November 6-12, 2017 – 3 Day Weightlifting Program

Monday (Session One)
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Behind The Neck Push Press in Split x 5 reps

Build over the course of the 4 sets. The goal is to work on technique here, not maximal weight.

Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep

*Sets 1-4 @ 65% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 5-8 @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk

Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
Front Squat x 4 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Front Squat

Two sets of:
Pushups x Max reps in 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM Clean
Rest 90 seconds

Wednesday (Session Two)
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Press in Receiving x 5 reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep

*Sets 1-3 @ 60%
*Sets 4-7 @ 65%
*Sets 8-10 @ 70%

Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
Push Press x 5 reps @ 65-70%

Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Bulgarian Split Squat x 6 reps each leg

Build over the course of the 3 sets.

Friday (Session Three)
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Press in Clean

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(Sots Press) x 5 reps

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean Grip Overhead Squat x 3 reps

Build over the course of the 3 sets.

Only build in weight if your mobility allows you to get into a comfortable position at the bottom. If flexibility is an issue, stick with an empty barbell & go as low as you can safely go.

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 2 reps

*Sets 1-3 @ 60%
*Sets 4-6 @ 70%

Followed by…

Every 90 seconds, for 9 munutes (6 sets):
Snatch x 2 reps

*Sets 1-3 @ 60%
*Sets 4-6 @ 70%

Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 65%

Two sets of:
Strict Pronated Grip Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Prone Plank Hold x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

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Matt Irwin
Matt Irwin
November 10, 2017 4:25 pm

Session 3:
A1: 65/75/85#
A2: 135/145/155#
B1: 185/205#
B2: 155/175#
C: 280#
D: Done. 35# pull-ups. 45# planks.
I didn’t know how badly I needed this lighter week until now ?

Jared Enderton
Jared Enderton
November 10, 2017 9:57 pm
Reply to  Matt Irwin

You should be feeling solid heading into next week!

Matt Irwin
Matt Irwin
November 8, 2017 5:08 pm

Session 2:
A: 75/85/95/105#
B: 145/165/185#
C: 185#
D: Done. 135/155/175#

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