Primary Training Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Take exactly 10 minutes to build to today’s heavy Push Press,
followed immediately by…
Exactly 8 minutes to build to today’s heavy Power Jerk,
followed immediately by…
Exactly 6 minutes to build to today’s heavy Split Jerk
Every minute, on the minute, for 48 minutes (10 sets):
Station 1: 12-15/9-12 Calories of Assault Bike
Station 2: 8-10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20”)
Station 3: 12-15/9-12 Calories of Rowing
Station 4: 10-12 Sandbag or D-Ball Squats (150/100 lbs)*
Can you hold the same numbers as September 1 and hang on for two more sets?!?!
The goal is to keep moving for the entire 48 minutes with each station taking around 35-45 seconds, Station 4 should be a little faster and give you the opportunity to gather yourself before you hit the next Assault Bike. Your pace should stay the same but RPE will increase as you get deeper into the workout.
If you do not have access to a Sandbag or D-Ball perform Goblet Squats.
For quality:
100 Band Pull-Aparts
100 Overhead Banded Triceps Extensions
Athlete Notes:
Does that say 48 minutes?? Yes, yes it does. But don’t worry, you’ve already completed this for 40 minutes, now we’re just asking you to hang on for just a little bit longer. Remember, EMOM’s are just as much a mental test as physical so stay checked in and prove to yourself that you’re more fit than 8 weeks ago!
10 Minutes of Assault Bike @ 70-75%
Then. . .
Three sets of:
Inchworm Walk x 3 reps
Hamstring Floss x 10 reps per leg
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Then. . .
5 Minutes of Assault Bike or Running @ 80-85%
Then. . .
Three sets of:
Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Rocking Box Bridges x 6-8 reps (slow and controlled)
Shoulder Mash x 45 seconds per side
Three sets of:
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 80-85%
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Air Squats
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Banded Good Morning
Rest 60 seconds
Game Pace
One to two sets at game pace of
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
4 Hang Power Snatches (115/80lb.)
4 Thrusters
2 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
2 Hang Power Snatches (115/80lb.)
2 Thrusters
Rest as needed
“Wodapalooza Workout 1: Death By 2.0”
In 8 minutes complete four rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
8 Hang Power Snatches (115/80lbs)
8 Thrusters
If all work is completed beneath the 8 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 8 minute mark, right into…
In 7 minutes complete four rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
8 Hang Power Snatches
8 Thrusters
If all work is completed beneath the 7 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 15 minute mark, right into…
In 6 minutes complete four rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
8 Hang Power Snatches
8 Thrusters
If all work is completed beneath the 6 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 21 minute mark, right into…
In 5 minutes complete four rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
8 Hang Power Snatches
8 Thrusters
*Please make sure you review the workout description and scoring here
WZA Notes:
With the WZA individual qualifiers being released this week, we want to address what many of you will likely be asking. Should you follow the regularly scheduled programming, or do the WZA workouts? In our opinion, no matter how tempting it is to divert, we should always stay focused on what our primary goal is. If your current primary goal is to qualify for WZA, then of course you should be prioritizing those qualifiers in your primary training for this week. However, if you don’t have any intentions of qualifying for WZA, or your primary goal lies elsewhere in the realm of this sport of fitness, then we would encourage you to follow the regularly scheduled programming and stay on track towards what that goal is. Think of it like being presented with a plate of vegetables, and a plate of Oreos. We ALL know that the veggies are what will get us towards our goals (hopefully), but those Oreos sure do look sexy. Stay on track with the goals that you’ve set for yourself, no matter how sexy it may look to do all of these different qualifiers; that discipline will get you far!
Primary: done
A: 220/260/270 lbs
B. Done
C. Done
Warm up done
A. 110kg, 120kg, 130kg
Kept it touch lighter, i would be aiming 10kg heavier on each lift if the shoulder is 100%.
B. 24 min 15 cal both machines, 9 x bbjo, 12 x squats 60kg, then drop to 8 x bbjo for the second half.
Happy with the progress over the 8 weeks
C. Done
Good to see everything moving in the right direction. Keep up the good work!
1 step forward and 2 back… 😵💫
Got some concerning news at my pups appointment with the cardiologist today. I didn’t get to train, but I’ll get it in tomorrow 🙂
Hope you had a great day Tino!
Sending the little guy some ❤️
Thanks Tino!
Warm up primer done
Qualifikation wod part 2
18′ AMRAP:
30 WALLBALLS 20lbs
Angry, because went slow and sloppy, so have to redo sometime…
A) done
100kg for the push press
110kg for the power jerk
120kg for the split
Shoulders were tired
B) probably tomorrow, would be nice
C) done
Need to go in with the mindset to knock these out of the park first go! Also, keep the volume low in your other work and prioritise the qualifiers. You want to maximise performance and not concern yourself about other training!
Have to have a little bit better and more specific plan as well, because sometimes if I’m just randomly staring it, ended up destroyed much earlier. Lessons have been learned!
Fail to prepare. . . 🙂
Activation and warmup done
A. Modified
OHP – up to 115Kg
PP – up to 72Kg
PJ – 80Kg
B. Rx with Echo, bumped the cals to 18. It was a real fight but made it through. Totally gassed.
C. Done
OHP – 53Kg (115#)
We almost got you! That’s some damn solid work! Nice job!
Thank you. Felt pretty good through the whole thing. The rows and Echo started to really suck around rnd 8.
WZA workout this wrecked me…
187 reps – 3+8+8+3 in the 7 minute window
6:42 tiebreak
Planning to qualify? These standards and workouts are crazy
Planning on doing the workouts and giving a solid effort and seeing what happens lol
Haha, certain death at the end of all 💀
Could make that second amrap if you slow down the first 8 for sure! 🙏💪
Possibly I kind of just lost it on the burpees too which I know I can push but doubt I’ll be redoing any of these
Activation/Warm Up Done
A. 240 PR/265 PR/285 I think I used all I had on the PP and PJ haha 😂
B. Done (lower end of the reps and 100# SB) I’ve noticed that I’m feeling better for longer doing these EMOMs 💪🏼👌🏻
C. Done
Damn! What an awesome days work! Congrats on the PRs!