October 5, 2022 – Masters Program

Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Floor Slides x 10 reps (slow and controlled)
Wrist Stretch of Choice x 60 seconds

5 Minute Banded March*
*Every minute, on the minute, including 0:00, perform 10 Good Mornings.

Three rounds of:
100 Foot Sandbag or Medball Bearhug Carry
10 Sandbag or Medball Bearhug Squats

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
3 Cleans
Sets 1-2 = 50% of 1-RM Clean
Sets 3-4 = 60%

When the clock reaches 6 minutes, perform…

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets) of:
2 Cleans
Sets 1-2 = 70% of 1-RM Clean
Sets 3-4 = 75-80%

When the clock reaches 12 minutes, perform…

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
1 Clean @ 80%+

Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (10 sets of):
Station 1 – 15-18/10-12 Calorie Assault Bike
Station 2 – 3 Bar Facing Burpees + 3 Squat Cleans @ 50-60% + 3 Bar Facing Burpees
Station 3 – 3 Bar Muscle-Ups

Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (10 sets of):
Station 1 – 12-15/8-10 Calorie Assault Bike
Station 2 – 3 Bar Facing Burpees + 3 Squat Cleans @ 50-60% + 3 Bar Facing Burpees
Station 3 – 1 Bar Muscle-Up OR 5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

You should have 10-15 seconds of rest at the bike in the beginning of the EMOM and then closer to 5-10 seconds of rest towards the end of the EMOM. If that isn’t doable then please adjust. If you are using an Echo Bike then knock the calories down by 1-2.

Scaling Options for Bar Muscle-Ups (choose one of the following):
Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups
Banded Bar Stomps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted Bar Muscle-Ups

Scaling Options for Chest-to-Bar/Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted Chest-to-Bar or Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Chest-to-Bar or Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups

Three sets of:
10 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions + 20 Second Back Extension Hold on the last rep
Rest 90 seconds between sets

Athlete Notes:
The mack daddy of EMOM’s today. 🙂 We’re continuing to build volume through these and on the minute work is one of the best ways to build capacity, and is extremely beneficial for accumulating volume because the movement stimulus changes so often that you aren’t getting beat down repeatedly by one specific movement in a row. The bike should be 50 seconds or less. The burpees/squat/burpees should be about 35-40 seconds, and we wouldn’t necessarily recommend touch and go if that’s going to spike your heart rate. The BMU/Pull-Ups should be unbroken and give you plenty of rest to hit the bike hard.. Remember, STARTING is the hardest part, so just do it and make yourself move at the top of every minute.

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Bike Erg/Row Option
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets) of:
500 Meter Row or 1000 Meter BikeErg @ 90% Effort
500 Meter Row Easy or 1000 Meter BikeErg
500 Meter Row or 1000 Meter BikeErg @ 90% Effort
Walk or Row the remainder of the interval

If you are competing at the Masters Fitness Collective then please prioritize this as your session today:
MFC Jack Ketch
Individual Elite
For time:
4/3 Legless Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters (175/115 lbs)
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
2/1 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters

4/3 Legless Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
2/1 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters

4/3 Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters (115/85 lbs)
3/2 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
2/1 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters

4/3 Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
3/2 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
2/1 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters

Individual RX
4/3 Legless Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
2/1 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters

3/2 Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters (115/85 lbs)
2/1 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
2/1 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters

2/1 Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
2/1 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
2/1 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters

5/4 Rope Ups/Downs
12 Thrusters (75/55 lbs)
4/3 Rope Ups/Downs
9 Thrusters
3/2 Rope Ups/Downs
6 Thrusters

Fire Breather
40/35 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
60 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
30/25 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
20 Bar Muscle-Ups
20/15 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
8 Legless Rope Climbs
50′ Worm Lunge

40/35 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
60 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
30/25 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
20 Bar Muscle-Ups
20/15 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
8 Rope Climbs
50′ Worm Lunge

40/35 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
60 Pull-Ups
30/25 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
40 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
20/15 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
8 Rope Climbs
50′ Worm Lunge

35/25 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
60 Pull-Ups
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
30 Pull-Ups
15 Calorie Echo Bike
50′ Worm Lunge
8/6 Rope Climbs
50′ Worm Lunge

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