Workout of the Day
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Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Front Squat + Jerk
*Set 1 – 55%
*Set 2 – 65%
*Set 3 – 75%
*Set 4 – 80%
*Set 5 – 85%
*Sets 6-8 – 90%
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets)
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch x 2 @ 75%
Three sets of:
Z-Press x 3-4 reps @ 2011
Rest 90 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps @ 1111
Rest 90 seconds
Five sets of:
Row 500 meters
Ring Push-Ups x 20/15 reps
Rest 90 seconds
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A. 185 for sets 6-8, missed 1 jerk.
B. 115
C. Skipped do to time
D. Didn’t track the rounds, finished in 20:53
A – up to 190#
B – 125#. These are feeling a lot faster and easier now. Work with Oly coach starting to pay off.
C – 125# for Z-press. PU sets of 10.
D – 2:29/2:23/2:24/2:28/2:31. All pushups unbroken. Rows ranged from 1:44-1:50.
Day behind, did Saturday
A. 85, 100, 115, 120, 125, 135, 135, 135
B. 90
C. 75, 80, 85 – 6, 6, 6
D. Class using timer. All rows about 2:05 (total row time 10:27). Rows felt great today. Push ups tough last two rounds.
A) 68-78-88-98-103-108 *f* all jerks at 108#
B) 68#
C) Z-press 4 reps at 68#/strict pull-ups 8-8-7+1
D) only timed the rest
A. 95/110/125/135/145/155/165/170 x 2 F jerk
B. 85
C. BB/8
D. 2:46/2:45/2:51/2:50/2:58
c. 85 (4), 90 (4), 95 (3); 6/2, 4/4, 4/4
d. 5 sets 10 ring pushups
*injured left knee Tue on squats, unable to bear weight on knee at 90 degrees flexion or more; saw doc said nothing is torn-but there is something very irritated, unable to even row today
A: from 115# to 195#
B: 125#
C: Z Press15# ,120#, 125#
D: Class WOD (12 minute partner WOD at Crossfit 333 in Saint Charles, ill.
4 gyms for last 5 workouts)
A. 75-85-95-100-110-120-120-125
B. Did Wodapooloza WOD #1 Snatch ground, below knee, hang then as many OHS as possible. Started with 75# and did 12 OHS then did 85# and did 8 OHS tried 90# but failed.
C. 75# – 10 reps 80# – 10 reps 80#- 10 reps
D. I only timed the row but I did all the ring push ups… but the clock was in the other room… my row times were- 2:01 2:01 1:59 2:04 1:59
A. 125-140-165-175-185-195#-195#-195# (The final set at 195# I wasn’t happy with the 1st jerk, so jerked it again…not sure I have ever done 2 jerks at 195# before, pretty sure I haven’t so that was nice!)
B. 120-120-120-120-125-125# (don’t think I’ve ever power snatched 125# for 2 reps).
C. Skipped due to Oly Meet tomorrow.
D. Only did 3 sets since we have Oly Meet tomorrow….all the rings were put away in preparation for the oly meet…so we just did regular pushups.
2:06, 2:10, 2:12
Good Luck tomorrow in your Oly Meet 🙂
Did some m and a
A ,50,55, 64,70 80,80,82f
B did this at 53kg
C z press at 40,43,47 and all 8 pull ups
D row today felt harder than normal, but managed all under 1:50 all ring push ups ub
A. 70/85/95/105/110/120/120/120. (These felt pretty good today. Hoping to get back up to my pre shoulder surgery 1RM soon)
B. 65#
C. 55#, did pull ups with blk&red bands ( lots of elbow pain still)
D. 2:41/2:43/2:49/2:49/2:44 sub regular push ups for elbow
A. 135,165,185,200,210,225,225,225
B. 145
C. 115,125,135-10,10,9
D. Didn’t time these very well due to class arrangement, my pace was from 1:45-1:54, 1st 3 sets UB, last 2 broke up
A. Up to 185 (82%)
B. 135
C. Done
D. 2:26/2:22/2:18/2:21/2:38 rows 1:47-1:49
a. 135-160-185-195-210-220
b. 135 went a little heavier as it felt good today
c. z-press @125x4x4, pull ups 10×4
d. only timed the rows–1:49, 1:52, 1:57, 1:55, 2:02. Push ups on TRX, no rings.
A. 160/180/215/230/245/260/260/260
B. #170
C. Done
D. 2:36/2:34/2:44/2:35/2:34
A. #155/185/205/225/240/250/250f/250
B. all sets 155#
C. done
D. 2:10/2:10/2:10/2:18/2:22
Doing some qualifiers these days…Today it was a 30min heavy one …
I will try to complete with part of the training.
Is Part A from the ground or rack!?
A. 135/160/185/195/210/225/225/225
B.145-all sets
C. 125# and 10
D. 2:10/2:06/2:08/2:12/2:16
How far from the ground should the rings be? Thanks
From there rack.