Cycle Template 2020 Comp Blog October 5-November 29
The upcoming cycle from October 5 to November 29 will be the first phase of building toward the 2021 Open. This will be an opportunity for athletes to continue to develop their strength foundation and aerobic base. In the new cycle there will be a more focus on barbell cycling efficiency at varying loads while still having to perform higher skilled movements like muscle-ups and handstand walking. There will also be plenty of upper and lower body accessory options along with overhead stability and core strengthening work.
Hatch – Front Squat
Snatch Progression
Clean & Jerk Lower Body Accessory Work
Short & Fast Upside Down Gymnastic & Midline Conditioning
(Handstand Walk, ttb, GHD, Double Under etc)
Hip & Shoulder Prep Protocol
Pressing – Bench/Overhead
Hatch – Back Squat
2-3 Intervals of 8-12 Minutes of Work
(20-40 minutes of total work)
Core and Stability Work
Gymnastics + Barbell Cycling:
Vary Loading and Complexity
Every 6 minutes for 30 minutes (5 sets):
6 Bar Muscle Ups
5 Squat Cleans @ 60%
4 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups
3 Squat Cleans @ 80%
Single-Leg Squatting + Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Anterior Core Stability & Strengthening
Thursday: Swimming/Aerobic Restoration/Rest
Overhead Mobility/Skill Transfer/Nose Breathing Progression
Hatch Front Squat
Snatch/Clean Progression
*Lighter and more positional work
Hatch Back Squat
Short and Intense Aerobic Intervals & Series
*allow for longer rest periods to keep intensity high
Unilateral Symmetry Work Lower
Bulgarian Split Squats; Barbell Loaded Lunges; Walking Lunges
Hip & Shoulder Prep Protocol
Gymnastics Skills
Strongman-Style Deadlift Progression
Concentric-Based Aerobic Endurance and/or Volume Accumulation Session
30-Minute EMOM, or Longer Aerobic Workout Comprised of Mostly Concentric Movements
Core Accessory Work (Carries)
Today’s work!
Mobility and Activation
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Movement Primer
Two sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Tempo Sandbag Squat x 8-10 reps @ 32X1
Rest as needed
*If you do not have access to a sandbag perform double kettlebell front racked squat (24-32/16-24 kg).
In 10 minutes build to a 1-RM Barbell Z-Press
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Barbell Z-Press x 10 reps @ 55-65% of 1-RM
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4 – 10 reps @ 70%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) for times:
Run 400 Meters or Row 500 Meters
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (70-100/50-70 lbs)
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Run 400 Meters or Row 500 Meters
Note times for each set.
Three sets for quality of:
100-Foot Bearhug Sand Bag Carry (HEAVY)
20 GHD Sit-Ups
60 second Bear Hug Hold
Rest 60 seconds
*If you don’t have access to Sandbags then perform Front Racked Kettlebell or Dumbbell Squats and Carry at a heavy load.
A.135 lbs
B.225,265,295,225 lbs
C.Scaled to 10 BBJO-6:00,6:10,5:50
D.2 sets with 24 kg KB
A. Up to 155#, 10 reps @ 95#
Did C first, squat racks were occupied by class
C. Row, 25kg DB, 24″ BBJO
7:30, 7:40, 8:00++
B. 90% @ 335#
10 reps @ 265#
A: 100/65
B: 195; 220; 250; 195
C: 50# but exceeded time cap on the run each time
D: 16 kg KBs carry & 60# holds
Lets try tp adjust to keep within those time frames ?
Good job getting everything in!
A. Y’s / T’s / I’s Bi’s and Tri’s Landmines Done A.1 Z-Press 45/65/75/96/105/125/130/135/145/150 fail 10×75 B. Squats 5×185 3×225 1×245 and 275 10×185 Last heaviest back squat was 290 I think back in early August so I went off this may be a tad off % wise C. Every 8 mins for 24 mins I scaled the dumbbell weight to 50 probably could of went heavier but I haven’t db snatched a 50 or heavier in awhile. And the curved runner at my gym is not dialed in right for distance. It’s an off brand of Assault and Wood… Read more »
Using a curve runner will add a little extra ??
Solid days work Chris!
Mobility + primer ✅
A. 125/75
B. 245/275/315/275
C. 7:43/ cap + 200m/ cap + 80 m ???
D. Done
Question: I’ll try eventually to have a small passage to run and hopefully the rower for Christmas hehehe however, what equivalences would you consider when I use the bike? Today I did the workout with 450m but I’m not sure if that would be accurate
Oooooo ? ? Depends what bike you’re referring too?
A. 125 and 75
B. 245 275 315 10@245
C. With row and 75#db, every 10 min
8:16 8:20 ~9:40 (messed up counting and did around 15 extra burpees. I think. Who knows though). These box jump burpees feel like they take me forever.
D. Done with 55# kbs
No harm in a few extra burpees 🙂
Nice work!
Made up yesterday’s work! And I’ll do today’s tomorrow.
A) 130/175/195/150/160
B) 115 felt really good and snappy once I got warmer
C) 115/115/125/125/145/145 felt good here
D) 9:34 Rx
Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome!
