Primary Weightlifting Session
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
*Sets 1-2 = 3 reps @ 60%
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Sets 7-8 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Sets 9-10 = 1 rep @ 95%
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk
*Sets 1-2 = 3 reps @ 60%
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Sets 7-8 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Sets 9-10 = 1 rep @ 95%
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Front Squat x 2 reps @ 100% of 1-RM CLEAN
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
30 Toes to Bar
30 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Four sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
2 Legless Rope Climbs
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 4″/2″ Deficit
15 Ring Dips
Rest 2 minutes
WODapalooza Notes – If you’re performing the WZA qualifiers this week, we suggest tackling Workout 7 on Friday, and Workout 6 on Saturday.
For workout 7, you need to maintain focus and discipline to push through the discomfort. Athletes will need to determine their 1000 meter row pace by how comfortable and confident they are with muscle-ups. If you are confident in your ability to rip out 15/12 unbroken muscle-ups, push the row as hard as you can while still maintaining your ability to keep the muscle-ups unbroken. All athletes hoping to qualify MUST complete the thrusters unbroken.
A. 7:36
B. 4ish per round.
oly sesh
a.terrible snatch day
3×2 75kg, 2×2 85kg, 2×1 95kg, 1x 102.5*f, 1×102.5, 1×107.5kg*F then called it
b. C&J 2×3 80kg, 2×2, 95kg, 2×1 110kg, 2×1 115kg, 2×1 120kg
c. FS 4X2 127.5, 1RM C&J 135kg
cond sesh
a. 7:24 rxd, UB ohs
b. 4:12, 4:11, 4:32, 4:58 rxd
Cam back late night for a optional 3rd Session
A. Alternate with a partner;
-5 rounds each- 500M row
B. 3 Sets;
-30 UB Wall Balls (40)
-30 UB Wall Balls (30)
-30 UB Wall Balls (20)
–each set took just over 1 minute, rested until the next minute
First session: Snatches I’m still keeping the weights lower to work on some things but went to 190 and felt pretty solid considering I spent 4 hours in a car and didn’t eat or sleep well yesterday thanks to the mandatory evacuation cause of Hurricane Matthew. Clean and jerks were the same only worked up to 270. Felt pretty solid on the cleans. No legs for the jerks. Still happy to hit that weight all things considered! Session 2. Took 10:15 for the first workout. Really put some work in on those bikes and ohs only took 3 sets. Overhead… Read more »
Awesome perspective to have. Love you are able to take a step back and look at training as a whole. It will undoubtedly help progress. Great work!
Session 1
Wodapalooza wod 7
7:25, went UB on the thrusters, which is where I usually screw up mentally. Three sets on MU which I wasn’t thrilled about, but I didn’t want to risk a fail. So that could have been better.
Session 2
Snatches got everything up to the last rep at 90% (170)
Missed both attempts at 95% (210)… just didn’t have much leg drive this afternoon 🙁
Session 2:
Wod 7:
Wod 6:
*first comp and now I know what I need to work on but fun experience for sure.
Both workouts in the same day? I would have waited until Saturday to do workout 6
Yeah tomorrow is my bday so gf is taking me somewhere so I had to get both done today
Just did the lifting for today, shoulders were still wrecked from those dips the other day so I figured I’d go somewhat easy on them today
Primary lifting:
A. Snatches 70/70/80/80/90/90/105/105/110/110# finally able to hit 110 again!!!
B. Clean and jerks
C. Front squat 135#
Everything felt so good today! I got muscle balancing done a few days ago and I’ve noticed a huge difference in everything I’ve been doing
Only one session today (upper body still shot from Wednesday)
A) 80/80/95/95/105/105/115/115f/110/110
Snatch still feeling off
B) 100/100/120/120/135/135/145/150/155/160
Did 165 after (100%) – felt great! Cleaned 170, but missed the jerk!
C) done at 175
If you still feel off tomorrow I’d recommend resting.
