Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Racked KB Lat Stretch
x 60 seconds
followed by …
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Minute 1 – Wrist Stretch x 10 pulses
Minute 2 – T-Spine Pulses on Bench x 10 pulses
Minute 3 – Butterfly Stretch x 30 seconds
Two sets of:
45/33 lbs Tall Snatch x 3-5 reps
Followed by….
Two sets of:
65/45 lbs Tall Snatch x 3-5 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 50%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 60%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch High Pull + Snatch @ 80%
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Strict Press x 3-4 reps @ 80-90%
Five sets of:
Row x 500 meters
Double Unders x 30 reps
Push Press x 15 reps
Rest 2 minutes
40-49: 115/75 lbs
50-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 75/55 lbs
I had to skip the snatch stuff- too much pulling in the last two weeks w all my subs- need to rest
B. did the strict press 175×4/175×4/175×4/180×3/180×3/185×3
C. did 30 cals bike/10 ghd/push press 115×15 3:05/2:50/2:46/2:57/2:58
M&A Done
A1. Done
A2. Done
A3. 65
A3. 75
A4. 87
A5. 100
B. 145(88%)x2 sets, 140(85%)x4 sets
C. 4:30, 4:15, 3:58, 4:20, 4:50. Row averaged about 2:05, and all push press unbroken, so sticker was DU’s.
Moved through everything fairly briskly, since it’s Halloween.
DMA done. Still being cautious with shoulder, but excruciatingly slow shoulder recovery is nearing its end.
A. HHS/HS/Snatch 65-95#.
B. 95/105/105/105/105/105#.
C. 3:10-3:20 all rounds scaled with single unders.
Mobility done.
A1 – HHSx3 105#
A2 – HHS+HS 115#
A3 – HS+S 135#
A4 – SHP+S 150#
B – 135/140/140/140/145/145
C – 2:50/3:00/3:10/3:10/3:17 @115. Started to wear down. Don’t think I ate enough today.
Traveling to Hilton Head rest of week. Will try and fit in a session or two if time permits. Otherwise, I’ll be nice and rested for next week!
Enjoy your traveling!
Mobility Done
A. Done-Form on hang is so much better-very happy with my progress
A2. #55
A3 #65
A4. #80
A4. 90
B. #80-#90
C. All around 4-Paced the row-
2 under 4… DU are getting better!
Mile run
Mobility done
A1. Done. Kept all snatches power!
A2. 85# across
A3. 95-100-105#
A4. 110-115-120#
A5. 125-130-135#
B. 100, 105, 105, 105, 110, 110#
C. 2:48, 2:50, 2:46, 2:50, 2:47
Fun session!
And the best part of today was that Ed made venison meatloaf (his own kill), coconut ginger Okinawa sweet potatoes, and his fresh grown “the world’s best” mangoes…Kincaid brought a yummy beet salad, Al brought a mish mash of salads, and I brought the green goddess salad! Andy hosted us! Love our training group!?
Good times, best training partners!!
Sounds delicious!
That sounds AMAZING!!!!! How fun! And great job on your training!
A. Overhead squats to 165. (Bad heal)
B. Strict press 115-130
C. 2:44, 2:44, 2:52, 2:47, 2:39. Subbed 15 air squat instead of DU do to heal pain.
Inv Endurance Program Vo2Max
Run 400, jog 200 run 200. 400’s at1:20-:25 total rnd at 2:30-2:40.
Mob Done
Enjoyed the skill work with these. Felt good.
B. 125/125/135/145/145/145
C. 2:52/2:45/2:48/2:49/2:47- kept row at 2:00 then picked up pace on the back end. All get good.
M&A- Done
A2- 65; 95
A3- 105lbs
A4- 125lbs
A5- 145lbs
A6- 165lbs
B: 140(4)x3
155 (3)
C: Only did 3 rds and subbed 30 cal Assault Bike for Row. Legs were/are still wobbly. Like a new born deer!
2:45; 3:07; 3:32- You can see where this was going!
I find my energy is to low when I get to the WOD. What should I change in my diet?
add an intra-workout drink. 1 scoop protein powder and a gatorade or Vitamin water. Works amazing for me. đŸ™‚
Make sure you are eating enough carbs!
Work schedule is crazy this week. Trained yesterday… took today as a rest day.
Looks like a good day everyone. đŸ™‚
Mobility done
Had to skip strength have to coach
C. RX 2:43 2:44 2:53 2:47 2:45
I am doing liftoff so need to cut 3-4# to make 165# weight class. I thought they were breaking up in age groups but I guess just masters 40+ let’s see how I do against younger old guys. Looking for 220# snatch and 270# clean and jerk
Glad I’m not in your weight class.As a “younger older guy” I’d be scared to go up against you! Good luck! When does it start?
Corey it’s only $10 and you put up
Some decent numbers and they give prizes to top 5.
Any recommendations on a good Assault Bike sub for the row? 30 cal?
Yep Corey – 30 cals is good! Something that will take you about 2 min to complete
-Lots of shoulder PT and crossover symmetry
-3×15 hip extension
-3 mile run
-5×5 front squat (not too heavy as it hurts shoulder if I lean forward at all; up to 135#)
-shoulder PT and crossover symmetry
-20 min on assault bike of :30 work, :30 rest (157 calories total using legs and one arm)
Happy Halloween everyone!
Did strength and Mobility from Saturday, as the snatch work will still bother my shoulder. It seems to be getting better but haven’t really tested it.
C. From today , 3:04, 3:04, 3:07, 3:07, 3:04 – All DU and PP unbroken.
DMA done
A1 and 2: done
A3: 75,80,85
A4: 85,90,95
A5: 95,100,105
A6: 115
B: 110 x 2 sets, 115 x 2 sets, 120 x 2
C: 3:51,3:05,3:02,3:07,3:09
Part(s) A: Completed
Snatch work: 3 x 65#, 3 x 75#; 3x 85#
Strict Press: 2 sets 3x 95#
C: 3:59; 4:11; 3:43; 4:13; 3:53. Kept getting tripped up on the stupid double-unders. Push press at 75# wasn’t horrible and the rows stayed within 1:55 – 2min
Keep practicing those double unders outside of conditioning workouts.
Mobility completed.
C)2:57/2:59/3:01/3:02/3:13 The last set of push press did me in. Had to rest it on my shoulders a few seconds on the last 5 reps.
A. Completed.
B. 135-145 lbs
C. Picked a weight I thought I could do unbroken each round (95 lbs). Targeted ~1:55 for the row. 3:20, 3:10, 3:38, 3:37, 3:45