October 3-9, 2016 – Endurance Program

Invictus Endurance Logo

SessionĀ One
VO2MAX Workout

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Warm Up:
Two sets of:
Run 200 meters
Jog 200 meters

Followed by…

Two sets of each:
Samson Stretch x 10 each leg
Duck Walk x 20 meters
Bear Crawl x 20 meters
Speed Skaters x 10 each side
Broad Jumps x 10 reps

Running Mechanics Drills:
Two sets of:
Change of Position Drill (from one foot to another) x 20 each side
Hands Behind Back Drill x 20 meters
Pulling in Place x 20 each leg

Followed by…
50 meter sprint @ 50% effort
Rest 30 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 60% effort
Rest 30 seconds
50 meter sprint @ 70% effort
Rest 30 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 80% effort

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Sprint x 20 seconds
Rest x 40 seconds

Rest 2 minutes

Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Sprint x 40 seconds

Post the distances covered to comments.

Objective: The goal of this workout is speed. You will start with ten sets of 20 second sprints, with 40 seconds of rest. At the 12 minute mark, you will sprint for 40 seconds and rest for 80 seconds (1:20) before repeating this sequence for five sets. These should be at a sprint pace. Track the distance you cover in the 20 second intervals to see if you can be consistent remembering that there isn’t that much rest between these. For the 40 second sprints you will have a little bit more rest but these should still be at a fast sprint pace (ideally you keep these within 10 meters each).

Cool Down:
800 meter easy jog
10 minutes of static stretching
(Focus on hamstrings, hips)

Session Two
Aerobic Threshold Workout
Run 3 minutes @ 50-60%

Followed by…

Two sets of:
A/B/C Skips x 20 meters each
Lateral Skips x 20 meters per side
One Foot Hops x 20 meters per leg

Running Mechanic Drills:
Two sets of:
Ball of Foot Hopping Drill
Partner Falling Drill
Carioca Drill x 20 meters

Followed by…

30 seconds of running (60-70%)
30 seconds of jogging
30 seconds of running (70-80%)
30 seconds of jogging
30 seconds of running (80-90%)
30 seconds of jogging

Complete 5 miles following:
Run x 5 minutes
Jog x 1 minute

Post your pace/time to the comments.

Objective: We tested your 10k time trial last week, now let’s see if you can go a little faster on this run. You will run at a slightly faster pace than your 10k time from last week for 5 minutes, then jog for a minute and continue this run/jog sequence until you complete 5 miles. If you averaged 7 minute miles for your 10k then see if you can maintain a 6:45 pace (15 seconds or so under). The 1 minute rest built in to the run should allow you the chance to recover in order to maintain a faster pace than the time trial from last week.

Cool Down:
400 meter easy jog
10-15 minutes of static stretching
(focus on calves, achilles, IT Band)

Session Three
Lactate Threshold
Warm Up:
2 laps around the track – if you don’t have a track available than an easy jog for 5 minutes.

Folllowed by…

Two sets of:
Perfect Stretch x 10 meters
Lateral Lunges x 10 meters
Tuck Jumps x 10 reps

Running Mechanic Drills :
Two sets of:
Change of Support (Posture) Drill: Back Against the Wall
Charlie’s Angels Drills

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Jump Rope Drill

Followed by…

100 meter sprint @ 60%
Rest 45 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 70%
Rest 45 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 80%
Rest 45 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 90%

Rest about 3-4 minutes before starting main portion of the workout.

Four sets of:
Run 3 minutes
Jog x 30 seconds
Run 2 minutes
Jog x 30 seconds
Run 1 minute
Jog x 30 seconds
Sprint x 30 seconds
Rest x 3 minutes

Post total distance covered to the comments.

Objective: You will have two different paces for this workout. The first pace is for your 3/2/1 minute intervals – and the goal is to keep these at a faster pace than your 800 meter time. If you run a 6 minute mile, then your 800 would be 3 minutes. I want your pace to be a little faster than that, about 10-15 seconds. If you don’t have a watch that tells you what pace you are runnning at than I strongly encourage you to invest in one. Having a watch that tells you your pace will help a lot with learning how to pace. The last portion of this workout, the 30 second sprint, needs to be an all out effort since you have a good 3 minutes of rest before starting the next set.

Cool Down:
400 meter jog
10 minutes of static stretching and SMR on feet
(roll the bottom of your feet with a lacrosse ball as part of your stretching)


Jump Rope with Foot Movement Drill

This drill also focuses on pulling your feet off the ground and builds off the jump rope drill in place. You will combine two of the main concepts for running: pulling and falling. This drill is also similar to our change of support drill with a forward lean but having the rope there will make the pulling simpler. Practice this drill for at least 20 meters, and if you are proficient with it, you can do it up to 100 meters. If you have trouble with this drill, slow it down so that you can focus on the mechanics of the movement.

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Tim Fulford
Tim Fulford
October 6, 2016 9:42 pm

I am new to this program. if I have questions for nuno, where do we ask the questions?

Nuno Costa
Nuno Costa
October 11, 2016 12:56 pm
Reply to  Tim Fulford

You can ask the questions here Tim – or you can email me nuno@crossfitinvictus.com

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