Primary Weightlifting Session
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps @ 2111
Built over the course of the four sets.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Build in weight over the course of the ten sets to today’s heavy single.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3-Position Snatch @ 65-70%
(high hang, mid-patella, floor)
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 7 = 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Set 8 = 1 rep @ 90-95%
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Front Squat
*Sets 1-3 = 3 reps @ 70-75%
*Sets 4-5 = 2 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 90-95%
*Set 7 = 1 rep @ 95+%
*Set 8 = 1 rep @ 95+%
Primary Conditioning Session
“Invictus Strict Handstand Push-Up Density Test”
For max reps:
90 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Note reps achieved for each set.
This is another one of our primary tests for athletes. Competitive males should be aiming to achieve 70 or more reps; ladies should be aiming for better than 55 reps.
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Five sets for times of:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
60 Unbroken Double-Unders
30 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Rest 4 minutes
If you break the set before you complete 60 double-unders, you must start your double-unders over. If you break before your 30th wall ball shot, you must start your wall ball shots over. Push your pace and force yourself to finish each set unbroken.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets of each):
Station 1 – Reverse Hypers x 8-10 reps @ 2011
(add some weight to the reverse hyper this week)
Station 2 – Bent-Over Reverse Flies x 10 reps @ 2010
Station 3 – GHD Sit-Ups x 15 reps
Running Endurance Option
Run for 5 minutes @ 50%
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Samson Stretch x 10 reps (each leg)
Reverse Lunges x 10 meters
High Knees x 20 meters
One Leg Jumps x 10 reps (each leg)
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Ball of foot hopping drills
Pulling with forward movement
Followed by…
Sprint 50 meters @ 60% effort,
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 70% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 80% effort
Rest as neeed
Sprint 50 meters @ 90% effort
Four sets of:
Run 8 minutes
Rest 4 minutes
Beginner option: Two sets
Intermediate option:
Three sets
Post your distance to the comments.
Objective: These intervals are at a slower pace than what you are used to. I want you to run these at about 80-90% of your pace from your mile time trial. If you run a 6 minute mile, these should be at about 7-7:15 pace which should be sustainable. You will have a full 4 minutes of rest in between the working sets. Don’t go out too fast where you won’t be able to maintain your pace. The goal here is to have time on your feet and help you get confortable with slightly longer run intervals.
Cool Down
400 meter easy jog
10-15 minutes of static stretching
(focus on shoulders, upper back, lower back and hip flexors)
Rowing Endurance Option
2 Minutes of Rowing at 16 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes of Rowing at 18 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes or Rowing at 20 Strokes/Minute
The goal of the warm-up, in addition to getting your blood flowing and body prepared, is to practice perfect movement sequencing and rowing mechanics. Pay attention to your posture and positions throughout this six minute warm-up.
Two to Four sets of:
8 Minutes of Rowing
Rest 4 minutes
Choose your number of sets based on your ability to recover from this effort.
Cool Down
Row 500-800 meters at cool down pace
10 Minutes of Static Stretching
oly sesh
a. 42.5/47.5/52.5kg
sn bal 70/80/90/100/110kg
b. 3 pos sn 77.5/80/82.5kg
c. 3×2 85kg
5×1 90/95/102.5/107.5/112.5kg *second attempt
d. FS 3×3 105/107.5/110kg
3×2 117.5/120/122.5kg just realized I did an extra set
3×1 127.5/132.5/137.5kg
Cond sesh
a. SHSPU test
31/12/9 = 51 PR max set 24
b. 3:26/3:10/3:31/3:14/3:42 rxd tripped twice on DU, rep 13 set 2 and 41 set 5
strength acc done
rowing 3 sets all around 2200m
Primary Weightlifting
A1. 45/55/65 – working to keep feet flat
A2. 115×3/125×2
B. 80
C. 80/90/95/100/10/110
D. 195/205/205/225/235/255/265/280(+5PR)
Primary Conditioning
A. 16/8/6 (30, +11 from previous) arms got smoked out a bit but managed to stay with smart sets
Congrats on the front squat PR!
Lifting – Easing the knee back in to lifting so just power snatched up 95kg.
SHSPU test
90sec = 48 reps (36unbroken(3 rep pr)
60sec = 21 reps
30sec = 11 reps
Total – 80reps 5rep pr
Conditioning did 24kg kb swings to save knee. Times =
Acessiories done. Summers coming in Aussi! Hot today!