I was about to call a search party 🙂
Good to see you back training!
Haha! I had such a great time with the fam. Just did some stuff outside and watched a LOT of awesome hockey!
Happy to be home, training, and have a little time off work still too tho
Thanks Tino!
A) 60#/BB first day doing overhead in a minute testing the waters.
B) 150/175/195/150
C) 6:22/5:45/5:42
1st set did 400m run
2nd set 400 m run and 500m row
3rd set 500m row
Used 25# dB for snatches again just testing to see how arm feels doing overhead
D) Done with 75# sandbag
Woohoo! Ease yourself back in and be smart!
Most definitely! Going to be super mindful.
Glad no bad notes following your part A about any pain.
Me too! Going to be super cautious and not rush or push it.
wu – done
c.@45#. run. 6:35/7:15/7:00
d. 100#
Good job Elena!
A 185 115
B 315 385 425 315
C 6 7 9 ish burpees are hard
D check
Time for chimpkin
Love yalls programming. Tyty
Chimpkin?!? What’s that??
Chicken. Lol I’m just an idiot
Yesterday’s workout: Did today
A: 145×5, 195×3, 220×1, 175×5, 185×5
B: 120×2, 130x2x2, 135x2x3, 140x2x2
C: 135x1x2, 145x1x2, 165x1x2
D: 10:58
Today’s workout:
A: 45, 75, 95, 115, 135, 145
A1: 75x10x1
B: 195×5, 220×3, 250×1, 195×10
C: Round 1: RX 7 mins. Round 2: 7 mins but did 500m row, 20 DBS, 10BBJU, 500m row. Got really lightheaded after 10 of the BBJ. So called it there and then powered to the 500m row.
Called it after that. Bad night of sleep so I was drained. Happy with what I got done today!
Hydrate, some good food and quality sleep! Hope you feel better tomorrow!
A. 30Kg then 10 @ 20Kg; this is extremely hard for my shoulders because of all the rotator cuff injuries I’ve had.
B. 133/152/172/133Kg x 10
C. Rx with runs and 35Kg DB. Tried warming up to 40Kg DB but it didn’t feel stable overhead. Next time perhaps.
D. Done. Love the SB.
You would have liked today’s on Athlete
Against a 5-minute clock:
10 Sandbag Cleans (150/100 lbs)
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike or Echo Bike
10 Sandbag Cleans (150/100 lbs)
Max Reps of Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Rest 90 seconds and complete for a total of FIVE sets
Outstanding!! I will look to do that this week or this weekend.
A. Class wod
B. Up to 335
C. 6:40/7:10/7:40 with 70lb DB
Had nothing in the tank after class wow.
Big feed tonight and plenty of quality sleep! ??
A) Build to 60 kg,
completed 10 reps at 30 kg
B) 91kg / 104kg / 117kg / 91kg (pretty easy)
C) 6:41, 6:23 and 6:21
D) Postponed to Thursday where I’ll do wednesday’s workout. I cannot make it tomorrow, and had to pick up my kid from daycare.
Wife didn’t like me having the kid sleeping outside the gym, while I was training
?they’re fine. The outdoors is good for the ??
I mostly just did the warmup/mobility primer today + some sled work in replace of back squats. I am extremely sore basically everywhere after yesterday. ? between fighting off a cold and a marathon scheduled for this upcoming Sunday, I have to make sure I’m healthy and recovered. Just didn’t want to completely miss the first week of the cycle!!
She’s back!!! Oh how I missed you guys! Time to get healthy and back training! Excited for what’s to come ??❤️
A. 125/75
B. 235/270/305/235
C. Class WOD today.
D. 53# KB carry, 20 sit ups (no GHD ?), 50# squats.
Did you win? 🙂
Always ??
Warm up done.
A. Done 50kg ….32.5kg
C. Done
400m run
Db 55lb
6:58/// 7:02/// 6:52
Front rack kb 28kg
A. 85lbs, new PR then 10x65lbs
B. 135/155/175/135, I’m loving the results from all the squatting we’ve been doing over the past few months! Totally noticing a difference in strength, wall balls don’t suck as much, gymnastics are stringer, running is more fluid?
C. Change up to burpees over DBs – 6:55/7:28/8:00
Yeah Amy!! Looking pretty damn strong! Keep up the awesome work!
Warm up done
Barbell Z press 95#
Squats done
Set 1: 7:15
Set 2: 7:40
Set 3 8:15
Run and 50# dB
Core work, used a 80# Dball
Great job today Jill!
Warm up done
A. Up to 175 then 105×10
B. 275/315/365/275×10
C. 6:31/6:24/6:23 RX with row, 70#db, box facing
Wanted to use heavier DB but still just being careful with back
D. Done
Better safe than sorry! Getting faster during it? Good work but make sure you dont overpace the beginning.
Was probably slightly too over cautious on first set of snatches that’s really where the difference was!
Leaving that dumbbell too far out front when you bring it down?
No it was fine today it’s from the Snatches on Friday it was extremely sore after, so I just made sure to Use my legs more today