Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Banded Hamstring Floss x 12-15 reps per side
Minute 2 – Bird Dogs x 10 reps per side
Minute 3 – Hamstring Curls with feet in rings x 10 reps
and then . . .
x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Toes to Bar
x 6-10 reps (work on being efficient and smooth)
Minute 2 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 6-10 reps
Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 2″ riser
60+: Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 4″ riser
Eight sets of:
Sumo Deadlift x 1 reps @ 80% @ 11X2*
rest 30 seconds
*If you do not know your 1-RM Sumo Deadlift then use your 1-RM Conventional Deadlift.
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:
Min 1 – Assault Bike x 10/8 calories
Min 2 – Chest to Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Min 3 – Thrusters x 8 reps
40-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: Assault Bike x 8/6 calories; Chin-over-the-Bar Pull Ups; 95/65 lbs
Three sets of:
Tate Press to Skull Crushers x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Sling-Shot or Banded Push-Ups @ 1111 x Max Reps
Rest as needed
Supine Hold on GHD Machine x 30-45 seconds
Rest as needed
Wednesday did Diane for Team Series. 3:30. First time doing Diane. Not a fan. Questionable programming – when the HSPUs go, your neck bears the brunt. DLs unbroken. 21 and 15 HSPUs unbroken. The 9s got greasy, with two no reps (damn tape line). Thursday A – 8-10 T2B, 7 strict HSPUs (3″ deficit – hands on 45# plates). B – Skipped. Did plenty of deadlifts the night before. C – Done. Assault bike broken! Ha! I swear someone in the gym did that purposely. Did 10 cals on the Erg instead – a bit easier. Still a tough EMOM.… Read more »
A. Zerk Fat Bar Carry, 215 lb, 20M x 3 RDS
B. 150 Kg
C. 6 rounds complete
a. did 8 ttb; got 1 strict hspu from single abmat each round #thicknastics
b. (310); 247
c. scaled 8 C2B; subbed 8 S2OH for thruster
d. managed 2 sets; 30 sec hold/15# dbs/slingshot 2 sets 25 (love this thing #cheating)
*guarding knees
A. 10 t2b, 6 SHSPU w one abmat
B. 200# sumo dl
C. Done Rx; the first two rounds weren’t too bad then it got hard and then harder! That assault bike is painful!
D. Done with 15# db; 45 sec hold; no push-ups as shoulder had enough today.
Mob done
A. 10 t2b; 10 strict hspu
B. 285# sumo dreads
C. No assault so subbed with erg. 1st 2 rounds did as prescribed, last 5 rounds went 10 cals, 10 c2b, 10 thrusters.
D. 20-25# DBs; 50 sling shot push-ups; 45 second ghd holds
Hi Nichole. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been training, just super busy and not posting. Being here in Houston, I hate that I’m going to miss Invictus camp at Aja’s. Wanted to reach out to y’all and offer up my Sports Recovery Clinic free of charge to all the Invictus staff after camp. I have whole body cryotherapy, Normatec, and a few other Sports Performance and Recovery modalities. Just let me know and I’ll hook y’all up at my clinic. Mobility Done A.Done 10 T2B & 10 HSPUs all min. Unbroken B. 8 sets @ 425# C.… Read more »
M&A Done
M&A Again with class
5 rounds
400m jog 9 min pace
50′ HSW
Getting through HSW’s 5-7 feet at a time, slow but making
50 GHD sit-ups
A) 10 T2B/sHSPU 4-2-3-3 (only a skull mat!)
B) 175#
C) Done (Had to sub a cal Row for Assault bike: completed work consistently within :28-:30
D) Ran out of time but did get in 2 sets of skull crushers x 8 @ 15# and 17.5#; 2 x :45 supine hold on god and one set of banded push-ups x 6
Mobility and Activation Done
A. 10 T2B & 10 HSPU
B. 225
C. Done- RX that was rough especially after all those thrusters on the Wodapolooza Wod yesterday! LOL The bike was really awful as expected… Assault bike owns its name!
D. Done- with 20# on the skull crushers and tate press. Push ups- 6 was my fail each time.
A. 10 T2B/6 SHSPU
B. 340
C. Done. My C2Bs need some more work.
D. Done.
Mobility and Activation Done
A.10 and 8
B.365# x 8
C. Done. No bike today, subbed 100 foot Sled push, C2B did 5&5 Thrusters Rx
D.Done 30 # DB / PU with Green band 17/15/15, 45 sec hold.
(Added in Rev Hyper, GHD SU and Iron Scap)
Mobility done
A. Done (8 T2B and 6 strict HSPU)
B. Done with 100kg
C. Done with 10 cal on rower
D. Done all but not the push ups
A. 10 reps on both movements
B. #365
C. Completed RX. Assault bike got spicy.
D. Done
Mob done
A. Done did half hspu to 2″ mat and half w/DD press
B. DL 275
C Done 8 cal/ 8 ctb switched to 10 pu after 15min, ripped pretty good / 8 thrusters @ 75 all UB
Mobility done
A. Done (8-10 t2b, 6 strict hspu)
B. 325×4, 335×2, 345, 355
C. No bike and did a lot of thrusters yesterday in the Wodapalooza online thing, so subbed power cleans
D. Done. Also did 5×5 bench press
Oh yes, those were lots of thrusters!!!!
Yeah – quads are a little sore today!
M and a done
A 10ttb 10stric hspu except last hspu was 8
B 110kg all 8sets.
C did thrusters with 50kg. Did row as we don’t have assault bike. C2b were ub till last couple sets
Skipped d as ran out of time.
Mobility and activation completed
A) 10 T2B, 2 Strict HSPU (I really suck at these)
B) 275
C) 10 cals, 5 CTB, and 5,5,6,7,8,8,8 on the thrusters.
D) Only had time for 1 round of this.
Mobility completed.
A)x10 T2B/x6 SHSPU
B)260# (8)
C)Completed RX Rower 10 calories/C2B 5+5 throughout/Thrusters UB throughout but 115# is no joke for me.
D)20# DB TPSC/x15 BPU/45 second supine hold on GHD
Have a great rest of the week. Headed to DisneyWorld for the kids Fall Break. Be back next Wednesday.
Have fun Dean!!!
Oh my goodness I am jealous! I have never been there, but would love to take my daughter someday. She is 16 now and has Downs Syndrome. She loves Disney everything!
Tracy-You need to find a way to go. It would truly be a magical experience for you, your daughter and your family. We went to Disney one time with another family who has a special needs child and she remembers the trip like it was yesterday. We look at old photos of the trip and her face just lights up with excitement.
We are saving for it! Hoping to go this winter if all goes well. 🙂
Looking forward for this one. Normally training early at the morning but today heading to evening session. Let’s see how engine is working;)
A. Done 10 t2b & 6 sHSPU each round ub
B. Still some tension at my right hamstring so didn’t put more than 100kg to bar today
C. Doable:) Managed to keep at solid pace each round. Thusters with 50kg is not an easy one for me but managed to do all today quite easily ub.
D. Done with 8-10kg db
“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.”
A. Challenging but done, sets of 10 unbroken.
B. Done, 130kgs / 286
C. This turned out to be perfect one for me, in that the intensity got super high for me in the last 2-3 rounds. I had thought to scale it down, glad I didn’t, as ultimately survived/completed so now have sense of accomplishment. Used rower for 10 calories, broke up C2B 6+4 with a shortish break (tried to keep to 5 seconds).
D. Used 10kg barbells.
Awesome job today Jem!!!!! Great work on Part C!