Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Assault Bike or Row 10 minutes @ 70-75%
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Prone PVC Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Followed by…
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
Followed by…
One set of:
Max Static Chin-over-the-Bar Hold
Followed by…
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on the rack/20 seconds for 2 sets per side
Followed by…
Banded Monster Walks x 20 steps forward/20 steps backward
Banded Lateral Walks x 20 steps each direction
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 2 minutes @ 50 RPM
Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 15 reps
Push-Ups x 15 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Start at 60% and build to today’s heavy single.
Tempo Back Squat @ 10X0
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 4 – 4 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 90-95%
*Set 7 – 6 reps @ 75-80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes (7 sets of each):
Minute 1 – 15-18/10-12 Calorie Assault Bike
Minute 2 – 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Minute 3 – 30 Double Unders + 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
Immediately followed by…
Three rounds for time of:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
30 Double-Unders
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 1010
(place barbell on back or hold plate on chest with crossed arms)
Rest as needed
Tall Kneeling Palloff Press x 10 reps @ 2020
Rest as needed
Mobility and activation done.
A. Didn’t push it today. Shoulders are still fatigued from 20.5: 60/65/70/72.5/75/75Kg
B. 140/150/160/150/160/170(90%)/150Kg x 6
C. Sub’d row 15 cal for minute 1; the fat man ?? knows I need a bike. All else Rx. 3RFT – 8:23
D. Done, subd BB good mornings
What is your recommendation for a bike: type, brand… I currently live in NZ so it’s sometimes hard to get a wide selection. Rogue ships from Australia so I go that route mostly.
I’m all for Assault Bike. I’ve had one for four years now. I haven’t had much exposure to the others except the C2 which is another great training tool.
My gym has Rogue Echo Bike. It’s pretty similar to Assault Bike but a little bit harder specially when you need to sprint.
Awesome thank you. I’m leaning in that direction only because of availability. Do you know how cals on Echo compare to AB?
We consider the same amount that is prescribed for the Assault Bike. Tino says that the Echo Bike is like running on sand compared to AB, but he has never told us to do less calories ?. I scaled down the calories only when I need now. Where I live here in the US people are big fans of the Echo Bike and all Rogue equipments specially because of their durability.
Warm-up done
A. 155/165/175/185/200/210#
B. 270/300/320/300/320/340/285#
C. Done 3 sets skipped 1 and then did 1.Legs ?
A. Snatch upto 175# took a bit more reps to get there today. Arms are a bit sore from all the muscle ups. Movement felt fine just a bit longer to get warned up and moving.
B. Back squats at 245/265/275/250/270/290
C. Did a quick 15min amrap with a friend similar to movements from today’s emom
30-Dubz / 20 kbs at 50# (heaviest kb they had ) / 15 hrpu’s / 10 box jumpovers at 24″ — 6 rds + 30 dubz
Good to see you rounding out the week with a fun partner workout. Nice work Chris!
A) 135-145-155-160-170-170
B) 225-245-260-245-275-275-245
C) done RX with 10 bike calories. I didn’t do the last 3 rounds
D) done ✅ 45 plate
And blue band
Mobility and stretching Done.
Very little sleep do to work last night and my right ankle is wonky from dismounting from the rings weirdly yesterday so I call it.
Shoot! Sorry to hear about your ankle buddy. I hope it feels better soon and you get some good rest tonight!
All the warmups & activation done
A) up to 126 (86%)
B) 190/209/215/209/215/225/190 felt pretty good. I haven’t squatted in a bit bc of the knee so this was great!
C) made up 20.4- I’m not signed up, it’s my bday weekend and I didn’t feel like leaving my house so I did it with bar MU, bike, and heavy WB (20#) at home. 19:02 and not mad abt it! Haha id do this again and try ring though
D) done
Thanks Tino!! Hope your weekend is awesome!
Good job getting this in Jessica!
Thanks Tino!!
Warm up done
A) up to 185, it felt easy so I went to 200 which would have been a 5lb pr, failed.
B) 285/305/325/305/325/345/285
C) Did a fun girl/guy partner wod:
Splitting reps up as desired
100 dball to shoulder (100/70)
100 cal ski
100 GHD sit ups
100 burpee box jump overs (34/24)
100 db snatch (50/35)
100 double unders
D) Done
Fun way to round out a solid week!
