Invictus Athlete + is Live – Only 30 Spots Available!
Invictus Athlete + pairs you with an Invictus Coach, who will personalize the Invictus Athlete programming you are currently following for your needs and goals. By working with a coach, you will have someone making sure you are picking the right sessions for your goals, staying on track, and giving you feedback on your movement. Invictus Athlete + is $179/month. We’re limiting this initial opening to 30 athletes to ensure that we keep the quality of coaching high for participating athletes. If you’re interested, please click here to apply.
Primary Strength Session
For the following two drills, draw out your ideal jerk footwork and use those marks to ensure perfect footwork. Please click here and watch this video to learn how to draw your footwork.
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Split Jerk with a 2-second pause in the dip & 2 second pause in the catch
*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 4-6 = 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM Split Jerk
Build to today’s 3-RM Push Press
Use blocks if possible, rather than dropping this to your front rack. If you don’t have blocks, be safe with these.
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
Run 1600 Meters (or 1200 meters on Assault Runner or equivalent)
When the running clock reaches 10:00…
For time:
50/30 Calorie Assault Bike
When the running clock reaches 14:00…
Three rounds for time of:
15 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs)
15 Toes-to-Bar
When the running clock reaches 20:00…
For time:
Run 1600 Meters (or 1200 meters on Assault Runner or equivalent if possible)
When the running clock reaches 30:00…
“Heavy Diane”
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (275/185 lbs)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″/0″ Deficit
When the running clock reaches 40:00…
For time:
Run 1600 Meters (or 1200 meters on Assault Runner or equivalent if possible)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press
x 8 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Landmine Row x 6 reps each arm @ 21X0
Rest 90 seconds
For completion:
400 Meter Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug)
Go heavy, and take your time. WALK, do not run. The point is to accumulate time under tension and strengthen your posterior chain, so embrace the slow grind of the walk and don’t get in a hurry.
One set of:
Tuck Rocks x 100 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – V-Up to V-Sit x 6-8 reps
Interval 2 – Hand Plank Arch/Hollows x 6-8 reps
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Hollow Body Bounces x 100 reps
Rowing Endurance Option
For max meters:
30 Minutes of Rowing
Running Endurance Option
Two sets of:
1200 Meter Run
Rest for 90 seconds
600 Meter Run
Rest for 90 seconds
200 Meter Run
Rest for 90 seconds
A) 115/135/155, 95/115/135
B) 245/260
C) 210, no jerk blocks
A) 7:49
B) 3:11
C) 4:36
D) 8:03
E) 8:07
F) 8:09
Primary strength
A) jerk balances
Tall jerks
Split jerks
(Did a 3 second pause in the first dip, and didn’t re rack just dropped onto jerk blocks, dropping heavy jerks has caused elbow and shoulder pain recently)
1-3 @ 220
4-6 @ 233
C) 3rm push press
Forgot to post yesterday:
A. Jerk balance: 65/85/95
Tall jerks: 65/75/85
B. Sets 1-3 @ 132
Sets 4-6 @ 140
C. Built to 127.5# (7.5# up from my 4RM)
Strength Accessory:
A. 1-1-2 bench w/ 35# DBs
Landmine row w/ 67.5#
Skills Efficiency (from Friday)
Wall balls: 19
DB snatch: 12
Pull-ups: 14
Strength Accessory (from Friday)
B. Hand over hand rope pulls w/ 120#
Sled push w/ 300#
4.5 hour drive straight into the gym, didn’t have a lot of time, ended up being a really good session.
Primary Strength
A. Jerk balance @40kg
Tall jerks @40kg
B. Pause split jerks
3×2 @120kg
3×1 @127.5kg
C. 3rm push press upto 105kg
Done rxd
A. 6:50
B. 1:49
C. 4:28
D. 8:00
E. 8:12
F. 7:37
Nice work getting your session in after a long drive. Just make sure your liking after those hips and back after a long drive. Plenty of mobility today!
Driving a long way then hitting the gym is always rough. Way to hit it hard
A. 65/75/85
B. 150/150/155/155/160/160
C. 140
A. 6:58
B. 1:41
C. 3:07
D. 7:13
E. 8:33
F. 7:32
Those miles were terrifying, super fun workout.
DB bench at 25
landmine rows with 25# plate on 33# bar
sandbag walk with 50#s
Core; done
Today was a fun conditioning piece! Nice work!
