Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Shoulder Opener x 45 seconds
Minute 2: Reach Thrus x 10 sets
Minute 3: Banded Hamstring Pulses x 8-10 reps per side
Three sets of:
Pop Swing x 5-6 reps
followed by…
Two sets of:
Peek-a-Boo Swings x 3-4 reps
followed by…
Every 30 seconds, for 6 minutes, complete:
Muscle-Up x 1-3 reps
60+ Women: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 3 reps
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 6 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 4 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 95%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) of:
Row 1000 Meters
20 Burpees Over the Erg
20 Push Press
40-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
Dyn/mob Done
A1) pop swings -need work on these -these are tricky.. 🙂 5 rps ea
A2) peek a boo swings: 3 swings
A3) M/U: all singles doubles until about the 4th set only did singles from there on
only did total of 9 rps
B) DL: 160,188,217,235,246,275 (whew last two were hard!)
C) rx’d DNF @ 24 mins was at 14 rps of push press.. finished anyways it took
24:31 total time
this was an eye opener-it was a lot harder than I thought- i under estimated it..
A.MU not happening. mental block today. Boo
B. Ended 95% 265. Heavy!
C. 6:30, 6:32, 6:50 RX
Mob done
Got a few pop swings for the first time ever
MU: 2/2/2/2/1/1/1/1/2/1– disappointed with this, but haven’t really been doing them because of sore elbow
Did first 3 sets of Deadlift, but could not get any higher. Everything was extremely heavy–home to rest and regroup
Mobility done.
A. MU Practice. Tried catching higher up so I don’t have to dip so far, didn’t work as I still did a full dip. I think I’m actually catching higher up but immediately drop to a full dip before extending.
B. Got 95% about 3in off the floor, then dropped the weight 10 pounds and got 2, so about 93/94%.
C. 7:15 to 7:45 Only 10 push press per round, 115 was not cycling well and I was taking too long after the burpees to start them.
DMA. Done.
A. Did EMOM10 neutral grip MU’s (First neutral grip MU’s!!!-Stoked!!!)
B. Not done – saving myself for competition workout later this week.
C. Battled to stay in the 8min time frame, but got the volume done.
Congrats on your first neutral grip MU!
DMA done.
A. Done w/12 sets of 3 C2B’s instead of MU’s.
B. 155/185/215/235/255/275#.
C. Rower N/A. Subbed in Wodapalooza WOD #6:
15 min AMRAP 10-8-6-4-2 HC (95/115/135/165/185/205#)/Burpees/T2B: 72 reps @ 11:45. Finished the 10-8-6. No way I can HC one 165#. 🙂
Mobility done.
A – Sets of 3 and then sets of 2. Those 30 seconds go quick.
B – 10×245, 10×275, 8×315, 6×335, 4×355, 2×390. Solid up to 390. Last rep at 390 looked like a dog pooping.
C – 6:38, 7:10, 7:20. Rx. Yikes. Lack of sleep this week catching up with me.
Oh no – not the dog pooping syndrome!
Haha, yep. Got a little greedy and wouldn’t give up on the second rep.
And get some sleep tonight!
Crossover symmetry warmup
A. Done, did most sets with singles focus on form, several sets with doubles.
B. Got called out by Cheryl Brost to deadlift with her! I now have a new two rep max at 350 a 25lb PR, thanks for the push Chery!
10×205, 10×240, 8×275, 6×295, 4×315, 2×350
C. Did not complete as RX, sets as follows with 95lb bar
Row 1000, 20 regular burpees, 10 pushpress 1:43 rest
Row 1000, 10 regular burpees, 10 pushpress 2:10 rest
Row 1000, 10 regular burpees, 20 pushpress 1:02 rest
Row times all three rounds around 4:15 or so.
Great job Ed!
25 lbs?!?! That is AMAZING!! Congratulations!!!!
Mobility Done
C2B-Singles today
A. 150/175/200/215/230/255-UB until 255 wanted to keep form did 1.1 felt good better than last week.
Paced the row for form
Burpees over the erg I did some lateral
Push Press seemed so heavy today
7:34/7:46/7:57-pushed the last round
the push press felt soooo heavy! omg im happy to hear you say that I thought it was just me… LOL yoy still did great!!!
Thank you!
Mob done
A. MU singles every:30 for 6 min then 4 doubles. after the first 5 or 6 things smoothed out and felt good.
B. 230/300/345/370/395/435 went to lift this one and felt stuck to the floor. So I went down to 90% at 415 for 2.
C. 5:45/6:06/6:20
A. done, then 2 every 30sec for 4 min then 3 every 30 secs for last 2 min. 28 MUs
B. Did bent over barbell rows
10x9510x115 8×135 6×145 4×155 2x 165
C. 5:21/5:24/5:29 I subbed 20 russian KBs @ 70 for burps ( way easier ) did the push press unbroken @ 115- rows were 3:50/4:00/4:10ish
Nice work on those MU Al!