Wow! 36 unbroken HSPU. Nice work!
Stay safe in the heat!
Haha yea down 2kgs (77kg) after focusing a little more on metcons. Hopfully liftings not affected to much.
A. 55/60/65
85/95/105/115/125 (start heavier next time)
B. 105 for 3 pos
C. Up to 145 (failed 150)
D. Up to 205, failed 215, did one more at 205
A. SHSPU: 18/10/5 = 33 – felt the ol’ shoulder, interested to see how it feels tomorrow morning.
Nothing else. 9:30pm, no dinner, time to go home.
Notes: October is play outside month! Prioritizing that, trying to get at least 3 days lifting and etc between bike rides and hikes and adventures.
Jo!!!!!! Awesome to see you posting. Any progress on that damn shoulder?
Yup! It has been doing much better with the three+ days a week of mobility love and accessory work it’s been getting (about a month of this so far)
than with the almost total rest it got the previous month. I still scale
anything that involves swinging around (pu + mu) because those still
cause problems. Everything else though… I feel it, but not the same
way, and it’s improving, not getting worse. Like I can snatch without pain, and no problems today after
a bunch of shspu yesterday, ftw. 🙂
A) 95/105/115
B) 165/170/175
C) 185/195/195/205/215/225/245/255
Been trying to hit 255 consistently at the end of
snatch work on Mondays and been able to hit it the past three weeks. Hoping for a new PR soon. (260–current PR)
D) 275/285/295/300/300/315/335/350
These felt okay today. Not the best.
A) Density–39/16/13=68 total
Felt decent on these. Definitely want to break into the 70s soon.
B) 2:18/2:50/2:58/3:20/3:09
AB started to fall off after first two sets.
Strength Accessory Option ✔️
Man thats quick! Was that assault bike? nice work
Loving the consistency on your lifts. Great work!
Primary lifting: A. Snatch press 45/55/65# Snatch balance 80# B. 3 pos snatch 65# C. 80/80/80/85/90/100/105/110# D. 110/110/110/115/125/135/145/150/155# I hit 150 and it felt good so I went for 155 and I got it 🙂 10lb pr! Primary conditioning: A. hspu density test Used one abmat and a skinny 10# plate just like last time June I got 11/6/4 Today I got 19/10/7 B. Used a 12# wb-I struggle mentally with big sets unbroken so I lowered reps to 20 and just tried to go as big of a set I could which honestly turned into a hot mess, 30… Read more »
Awesome day of work lots of PRs and everything is moving in the right direction!
Session 1
2) 245,255,265,280, 300 +25PR
B. All at 165
C. 185,195,205,220,230, 235F. Worked on better breathing and form.
D. 260,270,280, 300,315,335, 350, F365
Session 2
A. 28,12,6 Total 46
B. 3:49- UB
4:42- missed on rep 58 of dubs
4:01- UB
4:02- UB
3:59- UB
Huge PR!! Awesome work!!
Thank you
Snatch press: 55/65/70
Snatch balance: 85/95/105/115/115
3-position snatch: 85/90/90
Snatch: 95/95/95/100/105/110/115/120 (took 3 tries, but got 120, and the successful one felt pretty good!)
HSPU: 52 reps! (32/13/7)
Only 25 reps on June 10
Front squat: 155/155/155/175/175/195/205/215f
Conditioning: 4:57/4:30/4:28/8:41/5:16
Scaled to 40 DU, 20 WB
Spent about 75 minutes on this if you count procrastination beforehand 🙂
Late Night Primary Weightlifting:
A1. Snatch Press at 115#
A2. Snatch Balance at 195#
B. 3-Position Snatch at 135#
C. Snatch: Worked to 195# (Having to rebuild…not very good lately.)
D. Front Squat: Worked to 365#
Post some videos on the fb page to see if we can help with the rebuilding of your snatch.
Thanks Tino. Every since I stopped being able to stand up my heavy snatches, it’s thrown my mechanics out of whack. My PR is 215#, but I’m fortunate when I can stand up anything over 200# these days 🙁
Session 1. Skipped the Sotts press like always. They cause serious pain in my hip flexors. Not a stretching pain either. Worked up to a 215 snatch balance. First time ever working with heavier weight on these. Snatches I worked up to 190. Goingto SLOWLY start bringing the weights back up here. Goal is to be around 220 again by end of the year. Hit 285 in the FS. Most I’ve FS since starting CrossFit back up. Strength is SLOWLY, emphasis on SLOWLY, creeping back up. Stoked about that! Almost had 295 too. Next time! SESSION 2. 24/12/8. Strict HSPU… Read more »
Awesome push buddy. You don’t need to kill yourself everyday but when you feel good continue to push that redline. Keep up the great work and pushing and testing your body’s limits!
