Movement Primer
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Nose-to-Wall Handstand Wall Runs x 20 shoulder taps
(focus on stabilizing your midline and maintaining a good vertical position)
Minute 2 – Weighted V-Ups x 10-12 reps
(hold weight overhead for these sets)
Minute 3 – Strict Ring to Sternum Pull Ups x 6-8 reps
Followed by. . .
Three sets not for time of:
60 second Goblet Squat Hold (32/24 kg)
20 Banded Face Pulls
5 Farmers Hold Dumbbell RNT Split Squats each leg
5 Broad Jumps for Max Distance
Front Squat
*Set 1: 4 reps @ 65% of 1-RM
*Set 2: 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3: 4 reps @ 80%
*Set 4: 4 reps @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Power Snatch
*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 95%
*Sets 7-8 = 1 rep at 95+%
Four sets of:
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Against a 12-minute clock, perform the following…
“Friendly Fran”
Three rounds for time of:
21 Thrusters (115/80 lbs)
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
In the remaining time…
Establish a 1-RM Clean + Front Squat
Post your time for Friendly Fran and your heaviest successful load for the complex.
Three sets of:
6 Romanian Deadlifts @ 4011
immediately followed by…
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges @ 20X1
Rest 2-3 minutes
A. 195 225 245 245
B. Up to 145
C. 245
D. 10:18 with reg pu / 195
Then took another 8 min and got up to 225
E. 85d dbs/ 135 lunges
A) 120/140/150/150
B) 85/90/95/95/100/105/105
Still working off lower percentages 105 is the heaviest I’ve gone since the shoulder biceps been bugging They felt good.
D) Did front squats pressing in a front rack position still bothers my bicep so didn’t want to back track
21 Front squats
21 CTB.
7:42 ctb had to be broken up
155# for clean and front squat
I probably could have gone heavier but didn’t have my belt oops core was tired at that point.
E) Used 95# for both did back rack reverse lunges
Moved well today. I think your scaling was perfect. Now time to get healthy!
A. Up to 260#
B. Up to 185#, made 195# but was told it was squat
C. 5s @ 265#
D. Didn’t want push too much on the knees, scaled to 95#
9:24, 235#
E. Done 155# BB
Good to see you adjusting accordingly. Hope that your knees are back to full health soon!
A) 140/160/185/185
B) 105/105/120/120/125/130/130/135
C) 185 these felt really smooth
D) 6:43 Rx and 185 I think I could’ve pushed harder on the thrusters.
E) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your friday was awesome!
Great to see more consistency this week! Hope you’ve found your groove at work!
Thanks!! Feels good to have that consistency ? Work is good for the next couple weeks- it’ll probably change again when all the kids come back, and I may be there later (depending on how kong dismissal takes). But I’ll keep my training schedule up- have to!
Thanks for everything!
A. 235 / 275 / 290 / 290
B.up to 215
D. 7:10. w. 115 and Strict pull ups
3 attemps 215 / 275 / 290 ✔️
E. Done
That’s super fast with strict pull-ups! Awesome work!
Thank Tino. Even the boxes are closed in my country. I must always modify some movement to do it at home
Stay safe!
Movement Primer: done
A. Work with : 265/305/310/310 lbs
B. 160/160/165/165/170/170/175 and 185 failed
C. 305/305/305/305 lbs
D. 9:44
215 clean and FS
E. Done
Primer done
A. 102/117/125/125Kg
B. Up to 65Kg
C. 134Kg
D. 6:52 Rx/115Kg
E. 125Kg and 32Kg KBs
Good work today!
Thank you Hunter.
A. 165/195/215/215
B. Up to 225, stoked for this!
C. @195
D. Trained with a buddy and amalgamated our programs
4 x 5min AMRAP:
10cal row
1 shspu
2 hang sqt cln thruster 115#
3 c2b pull-up
*row stays at 10cal but other movements go up 1every round
*2:30 rest between
amalgamated = vocab word of the day!