Good to have you back!
Mobility done
A. Done; 2 MU every 30 secs.
B. 205/240/275/295/315/350# (all unbroken, felt better this week)
C. 6:06, 6:01, 6:00 ( shoulder was hurting on push press so subbed out with 20 Russian KB’s 55#).
Good work on the dl’s! Rest that shoulder tonight and tomorrow!
Mobility done.
A. MU drills. Not too good today. Only got 3.
B. Worked up to 2 at 365# (80%). Knee is bugging.
C. 7:29, 7:15, 7:14
Subbed strict pullups for the burpees to work on my weakness.
D. 500 row cool down
DMA done
A1 and 2: done
A3: missed 3 of these. I do think technique is improving.
B: 185, 220, 250, 270,285 attempted 95% (315) without success. Dropped to 300# x 2 reps.
C: 7:47. Was not going to be successful with this so dropped the Push press for the last 2 rounds.
MUs: 4×2; 8×1
Struggled wth MUs, I felt heavy and caught very low on all! Could only maintain 2s for 4 rds. I’ll post video of the first couple of rds on Facebook tonight. Fell like I’m regressing here.
Could not even get 1 at the 2x400lbs (95%) – I really need to retest my 1RM.
Went back in the evening to do the metcon. Elbow and lower back started bothering me so only did 1 RD of metcon 6:24
Then did 30:30 for 8 min on the assault bike – 103 cal.
Yes, definitely post a video of them so we can take a look!
Please let me know how the elbow feels tomorrow! Roll those triceps and biceps out tonight!
I’ve been fighting golfers elbow off and on for over a year. Just didn’t warm it up enough tonight and didn’t wear my elbow sleeve either. I could of pushed through as it wasn’t a new injury but decided not to. So decided to rekindle my love/hate relationship with the Assault Bike.
GOOD CALL Corey!!!!! Rest that shoulder – no use in pushing it when it is trying to heal.
Man last week I couldn’t do more then 1 rep, got dry needle and cupping done, on Lats and traps and boom pull and grip were back on point! I highly recommend!!!
I’ve been getting dry needling in my shoulder and Lars the past month. Issue with military medicine is I can’t just go there and get it done. I have to be referred and it has to be for a specific pain. Although I push that envelope at times. I agree though it is great!!
Dynamic mobility and act done
Crossover Symmetry done
A. Pop swings done
Peek a boo done
MU – 3-3-2-2-2-2-2-1-2-1-2-2
B. 165/195/205/225/255/270
C: 6:48/5:45/6:54
First set too fast on the row
So on the middle set I took my time on the row and went fast on the burpees and UB on the PP. but then Inwas dead for the last round.
Last set just plain done.
That was hard ?
10 WB @14# EMOM for 10 minutes
Great work Tracy!! Nice job figuring out what a good pace to hold on something like a rowing when going into a chunk of work to ensure you the best time
Thanks! I hope we do this again. I think…
Coach NIcole Ill do this WOD tomorrow… I did yesterdays today trying to catch up for missed work:
I will posting it on yesterdays post.. 😉
No worries Lise! Thanks for the update!
thanks Coach Nicole I didnt get a chance yesterday to put it up but it;l be there by days end today. 🙂
Mu 2,3
DL up to 290
Wod around 1min rest after each round tried to keep same pace each time .
Class wod
1,400 swim ??♀️
Fun day!
Nice swim
M&A DOne
MU – really need to warm up my shoulder on these, used to be one of my strengths now I can barely get one. I didn’t get to many in the 6 sets. I don’t know if it’s me, but I really don’t understand Travis videos, could be my ADHD.
B. 175, 210, 245,260,275,310
C. 6:47, 7:11, 7:23 – really tough.
Can you post your MU to the Blog or FB group?
And yes, the shoulders def need to feel really warm. I would suggest adding some drom drills to the Dynamic Mobility & Activation based on what you feel like you need the most.
A. Warm-up
40 calorie row
3 rounds NFT
5 OHS using PVC
30 DU’s
Ladder drills
B. Snatch Balance 5 X 2 reps @ 80%
Subbed front squats for snatch balance
WU sets 95/125/145 Working sets – all at 160 lb. – should have gone heavier on these
C. WOD – 16 min AMRAP
24 calorie row
12 bar facing burpees (subbed air squat then jump over barbel)l
12 OH alternating lunges (subbed front rack alternating lunges)
4 Rounds plus 10 calories
D. Cool Down & reset
10 walking lunges
10 close grip push-ups (did not do)