OK, I’ll get lots of sleep and then go by feel.
Primary conditioning:
Hopped into a class workout. I try to do this once a week to still feel part of the community!
5 rounds:
2 min amarap:
30 DUs
15 P.snatch @75
Rest 1 min.
12+41 rx
Then did 3×30 unbroken t2b and some pressing
Session two:
The wodapalooza workout sucked the soul out of me, but I wanted chipotle for dinner so did strength
Snatches: took off about 10% and stuck to power/hang power
Cleans: stuck to power clean and jerk. Worked up to a pretty easy 90 percent (285) and then went for a power clean and jerk pr at 305 but hips went below parallel
Dnd front squat still trying to give knee a break
Haha you couldn’t have just had Chipotle?
Primary Weightlifting
A. Snatches: Made all but one at 90% (68) last weight was 71kg and made both
B. C&J: No misses! Up to 90kg
C. Front squats done at 88kg (~94%, 2kilos more than last week)
Joined the class cause they needed a partner
20 min amrap
10 power snatch (95#)
20 strict chin up
30 cal row
20 ring dips
10 OHS
We got 4+71
A (bike, t2b, ohs) 8:15
I naively thought this was going to be a fast and easy workout. It was not.
My body and mind is still not fully recovered after last weeks competition, so adjusted the training some. Primary Weightlifting Session A. Snatch 2×3 reps @ 45kg / 2×2 reps @ 52,5kg / 1 rep @ 60kg Stayed at 60kg and performed the rest of the snatches from hang after this. Had no power from the floor today. B. Clean & Jerk 2×3 reps @ 52,5kg / 2×2 reps @ 60kg / 2×1 rep @ 67,5kg Didn’t have any power in my legs so performed powerclean + split jerk after this: 2×1 rep @ 75kg / 2×1 rep @ 80kg… Read more »
Take it easy over the weekend and make sure you’re ready to hit the floor running on Monday.
Session 2 – WL
A. Snatches
-155 x3x2
-175 x2x2
-205 x1x2
-230 x1x2
-245- 260(miss); got greedy for a PR, it was SO CLOSE
B. Front Squats;
-335 x2x4 -ROUGH
C. EMOTM x 10;
1- 10 Dball Ground to shoulder (75) + 10M carry
2- 30M Dball carry (75)
Session 1:
A. Snatch emom
110×3,130×2,150×1,165×1, 175×1(only made one at 95%)
B. Clean&jerk emom 140×3,170×2,190×1,210×1,220×1(only did cleans at 92.5%. 90% started getting sketchy)
C. Front squats
4×2 @245lbs
1RM is to easy to do doubles so jumped up 5lbs
Primary strength)
A) 165x3s
B) 205x3s
C) front squats done at 340
Wodapalooza 7: 5:55
Nice work!
A. Hit all percentages except 95% (152#) on snatch.
B. Hit all percentages.
C. Went 10# under max clean. Legs weren’t having it today.
A. 8:26. Didn’t do OHS UB. I rested Wed and worked out yesterday. Did my gym wod which was 4 rounds of: 5 snatches (105#)/10 OHS/50′ lunges. I wasn’t able to do Mondays wod with lunges. This workout wrecked my legs…but in a good way. ❤️
I’ve been doing all the strength just not all conditioning. I think I’m going to switch to Masters. When does this cycle end though?
This Monday I think.
1st Session – Main Conditioning and Clean and Jerks
A. 45 Cal on AD= 9:19
B. 4:16- 4:40- 4:40- 4::40 (fought, could have waited longer between WODs)
C. Clean and Jerks E2M x 10 sets;
-185 x3x2
-225 x2x2
-295 x1x3
Qualifier 7: 8:33
Then did primary strength
A. Worked up to 175#
B. 250#
C. 265#
Since doing qualifier 7 today like you suggest..what portion of strength should I get done before, if any? Thank you!