Workout of the Day
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Muscle Clean x 3 reps + Tall Clean x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
2-Position Clean (floor, knee) + Jerk @ 75%-85%
Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy single on your back squat and then . . .
Four sets of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
For time:
100 Double-Unders
50 Calorie row
30 Dumbbell Step-Ups
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45/35 lbs Dumbbells
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75 Double Unders
35/25 lbs Dumbbells
A: 95#
B: 170#
C: 310# then 4×3 285#
D: 6:15
A. 85, 96, 107 (skipped tall clean)
B. 118 (3), 118 (3) no jerks-struggled with front rack today
D. done with 35# kbs to 12″ box
*guarding knees this week
Missed Monday and wanted to do Snatch Balance, so
A. Snatch Balance up to 155 for a PR
B. Done, all at 155
C. Back squats done.
D. 10:28 Had to use a beat up gym rope and was constantly missing DU, took almost 3min to complete 100. Step ups to 24in box was slow as well, done with 40lb Dumbbells. Left leg is also weaker, was having trouble standing all the way up.
Awesome work on your snatch balance!
A. 65/75/85
B. 85. (Back went out on the second clean from the knees. Guess I need more core work )
Trying not to get frustrated as various body parts keep giving me trouble. The open is right around the corner so the setbacks are tough to take.
Remember, the open is still 4 months away, that is close to a half year away. Take your time and rest your body as needed. Prioritize your mobility and recovery, that will make the biggest difference.
Thanks Nichole. Certainly will take your advice and put more into mobility and recovery. Also will work on getting my mindset back on a positive track. Your feedback helps more than you know!
A. 75, 85, 95
B. 110, 115, 115, 115, 115, 120
C. 155, 165, 170, 175
D. 7:02 – but with 30 back extensions @ 50#.
– today was the first day squatting pain free since my knee injections three weeks ago. Progress!! 🙂 Didn’t want to push it with the steps ups so subbed it with back ext..
Awesome to hear Elissa!
A) 63-63-68
B) 93 All sets: felt so good today
C) 175# Then 4×3 at 158#
D) 7:43 RX For me the step-ups were so slow…I can’t stand up through my left leg with that weight…crazy frustrating.
Interesting about your left leg – does it seem weaker when we do the single leg work?
Yes, absolutely! I do much better pushing out of a lunge over push down for a step-up or a single leg squat…it may just be the angle. I have lost a lot of strength in that quad…it’s visible.
Good to know. Lets make sure to work on single leg work and some glute activation work everyday!
A. 135# for both
B. 205# all 6 Sets (Super set 2 strict C2B for A,B and C)
C. 365# then 315#
D. 5:43 Rx (this one felt great, best part for me was not “trying to hard” and relaxing thru the movements, also committing to not put the 45’s down until I was done.)
Nice time Art!
Thanks Joe, I appreciate that. A fun burner for me. Felt good.
Solid job Art, love the mentality going into it.
Thanks. I love the anxious feelings, my expectations bring to my performance. I have always liked the quote of Dr. Rob Gilbert’s,
“It’s all right to have butterflies in your stomach, just get them to fly in formation.”
A. 85/105/115/125
B 115/125/135/145/155/160floor
C. Skipped
D. 8:24 2 35#kb to 16″ box
A. 60 Kg for all sets, both movements
B. 84 Kg for all 6 sets
C. 154 Kg Max BS, 131 Kg all 4 sets of BS
D. 10:32, need to work on DU’s
A. Worked up to #155
B. #230
C. Worked up to #365 still not feeling 100%
then four sets at #315
D. 6:17 RX. Unbroken on the double unders.
Quad still sore…
I just focused on Wodapooloza WOD # 2-
ascending Thruster Ladder
12 minute AMRAP
Starting at 55 # add 10 # after each round 55-65-75-85-95-105-115
12 reps of Thursters
35 DU
I got 282 reps. Dang quad slowed me down.
Back on track tomorrow.
Solid score Tracy!
A – 115#. Felt easy this time.
B – 185#. Still getting used to switching feet on the split jerk.
C – Avoiding heavy squats so did 5×3 235# @3111 tempo
D – Deja vu. This was more fun when I had a partner to split the reps with. 6:18. DUs got greasy at 80. Row was moderate pace. Step ups sets of 10 – sucked just as much as a couple weeks ago.
A. 100-110-120#
B. 155-160-165-170-175-175#
C1. 260# (Post Achilles PR)
C2. 220-225-230-235# x 3 reps all sets
D. 6:27 (had a few stumbles on the rope; row in 3:07; DB steps ups unbroken)
7 min EMOM: 3 unbroken muscle ups
Did 6×8 squats at 65%-75%
Did part D – 6:40 min….
A. 135
B. Up to 185
C. 320, then 285 across
D. 6:24 20″ box
Deadlifts will be fun tomorrow.
B-195×3 and 200×3
C-225×5 each set (Heavier weight was irritating my sore right shoulder blade)
HSW practice 10 min
D-7:18, Zeus Rope and #55 DB’s as no 45s.
A. 75-95-115 on muscle cleans and tall cleans
B. Up to 145#
C. 255# for single; 225#x3x4. Still working left knee into shape.
D. 6:50 with 25# kbs onto 20-in box.
M and a done
A worked up to 40kg for the tall cleans muscle cleans was bit heavier.
B did all sets at 70kg jerk felt good today. Not finishing my pull on clean so was bit of a struggle to get under sometimes.
Started c and got up to 110kg but had to stop as class was very busy. So mad room to do wod.
100du, 50cal row and 30weighted step up to 20″ box. Used 20kg dbs. 8:25 step ups slowed me down. 20″ is a high step for us shorties
Just realised I did wod in 7:25 not 8:25. I used my timer and start on the minute
D)7:26 Paced too much on the row
A. 75#
B. 115/125/130/135/140/145#
C1. 210#
C2. 190#
D. 6:45 ouch! (Du’s unbroken in about :50, 3:28 row, steps up pretty slow but unbroken)