Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Muscle-Up Turnover on floor x 3 reps + Muscle-Up Peek A Boo
x 3 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Freestanding Handstand Hold x 20-30 seconds
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Tuck Hold x 30 seconds
Tuck Rock x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
*If you have muscle-ups, then following the three sets, complete:
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Muscle-Up x 2-3 rep (focus on landing high on the rings)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Front Squats x 3 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Hang Clean x 2 reps @ 70-75%+ of 1-RM
immediately followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Clean x 1 rep @ 80+% of 1-RM
Five sets for times of:
50 Meter Prowler/Sled Push
50 Meter Reverse Sled Drag
50 Meter Prowler/ Sled Push
Rest 2-3 minutes
*This should still be a march, not a run
A. Done, no mu
B. 125/155/175/205/205 (last set did singles)
Bummed could not finish due to time and schedule.
A. Done – did MU EMOM 2reps each round (completed all 8 rounds) HS holds/walking is coming along.
B. 160 lb.
C. goal was 125 – 135 lb. (125, 130, 135); goal was above 145 lb. 145, 150, 155, 160, 160, 170 F
D. only completed 4 sets instead of 5. I can’t say that I enjoy these. 6:01, 6:08, 7:15, 6:39.
A. Done. Skipped MU emom (did that MU/Snatch workout Sunday, wrists sore).
B. 140
C. 115 all, then 115, 125, 135, 140, 140, 145
D. Done, built up to 145 for final one. Was hard!!
A. complete – MU got 4rdsx1rep
B. 255 – slow on the first couple last sets were good
C1. 165,175,175 (pretty ez, go heavier next time)
C2. 4 sets @ 205; last 2 sets @ 225 (pretty sore today not feeling it)
D. ran out of time – hopefully tomorrow
A: complete
Swings felt good, HS holds coming along, tucks complete, failed on my MU emom!! I get fatigued with my arms, and can’t make the turn over!! Should I be doing anything else to strengthen this. I know this is a mind thing for me, trying to push through
B: complete @285, spicy!!
C:complete, part 1-225# felt good, part 2- 255#, again, felt good
D: complete used 215# on sled, wow that got spicy quick, felt good though
A. Finished with MU
B. 255
C. 1. 215 2. 230
D. Homemade sled hell finished.
A) Done (no Mu attempts)
B) F. Squat x 3 (93-113) 120-120-120-120-120-120-120 These felt good today
C) H Clean x2 (83) 93-103-113(m)-103 then Clean x 1 103-108-113-113-118(m)-118(m) Not as good as last week
D) Prowler Push/Drag/Push 4:45/4:45/4:50/4:35/4:30
Pretty hectic week playing tour guide with mom and her sister in town. Getting in it where and when I can. A lot of respect for those that lift early in the morning. Started at 6am and everything felt heavy!!! No rings at the post gym so skipped the MU work .
B: 105kg
C1: 85, 85, 90kg
C2: 95, 100, 105kgx4
No time for prowler work.
A. Done (EMON 5 MU/6)
B. 225×4
C. 175,185,195 then 205,215,2225,232
D. Done (modified version)
Solid work Al!
A. Complete with MU (3,3,3,3,2,2,2,3)
B. 265#
C. 215#, 235# 245# Then 255#, 265# 270#, 275#, 285# (10# PR), 300# (F)
D. Done with 225#
Congrats on a major PR Vince!
Thanks Nichole! I was close to 300#, faster elbows and I’ll land it next time.
A. Done. Got up to 15 sec. on the HS holds a couple times though I may have been counting fast, felt like I had pretty good balance tonight. 2 MU/min, I think the swing is hurting my shoulders, they are feeling sore now.
B. Done
C. Done
D. Did not do.
Take care of your shoulder. Make sure you aren’t disengaging when you swing, that can put your shoulder in a poor position.
A: Limited to hips up and transitions plus a few bar muscle ups. Shoulder/Pec stiffness no MUs or Snatches till recovered
B: 225#
C: Hangs at 70 Kgs then Full cleans @ 70, 75, 80, 85 Kgs
D: Done with 2 sleds
A. Done. MU EMOM 3/2/2/3/3/3/3/2
B. 275 all sets.
C. 205/215/225 then 235/245/255/265/275(f)
D. 235 sled load. Pushed/pulled inside on turf. Avg time 4:30
A. Done, minus handstands do to injured hand/wrist.
B. 220 Felt good.
C. Couldn’t clean so did some dumbell chest press and flies. 3 sets of 10 each.
D. 4 sets at 225, 180, 160, 160. Good times…
Did hatch squat program
Bs 75×10, 87.5×8,92.5×8& 100×8
Fa 60×5, 65×5, 70x5x2sets
then straight into
C1 at 65,65,67.5kg
C2 did sets at 72.5,75,75,77.5,77.5kg.
Then did A with 8 emom with 2 MU. Muscle ups aren’t feeling quite right at mo.
A. MU 2/minutes
B. 105kg for all 6 sets (very solid)
C. 3 sets at 75kg for hang cleans then 80,85,90,95,100,105kg on cleans
D. 4 sets of 50m prowler push at 180#, 50m backward sled drag at 155# (prowler was killing my hamstrings compared to regular sled forward).
Welcome to the prowler 🙂
A – done. I like this type of MU practice. The small sets really let you “feel” rather than “think” and zero in on form to make minor corrections each time. Got more efficient each round.
B – 6×3 @240 Meh. Felt ok, not great.
C – Hangs at 170, cleans to 215. Not sure why but these were rough for the second week in a row.
D – Skipped, but did yesterday’s 5 rounds of 350m/20 ring PUs. 1:51, 1:45, 1:47, 1:45, 1:52.
I totally agree with you regarding MU. Great way to tweak over a short period.
A. skipped
B. 245 across
C. hangs at 175/185/195
then cleans at 205/215/225/235/245/255missed/ did extra set and got 255 PR
D. one set and had to go back to work
Solid work Al, wahoo!!!!!! Congrats on that PR!
What a Stud! Nice job Al.
A. All done. I couldn’t figure out why my second MU was more difficult than ever– must have been those ring push-ups!
B. 105# (20# up from last week ?)
C. HC- 100#, Cleans-105#
D. Ran out of time. No prowler either.
A. Done. 8 min EMOM with 3 mu
B. 180#
C. 146-150-155#
D. Done with 3 45# plates