October 26, 2022 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Complete 5 minutes of stationary bike or rowing


Two sets of:
90 Second Run/Bike/Row
60 Plank Hold from Push-Up Position
5 Divebomber Push-Ups
5-10 Scap Retractions on Pull Up Bar
3-4 Strict Pull Ups

Five sets of:
Bench Press x 3 reps @ 70%
Rest 2 minutes

Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
4-8 Ring Muscle Ups

10-12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
4-8 Bar Muscle Ups


Take 8 minutes to work on ring muscle up fundamentals, i.e.

Low Ring Turnovers
Jumping Ring Muscle Ups
Dip Support Holds
Ring Swings
Pop Swings

Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes (7 sets) of:
Station 1: 20-22/15-18 Calorie Assault or 17-19/12-15 Calorie Echo Bike
Station 2: 40 Double Unders + 10 Kettlebell Deadlifts (32/24 kg)
Station 3: 5 Burpees to Target + 10 Pull-Ups + 5 Burpees to Target

When the clock reaches 22:00, perform…

Three rounds for time:
20-22/15-18 Calorie Assault or 17-19/12-15 Calorie Echo Bike
40 Double Unders
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts (32/24 kg)
5 Burpees to Target
10 Pull Ups
5 Burpees to Target

Three sets of:
Single Incline Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12 reps each side
Rest as needed
Chest Supported Kettlebell Rows x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed

Athlete Notes:
Another EMOM into rounds for time is coming up today. These are going to be our Wednesday theme for the duration of this cycle, so get used to fatiguing yourself and then trying to move fast once you’re already on the verge of tapping out. This cycle is all about building strength and capacity, and these workouts are the perfect way to do it. As always, make sure your first few rounds leave you about 15-20 seconds of rest because that will become less and less as you run deeper into the workout. Remember, just get started!

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bonificación de registro en Binance
bonificación de registro en Binance
May 7, 2024 3:12 am

Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.

Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
October 28, 2022 10:19 am

A. 205
C. 17 bike reg burpees and 5 pullups
Did ten rounds around 4-4:30 per round
D. 150 band pull apart

James Wozniak
James Wozniak
October 26, 2022 6:18 pm

Warm up ✅
A. 220 across
B. ✅ w/ 7 MU
C. Rx w/ 20 bike Cals
D. Done

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
October 26, 2022 5:06 pm

Warmup done
A. 80Kg across all sets
B. EMOM with 10 strict PUs; UB on mins 1-5, then 7.3/8.2/6.4/5.5.
C. EMOM w/ 17 cal Echo. Skipped 3RFT, running short on time.
D. Done

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
October 26, 2022 2:45 pm

Went to a local gym, and finally could snatch a little after 6 months A) emom 8’ 5 bar mu B) snatch practice, hh, hsn, sn with pause etc. C) E2’ for 16’ squat clean and jerk 60-70-80kg 3 reps 80-85-90-95kg 2 reps 100kg 1 reps Didn’t do these as well in a long time, felt so happy. Also it was a proper weightlifting platform, and could drop the barbell for the very first time. God it is a game changer. D) emom for 15’ 200m row 15 cal ass bike ~50 meter heavy sandbag hug carry E) 3 rounds… Read more »

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
October 26, 2022 7:54 am

B. Skipped
C. Done RX but 5 strict pull ups instead of 10 pull ups
Echo Bike 19/17×6
D. Done

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