A. Built up to a clean 168 and failed 173 twice… pull wasn’t aggressive enough. I’m not too disappointed considering the maintenance lifting
B. Why was this SO HARD. Barely made the low end. Failed rep 6 on the last set ?Based off 255# I have some building back up to do
C. Done Rx with 10 cals – no three rounds bc Post-open treat yo’self
D. 10 w/10# plate, 10 w/o….30 sec flutter kicks (I never really feel pallof press?)
Use a thicker band for your palloff press!
Solid finish to the week!
Did 20.5 today
3 mu shy from finishing it (rx)
Obv. it is really frustrating, because damn, just 3 reps and missed like 8 or sg., but on the other hand, in the last 3 years i think all in together i did like 10 ring mu, because neither of the places has where i train/trained, i always do bar mu instead, so had no idea how it is going to go. Anyway, it was a pretty fun open, thanks for the tips and for everything ?
I’d consider this a huge win! You’ll finish this next time it comes up. Great work over the last 5 weeks of the Open!
Thanks, could be worse for sure 😀 Crazy workouts, it will be good to hoop back to the regular trainings
Warm up done.
A. 28-33-36-38-40-42 kg. 1 kg PR!!!! I’ve been stuck at 41 kg since june 2018 ?
B. Done based on 75 kg. 56-60-65-60-64-68-56 kg.
C1. Done, Rx.
C2. 8:39. Happy to finish this one!
D. Done. Hip Extensions @ 5kg
Have a great weekend! ☺️
Enjoy your weekend!!
Hello!! Mobility and Activation done (it was 23F this morning, took me a long time to warm up properly). A) Skipped (My legs are fine but my upper body is pretty sore and tired specially my lats and triceps) B) 60-65-70-65-70-75-65 kg (a little bit under the lower percentages prescribed 67-87%) C) Scaled the EMOM to 8 cal Echo Bike / 8 Burpee BJO / 30 DU + 10 DB Snatches @ 25lb. Then : 3 rounds of 10 cal / 10BBJO / 30 DU + 10 DB Snatches @ 25lb – 12:54 I was missing the EMOMs…felt so much… Read more »
Time to wrap up! ?
20.5 today, 16:43min
Did 4 Rounds of
5 MU
5 MU
15 WBS
20 Cals
Felt like 19.1 with Muscle Up recovery in between ?
Nice work Dina!
A. Up to 225#
B. 225,265,295,265,295,315,225#
A) 55/60/65/70/75/80kg. Felt good and took a chance for an 86kg snatch PR from the floor but couldn’t nail it.
B) 110/117,5/125kg – failed the second rep and didn’t get in the groove afterwards. Everything felt heavy so I just took some more light reps and called it a day for squats there.
C) scaled to 12cal AB, 8 BBJOs and 17,5kg DB. Finished the 21min EMOM and skipped the for time piece. Pretty happy to scale these right now. Missed those EMOMs. Excited to be back!
Thanks guys, have a nice weekend!
That snatch PR is coming soon!
A. Based off 97kgs 1RM
B. Based off 190 kgs 1RM
6@152 kgs
C. EMOM done
Then 3RFT
D. Done w/ 10 kgs plate
A. Up to 82,5kgs (95%)
B. Done based on 157kgs (120/ 130/ 137,5/ 130/ 137,5/ 145/ 120kgs
C. Skipped didnt have mood for conditioning after the last open wod ?
D. Done
You earned the right to adjust today. 🙂
Enjoy your weekend and rest day!
A. 55,60,65,70,75,80kg (did power snatches, my knees were aching)
B. 4×80-3×85-2x90kg
(Did back rack box sqts for same reason)
C. EMOM Got me in 6th round (13cals ab 50secs)
Then 10:13 on Wod rx (about 1min between EMOM and Wod before to catch my breath)
D. Done
Enjoy your rest day!
I will! Hope to be ok for the new cycle! ?
I copied @wilsonhopkins strategy. Thanks Wilson! This is how far I got. MU are my weakness and I’m super happy with the fact that I was able to get so many! Haven’t done them in a long time and tried a few last week with utter failure. Time to get in Competition shape!
MU – 5 (4/1)
Row – 20
MU – 6(4/2)
WB – 30
MU – 5(3/2)
Row – 20
MU – 5(2/2/1)
WB – 30
MU – 4(2/2)
Row – 20
MU – 4(3/1)
Thanks Wilson and awesome work Patrick! Now back to training! ??
Thanks! Quick question, were we supposed to do ring MU’s? I didn’t have them anyhow and did bar…..
Ye they’re ring…??♂️
Either way let’s get you some ring muscle ups!
Glad it helped someone else. Nice job ??