Primary Training Session
One-Two sets of:
Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Three sets of:
250 Meter Easy Row
Plank Forward Taps x 20 seconds per arm
Sprint Start + 100 Meter Row (fast)
Plank Lateral Taps x 20 seconds per arm
Hip & Shoulder Prehab
One-Two sets of:
Copenhagen Adductor Exercise x 8-10 reps per side
Rest 30 seconds between leg; Rest 60 seconds
15 Second Isometric Side Lying Banded Clam Shells x 5 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Crossover Symmetry Reverse Flys x 15 reps
Technique Primer
Three sets of:
Press in Clean (Sotts Press) x 1-3 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets of):
Clean & Jerk
Sets 1-3: 3 reps @ 60-65%
Sets 4-6: 2 reps @ 70-75%
Set 7: 1 rep @ 80%
*Do not touch and go.
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets) of:
300/250 Meter Row
6 Power Cleans
300/250 Meter Row
9 Burpees Over Erg
35-49: 155/115 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs
60+: 85/55 lbs
This will not allow for much rest. Use a weight that allows you to perform touch and go reps
Three sets of:
20 Alternating Reverse Lunges
20 Prone Plank Rows (10 Right Arm, 10 Left Arm)
Rest 90 seconds
Athlete Notes:
This workout is all about speed and we are challenging you with this time domain. We suggest customizing the weight, reps, and row distance to where you have at least 30-60 seconds of rest on the first two-three sets. As you fatigue you’ll start to bleed further and further into that interval so give yourself a little bit of leeway early on. The rows should be a sprint so implement a sprint start every time you get on the row. Since you’ll be transitioning on and off the Erg 10 times, make sure you are setting yourself up for success by having a quick release out of the foot straps. Check out this video if you need to work on getting out of the rower with more grace.
The power cleans (as stated above) should be all touch and go, so pick an appropriate weight that allows you to do this. The bar facing burpees are your speed burpees so drop down, jump up and stay low jumping over the erg. Make sure you’re hitting each movement quickly and transitioning fast. Trust your lungs!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Sled Drag Option
Accumulate 1 Mile in a Reverse Sled Drag at 25-30% of your Lean Body Mass.