, 255, 275 (didnt get to do the max set)
C. 4 rnds + 21 wb (subbed 12 burpees for bfb)
D. done
Slow today, did beach workout with Herzog yesterday maybe that was it? 😉
A) up to 170
B) up to 275
5 reps
C) stopped after 2+30 rx
*didnt feel well
D) Done
Warm up ✔
A.) 1RM is 150
70% 105 (first 3sets)
75% 115 (last 2)
My hands were on fire. So sensitive.
B.) 1RM is 245
65% 160
75% 185
80% 200
85% 210
90% 220
Max: 2 squats ? I didn’t push myself.
C.) 14m AMRAP
21 WBS
15 DB snatches 35#
I changed to DB because my hands are so sensitive.
4 rounds + 5 burpees .
D.) Ran out of time. I got this new job and I leave earlier now.
Warm-up: done
A) 41kg
B) 75/86/92/97/103kg; 7 reps @97kg
C) 3 + 21 (35kg Barbell)
D) done
A) up to 215
B) 365, dropped to 345 and only did 3 because I didn’t feel it today.
C) 4 +11 (started on snatches)
A. 105/115/115/115/115
B. 175/215/225/230/245
No time to do the max reps.
C. Done 4 rounds.
Wasn’t a good night for me. Felt super sluggish in all movements from the snatches to the AMRAP; but especially in the workout – just tried to keep moving. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
D. Done
A) 95, 105, 115; Focused on keeping lats tight then driving my legs through the floor while keep core tight then catching the bar a lil bit above/behind my head.
B) 190, 225, 245, 255, 265; 1 rep @ 245
4+15; 20lb WB
WB: sets of 10s to 2s (all over the place) — focused on driving legs through the floor and keeping core tight
PW: singles
A. 85, 95, 95, 100, 195
B. 160, 180, 195, 210, 220 and then 210×3
C. Subbed 12 regular burpees due to class size. 4+2 Rx
D. Done
A: 185/195×2/205/215. Hang was good, from floor was usually ok
B: 245/305/325/345/365
C: 12 normal burpees instead. 4+21wb. Wb ub, snatches mostly 3s, some singles
A. 75lbs
B. 120/140/150/157/166 then 4 reps at 157
C. Helen, 11:33 Rx
A) 58kg
B) 91/105/112/119/126kg
Max unbroken: 6
C) 3+ 22 Rx
D) Done
A) up to 199
B) up to: 379
Reps at: 359×3
C) 3 rounds
Going to take some time off, I’ll be doing the metcons, training but working light while I figure out what’s up with my hip.
Warm-up done. Left shoulder has a it of a twinge today.
A. Going to stay light today because of left shoulder. I’ll see how it feels as I go.
Left shoulder felt a bit sore today going overhead.
B. 120/140/150/160/170Kg
C. 5+24. Felt good and smooth. Was shooting for 6+ sets. Was taking too much time in transition.
D. Done
Shoulder started out a bit sore but got better towards the end. The METCON was good for the shoulder and it felt strong throughout.
Therapy through movement 🙂
Crushed the conditioning!
A) 80#
B) 125/145/155/165/175
Max unbroken @ 85%: 7
C) Skipped, did a different WOD
D) Done
A) 145#
B) 250/290/310/325/345
Max unbroken @ 85%: 6
C) 3+40 RX
D) Done
A. Done
C. 3+46 rx
D. Done