Primer ✅
A. 185/ 225/ 225/ 245
B. 135/ 135/ 155/ 155/ 165/ 185/ 185x
C. 245
D. 11:40 ? did 205 but a little bit over the cap, not happy on the time, think I could’ve pushed myself more
E. Couldn’t do it, short on time
Glad you can recognize that! Keep working hard
A. Up to 265
B. Up to 195 for a PR power snatch
C. 265 across
D. Knees not feeling any more squats today. Jumped in with a buddy for:
750m row
35 push press with 16kg KBs
500m row
35 more push press
250m row
E. Skip.
Mobility tonight 🙂
Congrats on the PR! 200 is next
A: 155; 185; 195
B: 105-115
C: 195
D: scaled PU & 75; 175 clean
E: 155 & 20 kg KB
Nice work Kathryn! Be sure to record your time for when we retest 🙂
Primer done
A) done
B) finished at 95%, 145
C) done
D) 9:33 RX and got two attempts, finished at 160#
Was excited to get 2 min better than the last time
E) done
Awesome improvement Jill!!
Primer done
A) 88-103-108-108kg
B) done, more like a practice
C) 105kg
D) didn’t do today, wasn’t time or motivation. Did a training yesterday as well, maybe shouldn’t have
E) 60kg done
Try to your best to keep a dedicated rest day so you have the mental and physical break
Lately gym was my only place to have some break mentally, but i feel that body needs some time to recover. Shnday it is!
Take up a hobby??
Would be nice. So far, it is only the gym at the moment. Kinda sad i know, it is tough to make life alone, far from home.
Primer: ✔️
A: 160×4, 185×4, 195×4, 195×4
B: 115×2, 135×1, 140×2( accidentally jumped up weights to quickly so did a few more at the same weight), 155×1, 160×1(suspect haha), 160×1 made
C: 205x5x4
D: 11:00. Did this at 95# scaled back to be able to finish it on time
D1: 145. It’s all I had time for. Thrusters and CTB eat me up
E: ✔️ RDL done at 95#
Spicy ? combo but fun way to finish a solid day!
A: 153/178/188/188
B. 93/93/105/113/118/123 (both 118 and 223 failed first and got second attempts) failed 128
D. 11:36 – no time for clean
Nice work Deborah! Its ok to adjust so you get some time for the clean. I won’t be mad 🙂
Hope you got C and E in too!
85kg PS.
8:32 RX.? 110kg Complex
It should be a ? face
Warm-up done
A.B.C. Did Power Snatch
D. 7:22 Did 3 Rounds for time of:
21 Push Press(115#) 21/11|10/11|10
21 C2B (2sets unbrkn & 7/4/3/1/1/1/1/1/1/1)
205# Power clean
E. Done 205#/26# kb’s
Knee still giving you issues?
Waiting for surgery
Warm up done
A. 245/295/300/300
C. 285 across
B. Up to 235 made 245 but it was close to a squat
D. Did the ten thousand “work” workout
4, 8, 12, 16 etc…
Pull Ups
Pistol Squats
Alt. DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50#)
28 + 28 + 17
325 Total Reps
E. Done
What’s the “the ten thousand “work” workout”?
The brand ten thousand, we recently partnered with them and they were running a “competition” of one workout which they called “WORK:001”
Did you win??? 🙂
Lol we’ll see but pistols are not my strongest movement so I’m pleased with how it went overall!
A) 75, 85 and 2x 90 kg
B) 60, 60, 66, 66, 70, 74, 78 and 78. Last two very borderline!
C) All done at 90 kg
D) 12:05 Rx.
E) Skipped. I was both mentally and physically totally wasted.
From the session? or life in general? 🙂
Legs were not fully recovered, and I felt I could have slept 12 hours before i went to the gym.
Been a busy time lately
A. 225/260/275/275
B. Up to 185 for 1
C. All sets at 285
D. 5:50 RX. 255 complex
Great work James!! Hope you got the accessory work in too 🙂
Thank you. I Got the primer work in but skipped E. I’ll get it done in the P.M.