Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Trap Mash x 30 seconds per side
Pec Smash x 30 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Build to today’s heavy single.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
2-Position Snatch (floor, knee)
Yes, I want you building from the bottom up on these 2 position snatches.
Three sets of:
Single Leg Deadlift x 5 reps per leg
Rest 2 minutes
Towel Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
Barbell Seated Good Mornings x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 reps each leg @ 2011
Rest as needed
Banded Glute Bridges x 60 seconds @ 1011*
Rest as needed
*Strong band tension and elevate feet for greater range of motion. Suggest using a 45 lbs bumper.
A. 60 Kg for all 6 rounds
B. 60 Kg for all 6 rounds
C. Skipped, not feeling well, sick
D. Skipped, not feeling well, sick
(Went to Oly gym today)
A – up to 175#. Have more – need to get more comfortable in catch position and stay tight.
B – 140#. Form improving. Mobility slowly.
C – skipped. No time. Had to get back to CF gym for kids class.
D – Done
M&A done
B. Up to 165 with a bunch of fails, not a good snatch day
C. 135,155,175&3×8
D. 95, 1 pood kbs, green band w/ feet on plate
A. Worked up to #215, groin still sore.
B. Got to #195 without dropping the bar. No misses.
C. Used #53 KB. 8 reps on the towel pull-ups. These were tough.
D. Completed.
B. Power/still staying above 90 degrees flexion on left knee… 65, 76, 85, 96, 99.4
C. Love these; 35# kbs…pullups 6/6/6
Quite sore from Saturday….
A) 63-73-83-93-103(m)-93
B) Kept this light today…focused on that transition b/t 1st and 2nd pull.
C) Used a barbell this time with 83#/did ring pull-ups
D) GM’s were standing with 65#/Split squats with 2x 26# kbs set 1&2 then with 2×36#kbs (a struggle with the left leg but good #)
Meshing and stretching done
A: Up to 125#
B: 115# to 140#
C: DLs @ 135#. Pullups with green bands which was a bit slippery
D: split squats at with 2×62# KBs, bridges with green band and 45#.
Mob done
A. 135-145-155-165-175-185# (PR and no misses)
B. 125-135-145-150(miss)-150(make/miss)-150-155# (PR 2pos snatch)
C. 135# dead; 10 towel pu
D. 85# good morning; 2 one pood KB; blue mark bell band and 45# plate for bridge.
Awesome PR’s Cheryl!!!
You are on fire Cheryl – great work!!!
Thanks Nichole! Al and Alika also hit PRs today on their Snatch Balance at 230#! 🙂
Activation and mobility done
A. 115/135/155/175/195/215 (super set a strict MU on A and B)
B. 135/145/155/165/175/185(lost both 185’s at the bottom, need to catch it a little higher and ride to the bottom)
C. 70# KB each hand / 10 reps each rnd on towel PU
D. 135 on GM/ 2-53# KB on BSS/ Dble Green bands & 45# plate for GB
Post (Rev Hype7x12 GHD SU 7×10 and iron Scap)
Mile jog warm up
M&A Done
Practice HSWs
A-195 PR
B-Stopped 155 as tweaked right shoulder a bit
Practiced double rope climbs
C-135 DL, 2 sets only towel PU as grip done
D-95 GM and 70 BS
Hope the shoulder feels better Joe!
A. 95-175 last few reps turned into OHS
B. 95-135
C. DL @ 2x32kg/48kg/48kg, pullups 3×10 not UB
D. Done. BSS @ 2x32kg
Mob Done
A. 85/95/105/115/125/135
B. 65/75/85/95/100F knee/105F
C. 85/95/105, 3 x 8reps
D. 95/ 26# x 6 / 60 x 3 w/25#plate
A. 125-135-140-145-155f-155 Have to get more comfortable with these
B. 115-135-145-155f-155-155
Did a few more at 155. Did some video & am working to fix some issues. Getting on my toes to early. Will try to get some video uploaded for feedback
C. done, single leg work @115, towel pull ups were rough
D. skipped
E. Box WOD
Mile run, then 2 rounds of 15 HSPU & 15 Box jumps, 24″ (8:09 for the mile, 13:42 total time)
Legs are toast!
Mob and Act done
SUPER SORE from doing Saturday’s work yesterday!
A. behind neck jerk up to 115
**Nichole, I split snatch. Should I still be doing snatch balance for this or do you recommend behind neck split jerk? Thanks!
B. all at 90
C. 90 deadlifts, 8 towel pull ups
D. no time today
I would recommend doing jump to split with a snatch grip instead!
Thank you!
M/A done
A. 55/65/70/75/80(f)/80(f)
B. 55/60/65(f from knee)/65(f from knee)/65/70
C. 35# kb’s/skipped pull up (elbow pain)
D. 55#/35#kb’s/on 45# plate with green band
Mobility completed.
C)SLDL 70# KB’s/TPU x8
D)BBSGM 75#/KBBSS 53#/BGB black band with 45# bumper
Super happy to be back from being sick last week but still not quite 100%.
M/A done
A. 85/100/105/115/120/125#
B. 5/90/95 fail the hang/95/100#
C. DL w/85# and broke towel pu into 2 sets of 4. Holy grip!
D. Good mornings w/75#; split squats w/2×44# kb; glute bridge with red band
My coach/training partner has taken to calling these “Bulgarian Split Yo Pants Squats” as we’ve both outgrown our pants lately! 🙂
I feel ya. U soon know when the weights go up super quick that u r back to normal. Nice work
So true thanks! 🙂
Only day I’ll get to workout this week. Headed to Romanian then off to Finland on Friday for the Helsinki Showdown competition.
A: 80,90,100,110(m),105(m), 105kg- On 110kg I Lost shoulder position in the bottom so lost it forward. Close to a 2.5kg pr
B: 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 (missed at knee), 80kg(m)
C: 60,70,70kg for DLs and 8 PUs each Rd
D: ran out of time.
Ahhh have so much fun Corey! I would love to visit those places!!!
Good luck Corey!
Thanks Dean
M and a done. Have to say after Saturday wod my legs are feeling it. A did snatch drop and balance. Since I wasn’t dropping that far last time did lighter weight up to 50kg on the balance then dropped right back for drops to get a feel for dropping. Which is quite different. B this was difficult due to my body not wanting to get under the bar even after doing part A. Hammies and quads were saying no. Got up to 58kg but it was power snatch which I’m not keen on doing right now, I’m trying to… Read more »
Agree with you on the legs…that was a deadly leg day Saturday! My hammies are feeling it. Going to hit today’s wod in a couple of hours. See how I do.
Good luck eric
Right with ya on the sore legs!
A. 125/135/145/155/165/170fail/170# made it and PR 🙂
B. 105/110/115/120/120/125#
C. 85# for deadlift; 6 towel pull-ups
D. Done with 2 one pood KB for Bulgarian squat; 75# for good morning; blue band and 10# for bridges.
Yay for the PR!! 🙂
Nice job Teesh!!!