They are more terrifying on the Assault Runner too lol. Be happy if you don’t have one
Took a long time to decide which conditioning to do, since they both seemed like death, but decided to do yesterday’s. Listened to your advice and went hard on the row, not pace for what’s coming next…. lol … Lightweight thrusters never felt so heavy! 10:08 bar MU (1000m row PR!) 10:27 Rx 8:49 Rx …this hurt my body and soul Strength: Jerk balance x3 @85,95,105 Tall jerk x3 @85, 85, 95 Pause split jerks 2@175/180/185 1@190/195/195 3RM Push Press – 165, pretty happy considering my 1RM is 175 Overall, happy with the day, especially with how strong I felt… Read more »
Great day of work! Love the push on the conditioning and you looked strong through all the strength work!
I think it is safe to say your 1RM is probably higher than 175 now, nice work!
Just finished the athlete+ form!
Yeah Buddy!
A. Jerk bal 95/115/135
Tall jerk 135/155/155
B. 1-3@265 4-6@285…then I did one at 315 (easily) because the weight felt light. 🙂
C. Not going to lie, I straight up forgot to do these today and I just realized it. -_- haha
Strength accessory
A. 50lb db’s
70 lb landmine row
B. 200lb sandbag (this took the life out of my posterior chain)
C. Done
Throwing all the weights around!
Yes sir! I used to hate it but its growing on me for sure. I will say this though, structuring my training the way we have is getting me excited to start conditioning leading up to the open. ??
Jerks off of 315
3rep max push press 255# for a PR
Conditioning as prescribed:
A. 7:42
B. 2:30
C. 5:15
D. 9:04
E. 9:56
F. 9:01
Strong work today James! Congrats on the PR!
Primary conditioning:
A. Mile #1 7:57
B. Bike 1:40 (kept cals at 30 on airdyne)
C. 9:29 (ohs @55lb and did 10t2b per round)
D. Mile #2 10:40
E. Diane 9:45 (deads @125 and did seated shoulder db presses @20lb)
F. Mile #3 9:38
First time posting so I am a newbie. I have followed Invictus for about a month. My right shoulder limits me on some movements…I am just coming back from a torn rotator (labrum and supraspinatus). Today was fun!
Jerks done off of 195 (work in progress)
145×3 push press
Primary conditioning:
a. 7:28
b. 1:58 (AB is a huge weakness for me)
c. 3:43
d. 7:32
e. 4:17 (love strict hspu)
f. 7:20
Welcome to the community Alana! Looking forward to seeing your progress now that your healthy again!
Welcome Alana!
Jerks done off 315
235×3 on push press (PR)
Primary conditioning was rude; I had no energy for this portion
A. 6:53
B. 1:43
C. 5:32 (everything unbroken just lots of resting)
D. 8:53 (this is where it hit that this wod sucks)
E. 9:12 sets of 7 most of the way through.
F. 7:34
Congrats on the push press PR!!
Thats a strong PR there
Primary conditioning
7:34 mile
1:48 ab
4:58 ttb ohs
8:36 mile
7:58 heavy Diane
8:38 mile
Took a break then did WZA qualifier 7
Hope the qualifiers are going well!
I think I’m off to a good start. I’m actually now doing it with Russ and Bryan from invictus.
A. built to 225# squat clean & jerk
B. Wodapalooza wod 4
5 min amrap- Max squat clean n jerks 185#
21 reps
C. Wodapalooza wod 7
For time: 5:51unbroken
75 du
50 alternating db snatches 35#
75 du
50 db snatches 35#
75 du
S2- primary conditioning later
Only time for the conditioning today
9 reps into the 15 handstand push ups
8:32 – pretty ashamed of the last mile. I couldn’t pick me feet up at all.
I gained 5 pounds on the honeymoon. I’m going to blame that.
It will only ever happen once so you have to enjoy it!
Maxed clean and jerk for meet next weekend
335 for a 10# PR. 345 was close
Ran a mile in 8ish then did heavy Diane at 10:00, finished at 21:58. Shoulders are dead
Solid two days of lifting! Good to see your training paying off!
Mile #1: 7:34
50 cal: 1:37
Ohs/ttb: 5:46
Mile #2: 9:40
Diane (185 lbs/dshspu): 9:01
Mile #3: 9:03
Nice going it was a dizzy this one. But fun never then less
I did it at 6 in the morning haha why scale the Diane so much ??
I’m adding weight back to my lifts slowly I’ve only deadlifted as heavy as 245 in strength sessions this cycle