Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 5-6 minutes mashing the shoulders
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Band-Distracted Tricep Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Minute 2: Wrist Stretch x 8-10 pulses
Minute 3: Band-Distracted Anterior Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Three sets of:
Drop Split x 3 reps (draw out footwork)
followed by …
Split Jerk
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 rep @ 80%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 6-8 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 9-10 – 5 reps @ 75%
Back Squat
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 75-80% of 1-RM
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
* Sets 4-6 – 8 reps @ 70-80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Four rounds for time of:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
40-Feet of Walking Lunges with KBs
40-49: 24/16 kg
50-59: 2″ riser; 24/16 kg
60+: 4″ riser; Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups; 16/12 kg
For completion:
20 Hollow Body Sit-Up
40 V-Ups
100 Shoulder Taps
40 V-Ups
20 Hollow Body Sit-Up
Mobility done
A. Opted out for my shoulders
B. Done – feel like my back squat is getting better
C. Did a different Metcon (shoulders) 21-15-9 calorie row & burpees over rower. For time 7:11mins
D. No time for an work will work this into another day
Worked out at Crossfit 843 in Bluffton, SC today. Fly home tomorrow.
Mobility done.
A – 155×3, 165×2, 175×2, 185×2, 200×1, 210(3×1) then 155(2×5). Went light on sets of 5s. No blocks at gym I was at and didn’t want to try and catch 185 that many times.
B – 265×5, 295×3, 315×1, then 245 (3×8)
C – 9:26 Rx.
D – Done.
DMA done.
A. Up to 115#.
B. 165/175/185/135#.
C. NFT but done briskly. Scaled 5 sHSPU/10 C2B/Lunges w/16 kg KB’s. HSPU’s. Yeah! First HSPU’s since late August. Feeling good.
D. No time.
Wahoo Rodney!
A. #105/110/115/125/130/ 140×2 wanted a better jerk than the 1st one
B.150/175/190/140/150/160-Felt good-
C. 10:59-couldnt hold on to the bar for anything today on C2B-So close-So close for SHSPU-Used abmat…..So Close-Soon!
D. Done
Mile cool down run
It is almost there Cheryl! Keep adding them in as some skill work throughout the week!
Skipped mob and A.
B. did box squats to parallel 5×245/3×275/1×315/8×225/8×225/8×245
C. 5:29 subbed 15 russians for 40′ lunge @ 70lb- swings and HSPU unbroken- 8/7 on C2B until last round when the wheels came off
D. no time
meeting w surgeon on Thursday for consult on left knee
Keep us updated Al!
Mobility done
Was short on time so decided to superset the Jerks and Box Back Squats! ? That was hard!
A. 3@145, 2@155, 2@165, 2@175, 1@185, 1@195, 3 sets 5@165#
B. 5@210, 3@240, 1@255, 3 sets of 8@205#
C. 5:18 (subbed 40′ walking lunge with 15 Russian KB (24kg) swings; all strict hspu unbroken, 2 Rds C2B unbroken)
D. No time
M&A Done
A. Jerks up to 185#
B. Squats up to 265#, and sets of 8 @ 225#
C. 9:28 RX Did singles on C2b
D. Done
A. Drop splits then jerks to 220 then sets of 5 @190.
B. Skipped do to leg problems.
C. 15:37 Got all 40 Strict so not too disappointed. Beat my PR of 31 strict last Tuesday. Didn’t do any lunges btw.
D. Do at home later.
That is AWESOME Kincaid!!!!!! Major progress buddy
Thanks Nichole!! Baby steps…
Mob Done
A. 175/185/205/215/225/240/205 2×5
B. 315/345/375/315 3×8
C. 9:48
D. Done
Post – Rev Hyper/OHS narrow grip work
I actually went back to the gym to do a metcon this time!!! Making progress, lol.
Back this afternoon to do a qualifier workout for Masters Throwdown in the Netherlands.
Deadlift (60kg)
Thrusters (35kg)
Ab mat sit-ups
Nice Corey!
Mobility done
A.drop splits done
Split Jerks 3@135, 2@145, 2@155 (1miss), 2@165, 1@175, 3@185 (1miss), 2 sets 5X155
B. Back squats. 5@245, 3@280, 1@300, 3 sets 8@230
C. SHSPU took me forever. 20:00 did everything RX
Nichole, I should probably do negative SHSPU and more strict press to help me with SHSPU?
Start increasing your volume throughout the week. I would add sets of sHSPU to your warm ups 3-4 days a week, never going over 20-25 reps. Just small touches frequently will help a ton.
Ok, will do. Thx
Back Squat worked up to 355
Jerk up to 270 the x5 @220
C. Worked of form didn’t chase clock 10min
D. This was nasty, but the abs looked good after, so good I took a selfie!!
A.Split jerk
B. Back squat
C. Did
Strict HSPU
Toes to Bar
Rested 5 min
4 sets of Handstand walk 50ft 60sec/rd
rest 40-60s/rd
My box is closed over the weekend so will do what I can
Mobility done
A1. Drop split at 95/115/135
A2. 155/170/180/190/205/215/220/225/180×5 (destroyed me – need blocks!)/165×5
B. 235/270/285/215/215/215
C. Done RX – strict HSPU are demoralizing for me…but I am doing them RX finally, so I guess there’s that.
D. Done
That is a major plus Joe. See the comment I made for Edward – that applies to you as well!
Ok – will do Nichole! I really want to improve on those things so I will definitely start including them in my warm up.
Mobility Done. Everything is so tight today, shoulders/lats/chest/core/posterior; made for a challenging morning.
A. Worked up to set 5 at 85%, the stiffness in my lower back just wasn’t happy with the heavy weight so stopped here, then completed sets 9 & 10.
B. Skipped. will do later this evening if my back loosens up.
C. 17:40 no riser. 2:30 the first round, then SHSPU kept getting slower each round.
D. Will do later this evening also.
Mobility completed
C)9:45 rx
Trained with a young buck today. It was nice to have a training partner. Part C did not go very well for him. Finished a whole round ahead of him and he kept shaking his head and mumbling to himself the last round.
Have a great weekend!
hahaha I love that Dean!
A. Built up to 210lbs
B. Built up to 275 single. Then did single set of 200lbsx8
C. Scaled to 16kgs. 10:15
D. I missed D!!! Maybe its for the better…
coach can you advise what is a hollow body sit up? is it like the hollow body sit up with KB just pushing yourself straight up?
Great question! You are in a hollow body and then sit straight up! Feet can touch the floor when you sit up but reset in your hollow body.
coach Nicole -you are the best!!! thanks for all you do for us! Godspeed always! ! XO
Real early morning workout. Felt pretty good though!
A1: 95; 115; 135
A2: 190; 200; 215; 230; 245; 245; 250; 255(missed 260 and 255 prior to set 5); 215; 215
No jerk boxes so it got heavy fast.
B: 5@260
Back this afternoon to do a qualifier workout for Masters Throwdown in the Netherlands.
Deadlift (60kg)
Thrusters (35kg)
Ab mat sit-ups
D: Done
Are walking lunges with KBs at the side or front rack or overhead?
Usually if she doesn’t specify it’s at the side.
Correct – at the side!