Primary Strength Session
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep
(build over the 4 sets)
and then…
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch
Loading per set:
*Sets 1-2 – 75% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position after the full snatch
*Sets 3-4 – 80% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position after the full snatch
*Sets 5-6 – 85%
*Sets 7-8 – 90%
Three sets of:
4-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift + 8-second Descent @ 90-100% of 1-RM Snatch
(pause for 3 seconds at 2″ Off the Floor, Mid-Patella, Mid-Thigh, and High Hang – then stand tall, and slowly descend through all of the positions over the course of 8 seconds)
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Strict Shoulder Press x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85
Then rest two minutes before starting…
Every 2 minutes, until you establish a 1-RM:
Strict Shoulder Press x 1 rep
For max reps:
90 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
90 seconds of Ring Dips @ 2011
(adhere to the tempo – pause 1 second at the top!)
90 seconds of Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 90 seconds
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
60 seconds of Ring Dips @ 2011
60 seconds of Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
30 seconds of Ring Dips @ 2011
30 seconds of Strict Pull-Ups
Primary Conditioning Session
Five rounds for time of:
10 Burpees to Rings 6″ Above Reach
10 Toes-to-Rings
5 Muscle-Ups
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
50 Double-Unders
300 Meter Row
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skill Option
Three sets of:
Row 500 Meters @ 20 s/m
Row 500 Meters @ 22 s/m
75-Foot Handstand Walk
4/3 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
75-Foot Handstand Walk
Rest as needed
A. 60/65/70/75kg
B. 82.5/85/87.5/90/92.5/95/97.5/100kg
C. Upto 88.5kg, 1kg PR
D. Shspu 30/20/13
Strict ring dips 16/12/7
Strict pull ups 16/13/8 these sucked today
A. 10:20 rxd
B. 9:20 rxd
Done without HSW
A) Muscle snatch up to 185
HS + Snatch: 195/200/205/215/220/225/230/230
B) All sets at 255
C) Built up to 195
D) SHSPU: 36/17/9
Ring Dips: 30/21/12
SPU: 28/20/11
7:08 RX Went UB on everything
8:07 RX
Session one:
Power snatch up to 90kg
Hang snatch + snatch 80,85,90,95
3×3 push press 95kg
5×3 seated press 55-75kg
Hspu 22,13,12
Dips 10,6,5
Pull ups 20,15,11
Session two
Did competition qualifier:
20min amrap
15 cal row
10 c&j 40kg
Primary Strength
A1. 95/115/125/130
A2. 120/125/135/140 – mechanics from floor sketchy will post vidoes
B. 175# – work on keeping shoulders down
C1. 85/100/110/120/125/135
C2. 165 – 10# PR
Bench Press
185×8, 205×6, 220×4, 230×4
D. Abmat & Plates
SHSPU – 10/6/2
Pull-ups – 11/5/5
Hard to find space and equipment for conditioning pieces and get the most out of the program
Primary strength:
A. Muscle snatch 85#
Hang +snatch 65/75/85/90# had to go lighter on these. Hips were bothering me
B. 4 stop halting snatch deadlift 75# went light for my hips
C. Strict press 50/60/65/70/75/80#
Strict press 1 rm 95# 5lb pr!
D. Strict hspu 20/15/8 (used an ab mat +10# plate)
Ring dips 8/5/3
Strict pull ups 10/7/6
Primary conditioning:
A. 14:40 cut down to 3 muscle ups
B. 14:43 did 23 cals on airdyne
A1) 135,150,165,175
2) 195,195,205,205,215,215,220, F230
B. 215. Lowered the weight due to lower back.
C. Built up to 180. Well under 1rm
D. S.HSPU 31,15,16
Ring dips 15,13,6
S. pull ups 16,14,7
Spent too much time between movements.
A1) 14:24. Took much longer than expected. Stretched a tightened hip flexor between each set of toes to rings.
2) 9:45
10:02 I liked this one, always need to go faster on burpees
MU 5,3,2,2,3,3,2,3,2
Rest 3
8:30 I believe at 15 cal
Core work
4 sets
30 sec l sit
30 v ups
30 hollow hold
A. 115, 120, 125, 130 135, 145, 155, 160 fail B. 180, couldn’t descend in 8 seconds, more like 6 C. 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145 D. HSPU: 30, 21, 16 Ring Dips: 21, 15, 8 Strict Pull Ups: 23, 15, 10 conditioning: we were running out of time so I only did 3 rounds of the burpee, toe to rings and then just went straight into the assault bike du row. The Toes to Rings killed my muscle ups! I could barely do them and I think my shoulders were spent after the gymnastics. I’m feeling some tendonitis… Read more »
Grinding type of day…not tired in a way that it should have been a rest day, but I felt very un-fit every time I moved.
