Movement Primer
Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
5 Max Effort Burpee Box Jumps (jump as high and land as tall and soft as you can, then step down)
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint
Front Squat
*Set 1: 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM
*Set 2: 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3: 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4: 5 reps @ 75%
*Set 5: 4-5 reps @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Snatch with No Foot Movement
@ 65-75% of 1-RM Snatch
For the Snatch with No Foot Movement, set your feet in your receiving position, and try not to let the ball of your foot leave the ground throughout the snatch. You will need to be aggressive in your turnover and quick in your descent. Do not use a hookgrip for these.
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Power Clean + Hang Clean + High Hang Clean + Jerk
*Sets 1-3 – 60-65%
*Sets 4-6 – 65-70%
*Sets 7-8 – 70-75%
For time:
500 Meter Ski-Erg or Row
50 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
200-Foot Handstand Walk
50 Toes-to-Bar
500 Meter Ski-Erg or Row
Three rounds of:
Kettlebell Reverse Lunges x 16-20 reps
Rest 15 seconds
60 seconds of 95/65 lb Barbell Good Mornings x Max Reps
Rest as needed
Hi guys just a quick question. When you program KB Swings, do you mean American or Russian? Thanks
B. 145
D.15:00,KS @32 Russian,120 Nose to wall shoulder taps
E. Done with KB 24 kg
A. 185 245 275 225 5@245
B. 125×4 135×4
C. 135×2 145×2 155×2 165×2
D. With row, russian swings and 2min of hs hold
12:50, rows around 1:35 and 1:38, kbs ub
E. Done with 45# kbs and 25 good mornings each time
Solid start to the week Tim!
A. 185×5 215×3 235×1 215×5
B. Skipped
C. 135/165/175/185×4
D. 16:14 hs walks fell apart today idk why, only able to go 5ft at a time
E. Done
A little practice everyday can help so much with control!
Primer: done
A. Based on 160#
B. 50/50/55/55/55/60/60/60
C. 1-3: 90#
4-6: 100#
7-8: 105#
D. 15:47 on rower and 15 wall walks subbed for the handstand walk
E. Done with 25# kb
Ouch those wall walks burn the shoulders. Great job challenging yourself with that many.
Ok- hopefully this week things are on track for good! All is good now! Few more days off before the thunder dome of school ?
A) 135/175/195/150/160 these felt pretty good
B) 105
C) 135/135/145/145/155/155
I ran out of time for d and e I had to take the jeep in for some work Then I took the pup for a run. The rest of the week looks solid for training tho! and maybe a beach day ?
Thanks for everything Tino! Hope your week is off to a really good start
Warm up done
A) 115/150/165/140/150
B) Tested the waters today used 45/55#
Felt ok on shoulder slowly build back even over a month since I snatched
C) 105/110/110
All no jerk will test that out another day didn’t want to do too much overhead
D) 9:20
Did with Ski and subbed 45# OH plate carry for HS walk
KB swings UB ?
E) Did lunges with 35# front rack
Bb good morning
Glad you are listing to your body! Hope you are 100% soon
A. 94/102/110/102/102Kg (65%); scaled the % way back but kept the rep scheme. FS felt terrible. Knees, hips, and thoracic were stiff and weak. I think this is just old age today. B. Worked at 60Kg (65%) for all. It took a while to get comfortable with these. Tried to focus on the technique and being quick. C. 75 x 2/80/85 x 2/90/95/100Kg; these felt pretty good. D. 15:39; Rx with row and ?? swings. Rows – 1:42 for both Swings – UB HSW – 10-20’ segments T2B – 10/10/10/10/10 E. Done Felt much better by the end of today.… Read more »
Day after rest days it takes a second to get moving but you’ve set yourself up well for tomorrow’s fun!
Totally right. I feel like I may need to do active recovery on the off days otherwise it is slow getting started for sure.
A. 185/245/275/230/245
B. 140
C. 175/185/205
D. 14:52 Rx (row) fell apart on the t2b today.
E. Done. 10/10/12 GM
Core or technical on TTB?