Running – 4x8mins – around 7kms total. Havnt been on my feet running this long for a while felt good.
Nice work getting back to running. You may feel it tomorrow 🙂
Session 2:
A. Density test:21reps total. I’ve been working on getting better at hspu
B. Primary conditioning
3 sets RX: 3:41,4:10,4:55
2 sets:
20 cal
40 DU
20 Wall ball
*did this to keep intensity high
Late night running done
-Did not track miles, but I know each set was over a mile. Felt good today I was moving for me
Nice job getting the running in.
I’ve got lots of inflammation in my traps/ upper back. It’s gotten so bad that I get really stiff and sore and can’t move or sleep well 🙁 I can get through training, but it gets bad afterwards. It’s not a pinpoint pain, so I think it’s just really inflamed. So I’m going to lay off a bit this week, ice and stretch more and see if that helps get it calmed down. Got an Airrosti appt again this week as well. Running Endurance Did 3.5 rounds of 8min on/4 min off Primary Lifting Just did Front squats 175/180/185 195/205… Read more »
What is it from?
I’ve had some issues with my left side neck/trap/lat over the last few weeks (which is being worked on) but last week my whole upper back started to blow up after I would work out. Got really bad Friday, so I rested Sat, did the last Wodapalooza wod yesterday and couldn’t move well last night or this morning. So I iced, took ibuprofen and rested. Not sure what it’s actually from, but different movements will make it flare up. So I decided to lay off some upper body this week, do more running and squatting and see if that helps… Read more »
If it doesn’t clear up then have a pt look at it. I hope it gets better soon.
Yeah!! I seen the result. You didn’t just qualify, you crushed it! Great job!
I’ll keep an eye on it this week. Definitely looking forward to my appointment on Thursday!
I’m happy with my qualifier finish. Online qualifiers are tough for me, I have a hard time with that extra push when I’m by myself in the gym. 🙂
Been doing a terrible job of posting scores lately but I swear I have been training 🙂
A. 35# for all
up to 135#
B. 105# for all sets
C. 115/125/135/115# for remaining sets..snatches weren’t feeling great so just dropped down to 70% and really focused on perfect form
D. 165/175/175/195/195/195/210/220/220#
A. 26/10/6 for total of 42 reps
B. no assault bike so subbed rowing
everything unbroken
Primary conditioning: words cannot describe my rage for DUs today.
4:25-3:20-3:22-3:17-3:01. Tripped on DUs on every damn set.
Rope or just your head?
Idk! I’m usually pretty consistent! So I guess my mental game was weak today
Took 1st place at a partner comp these weekend and winner got an automatic entry to wodapalooza ! Pretty pumped about that so look forward to hanging with everyone else who qualifies. S1 Nothing lol S2 3 pos snatch @ 185 Snatched up to 265. These felt great today Front Squat 305 – 375 Not as good as I use to feel with these but I’m feeling more comfortable with them week after week. Strict HSPU 90s – 20 60s – 9 30s – 5 This is absolutely the best I’ve ever felt with these Conditioning with a 25 lb… Read more »
Ugh. I didn’t do a single set of DUs unbroken
Got lucky and tripped on set 4 but on rep 3 lol so it didn’t matter.
Excite to catch up in Miami!
Good to see you hitting it hard brotha. I’m back at it now. Let’s crush it tomorrow.
Nice Nate ! Fully healthy ?
Yes. Things are feeling good. Just trying to prep now for the open. Glad to see things are well for you!
Retested the wza qualifier this morning…6 reps better…and have no nerve endings left in my thumbs
aerobic session and density test tonight because I needed validation that I was fit haha
Density test: 70 reps (57 in June) 42/17/11
Snatch warm ups done
Didn’t go heavy on snatch balance. Shoulder is bothering me so being safe.
Snatches up to 150 (95%)
Front squats up to 250 98%
33/10/7 so 50 total
Had to row on the conditioning to bike
Everything unbroken. No trips and no drops. Good day of training!
Session 1:
A. 45-75lbs
B. 3 pos. 115×3
Snatch 135 3×2, 145,155,165×3 90%
270,280×1 265×1(back off set)