Strict press up to 92#
Aerobic/gymmastics, did my best, HS walks were awful
Muscle snatch 65/75/80/85
Finally had an appointment for my wrist, going to lay off full snatches for a couple weeks and hope it heals completely
Strict gymnastics:
HSPU – 25/8/8
Ring dips – 10/8/4
Pullups – 12/9/6
18:25, strict banded MU transitions
What’s the verdict in your wrist? Just a sprain?
Yup, sprain.
A. 40kg/43kg/46kg/48kg(PR!)
1-2: 50kg
3-4: 53kg
5-6: 56kg
7-8: 59kg (these felt really easy!)
B. 67kg
C. 60#/70#/75/80/85/90
HSPU: 25/10/7
Ring Dips(strict) : 21/12/8
Pull ups: 17/11/6
A. 6:45 I did 3 rounds with 3 MU
B. 10:59 RX
Nice work today!
A. Worked up to 205 HS+S. couldn’t quite get 220. Didn’t feel good
B. Done at 245
C. Worked up to 195. Tried a PR at 205 and wasn’t quite there
A. 7:18
B. 8:57
put tino in his place today huh??
I have some days and he has most others….usually in the deadlift/backsquat area ?
gah one day ill make it out there to throw down with y’all! seems so fun!
Conveniently strolls in after we all finish.
Muscle Snatch:85# Hang Snatch + Snatch *Sets 1-2 – 75%✅ *Sets 3-4 – 80% ✅ *Sets 5-6 – 85%✅ *Sets 7-8 – 90% ❎ failed snatch B 4-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift: @80% 125# that was the heaviest woeght i was still feeling my femorals! If i went heavier i felt all in my lower back Strict Shoulder Press Got to 90# failed 95# (PR =95#) For max reps: 90sec Strict HSPU: 20 90sec Ring Dips @ 2011: 8 90sec Strict Pull-Ups: 12 Rest 90 seconds 60sec strict HSPU: 14 60sec Ring Dips @ 201: 6 60sec Strict Pull-Ups: 11 Rest… Read more »
Strict work done
35/20/12 shspu
11/8/5 strict dips
18/15/8 strict pull ups
Crushing those strict Handstand push-ups!
I love them!! Dips not my thang hahaha I even suck at kipping dips ??
Session 2
Muscle Snatch = 95/115/135/155
Hang Snatch + Snatch = 115/125/135/145/155/165/175/185
(Continuing to work on overhead positioning. No misses and everything felt solid.)
4-Stop Deadlift = 215 x 1 x 3
SHSPU/Ring Dip/Strict Pullup Metcon:
SHSPU = 19-10-6
Ring Dip = 14-9-5
Strict Pullup = 11-11-5
Muscle snatch up to 135
No missed on snatches, felt good. 168 my 90%
Snatch dead at 195, 10lb over my pr
A brutal 147 strict press. Took like 10 seconds lol. Simple goal= would like to press BW (168)
Conditioning here in a bit. Running behind today
I snatched, that is all I can really say here. Still feels like my arms are getting ripped out my sockets.
200lb. I think this is a 5lb. PR not sure. I’ve hit 90kg before.
Primary Conditioning:
Everything was Unbroken until the last set of Muscle-Ups 4/1
Additional Aerobic Gymnastics Complete.
What I wouldn’t do to say I have a 200 strict press 🙁
I’m more likely to press 200 than jerk it on any given day
About how much rest before you s the MU? I feel like I could have gone UB and wanted to but got on maybe a little soon
I have no idea. Just went by feel!
– strict press PR 182 lbs.
– Gym test
SHSPU : 20, 14, 9. I have to work…
Dips : 22, 15, 10. Yeah I love dips !
Pull up : 20, 15, 9.
– Muscle snatch until 85kg ok.
– 1 hang snatch + 1 snatch until 90kg everything ok.
– Stop deadlift @100kg ok.
– will do conditionning tomorrow. Lack of time today…
Congrats on the PR Adrien!
Thanks !
Some row intervals
90s/60s/30s gymnastics
Strict HSPU – 23/14/8
Ring Dips – 19/13/8
Strict Pull-Up – 21/13/7
Muscle Snatch – 175
Hang Snatch Snatch
205 x 2
225 x 2
235 x 2
245 x 1
255 x 1
4 stop done at 295
Strict Press
Very weak lift for me. I know. It’s embarrassing.
Only did squats yesterday because my back was killing me so felt pretty good today
Muscle Snatch
No misses!
Snatch deadlift
Strict press
Ended at 135, 10lb PR I think!
HSPU/Dip/pull up
A. 8:54
Unbroken TTR except last set 6/4
Came down after
Muscle ups 5/5/3-2/3-2/3-2
B. 10:05
Nice work on the strict press!
primary conditioning:
A) 7:54rx all UB. went straight into MU from t2ring
B) 8:38rx…. i can go WAY harder in this workout. my quads cramped the first round on the rower, making me do this pretty much arms only
c) handstand walk stuff?
lol straight into the muscle ups wtf
Why were you so slow if you went unbroken…:)
you dirty dog
my hair was in my eyes