October 3, 2023 – Masters Program

Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Spend 3-5 minutes breathing through the Banded Scarecrow

Three Sets of:
100′ Wall Ball Chest Squeeze
10 Push-Ups
5 Burpee Broad Jumps

Followed by …

Two Sets:
30 Second Passive Hang from Pull-Up Bar
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
10 Bar Kips

Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
*Station 1 – Rotational Landmine Press (Left) x 8 reps @ 22X1
*Station 2 – Rotational Landmine Press (Right) x 8 reps @ 22X1
*Station 3 – Cozy Leg Lifts (Left) x 8 reps @ 2114
*Station 4 – Cozy Leg Lifts (Right) x 8 reps @ 2114

Three sets of:
20 Handstand Marches or Box Assisted Handstand Marching
Rest 60-90 seconds

Followed by…

Four sets of:
3 Wall Walks
15 Second Hold
Rest as needed

“Gymnastics Your Way”
Every minute, on the minute, for 32 minutes (8 sets of):
Station 1: 60 Seconds Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Station 2: 30 Seconds Max Gymnastics Movement 1 of Choice
Station 3: 60 Seconds Calorie Row
Station 4: 30 Seconds Max Gymnastics Movement 2 of Choice

Options to choose from:
-Butterfly Pull-Ups/Chest to Bar
-Bar Muscle Ups
-Ring Muscle Ups
-Alternating Single Leg Squats
-Handstand Walks
-Handstand Push-Ups
-Wall Walks
-Rope Climbs

Please pick one pulling and one pressing movement that you’d like to work on under fatigue.

General Training Notes:
Day two of your transition week so please check out this article for more info about what this week should look like.

Some rotational work to start your day off followed by some handstand skill work. Please focus on HIGH QUALITY of movement with your wall walks. The Gymnastics Your Way is just like it sounds – you get to focus on gymnastics movements that you want to get more practice with mixed in with some monostructural work. Please make a note of what gymnastics movement you select to do and how you felt. If you can please upload video for movement feedback!

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