Mobility & Activation
Spend 5-10 minutes rolling out your traps and pecs.
and then …
CrossOver Symmetry
Rows x 10 reps
Reverse Flies
x 10 reps
Pull-Downs x 10 reps
Victory x 10 reps
90/90 Drill x 10 reps
Cross Body Pull x 10 reps per side
(Stand to the side of the rig. With the arm furthest from the rig, pull the band across the body while keeping the elbow close to the rib cage. Finish with the elbow at your side and wrist in line with the elbow)
and finish with …
MedBall Pec Activation Walk x 60 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Strict Press x 2-3 reps @ 85-95%
Two sets of:
Posted Single Leg Deadlift x 10 reps @ 3111
Rest 45 seconds, then switch legs
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps each arm
Rest 60-90 seconds
For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs to 10/9′ target)
100 Double-Unders
25 Thrusters (95/65lb.)
100 Double Unders
For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs to 10′ target)
100 Double-Unders
25 Thrusters (95/65lb.)
100 Double Unders
For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs to 10/9′ target)
75 Double-Unders
25 Thrusters (65/45lb.)
75 Double Unders
Time Cap: 18:00
Scaling Options:
Scale down in weight or in height for the wall-ball shots
Single-Unders x 1.5 of Double-Unders
Reduce the weight for the thrusters OR sub in dumbbells if unable to safely hold the barbell in a front rack
I promise you will THANK US when the Open rolls around and you’ll be throwing a lighter wall ball and/or to a shorter target (the 50-54 annd 55+ men age divisions have the same weight for their wall balls but are throwing to a higher target). Work through the wall ball shots with short, quick breaks and keep your breathing even. With the heavier weight for your wall ball and/or taller target, avoid shoulder fatigue, especially because they are followed by double-unders. This article goes over some ways to help avoid shoulder fatigue with wall ball shots.Â
Have your rope laid out on the floor, untangled, so you can easily grab the rope and go. Keep the shoulders relaxed and breathing calm during your double-unders. If double-unders are not a strong point for you then plan for some strategic breaks so you can stay fresh during your double-unders.
And hen you have the OPPORTUNITY to crush some thrusters! And hey, it’s only 25 reps! Can you go unbroken here? I bet you can!! Now is a good time to remind you all to read this article about thrusters being your best friend.
Stay calm and focused on your last set of double-unders. Take a calming breathe before you start and now is the time to go for max reps unbroken!
Before you start this workout, make sure your rope has no kinks in it and the handles are secure. Ideally you have your own rope, sized for your height, for your workouts!
Three sets of:
GHD Supine Plank x 20 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Suitcase Carry x 100 Feet each side
Rest 60 seconds
Dumbbell Reverse Flys x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Additional Optional Row/Bike Erg
Three sets of:
2000 Meter Row/4000 Meter Bike Erg
Rest 3:30 minutes
A. SP X 3 = 95/115/125/135/145/155/165
50 DU
25 DB SN @ 50
15-12-9 THRUSTERS (95/115/135) = 11:43
6:57. Kinda died. WB UB. Tripped once on ea set of dubs. Thruster 15/10
A. 115/115/115/120/120/120
B. 65# barbell, 105# for rows
C. 4:19 unbroken all the way through. EXCITED. Wallballs were weakness, felt great!
A. 140/145/145/145/145/150
B. 25# db’s stayed light from deadlifts yesterday 95# for rows
C. 7:35
Wall balls 20/15/15 needed more chalk very slick this morning I wanted 30/20
DU’s 54/18/3
Thrusters 15/10 quick break
DU’s can’t remember
D. Did ghd side plank
65# for carry
15# plates for flys
A. 67,5 kg 6 sets x 3 reps
B. KB 16 kg. Rows 50 kg
C. 11:33 RX
Great job Piotr!!!