Core was blown up
Do you play with different Kip lengths? Shorter and longer? That usually helps me
Primer: ✅
A. 185/ 235/ 265/ 225/ 5@235
B. 135×5/ 155×3
C. 155/ 155/ 165/ 165×3/ 185×2
D. 16:30 (did the meters on Airdyne and 65KBS as I only have a 50lb)
E. Done
B.done 40kg/42kg/ 45kg and 5 last set 47,5kg practice a lot my tecnique a litte bit less kg.
C. 55-60-65kg
D.500m row, kb 28kg and last ski
E.done dbs 17,5kg and 42,5kg
20-22/ 18-22 / 16-20
Great to see you scaling back and dialing in that technique!
Completed all but the hang snatches, I ran out of time and needed to get the metcon done before class started!
D: 16:15 AKB swings, subbed handstand walk with combination of shoulder taps and wall walks
Got some solid work in on a limited time frame! Nice work!
A: 145; 180; 220; 170; 180 (4)
B: 105-115
C: 115-155
D: done 20 kg KB & shoulder taps
E: done 16 kg KBs & KB RDL (20)
Fun hard day!
And a great way to start off the week!
Movement Primer Done box 24″ and 30″
A Done based in 130kg
B Done Based in 80kg
C Done Based in 106kg
D Done RX cap 17’30” and 5min. Cool down Light Row
E Done KB 16-24kg barbell empty
Smart work hitting a little cool down after the metcon!
yeees !
I always try to cool down after the wods
row, bike or run
Warm up done
A. 225/295/335/275/295×4
B. 165×2/175×2/185×3/195×1
Felt better as these went on
C. 195×2/205/215/225×2/245×2
D. 11:10 RX
Ski 500 meters for both
UB American kb swings
Hsw in 25 ft UB increments
T2b slower than I would have liked but shoulders were shot
E. Done
Great job on the workout and the KB swings!
I was like no way i got you with a min and the only difference is the 2nd 500m, where i did rowing instead of the ski…then i saw that you went american way, so nevermind…?
Haha you crushed it dude! Nice work!
T2B’s and hs walk is like cherry-picking a workout for me, so i don’t complain. Thanks, i appreciate it! 😀
Movement primer done
A) 90-108-122-102-108 (4 reps) ah legs
B) 65-70kg done
C) 67-97 kg, same weights as last week
D) first ski, last row, and russian swings,
RX 10:10
Wanted sub 10, but ski and rest btw. hs walk parts lasted too long
E) done, kept light
Did a class workout and an easy 5K row in 18:50 yesterday, so happy with today’s training. Especially that i had/have a rough couple days, head is not there where it should
Glad to hear you had a better day today and got that work in.
Sometimes i got lucky and i can totally turn my brain off, itt was a day like that. Other days, unfortunately i take my problems in the box with me and can’t focus on anything…
Movement Primer Done
A. 37/ 50/ 56/ 47/ 50 kg (5 reps)
Front Squat
B. 27/ 27/ 27/ 30/ 30/ 30/ 32/ 32 kg
C. 35/ 35/ 35/ 38/ 38/ 41/ 41 kg
D. Rx 15:25, with row
E. Three rounds of:
Kettlebell Reverse Lunges x 20 reps (16 kg)
BB Good Mornings @ 25/ 26/ 26 reps
Good job Cathrine! Always happy to see people hitting their accessory work like you are
IM BACK!!! Dropping all percentages by 10, for at least this week. Primer – Dirty 30 + mobility A. 50% 160×5, 70% 225×3, 80% 255×1, 65% 210×5, 80% 225×5 B. 55% x4 sets (oops) shldr was getting used to the position again so probably wasnt a bad thing. C. 1-3 50-55% 135-140 ✓✓✓ 4-6 55%-60% 140-155 ✓✓✓ 60%-65% 155-165 ✓✓ These felt more crisp than ever, super wierd D. Scaled – 13:26 500m Row – 1:53 50 R KBS @53 – 25+25 Pike from box Shldr taps x30/50ft HSW – 4×30 TTB/TTRig – x5+x5 TTB + x20TTR+10+5+5 (shldr didnt like… Read more »
Looks like a great monday!
A. 140/185/210/170/185
B. 115
C. 135/145/155
D. 16:26 RX (except subbed HSW for 40 SHSPU)
E: done
That is a solid amount of SHSPU!
A. Done
B. Done 50kg
C. Done all sets 65kg
D. Done 19:43
(100 ft HW)
E. Done
Good job on the work today!