Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Muscle-Up Turnover on floor x 5 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Freestanding Handstand Hold x 15.15 seconds
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Hollow Hold x 30 seconds
Hollow Rocks x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
*If you have muscle ups, then following the three sets, complete:
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Muscle-Up x 2 rep (focus on landing high on the rings)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Front Squats x 4 reps @ 75% (no tempo)
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Hang Clean x 3 reps @ 75+%
immediately followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Clean x 1 rep @ 80+%
immediately followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes:
Clean Pull on Riser x 3 reps @ 105%
Three sets of:
100 Meter Forward Sled Drag (Heavy)
Quick transition
50 Meters Backward Sled Drag
Rest 60 seconds
Three sets of:
Banded Glute Bridges x 30 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Bamboo Overhead Walk x 60 Seconds*
Rest 30 seconds
*40-54: 70/53 lbs
53/35 lbs
A. complete
B. 235lbs
C. Hang Clean: 175 all good; Clean: 195, 205, 215,225,250 (New PR!); Pulls @ 265
D. no sled on its way though!
A. Done with MU’s
B. 250#
C. Hang clean: 215#, 225#, 235# Cleans: 235#, 245#, 255#, 265#, 275# Pulls: 285#
D. Done: Sled pulls @ 225#
Bus. Trip, did WOD @local box in Houston
A. did hollow work, skipped MUs
B. 4×4 @ 205
C. Hang cleans @175, Cleans @185-185-195-195-205 plus one more at 215
skipped clean pulls
D. pulled a 155# sled
A) Done; No MU’s
B) F Squat (83) 113-113-113
C) Hang Clean x 3 (83) 93-103-113; Clean 103-103-113-118-118; Clean Pull on riser x 3 133-133
D) Sled Drags 220#;Glute Bridges with BB at 93# x 15 reps; walking overhead at 36#
Worked all day. Had time to do some conditioning at the end. Row 1 min hard/ 1 min light, for 24 min. Also 3 sets of strict pull-ups. Tomorrow will do today’s wod.
Hope you had a good day Goran!
A. All done except for MU – I was at home and work gym today with no rings for MU. B. 85# C. 90#, then 95#. – For these, I have to Muscle Clean… My leg isn’t strong enough to drop “under” it quickly yet. Should I stay doing Muscle Cleans or drop the weight?? Was pressed for time tonight – late night wkout after the kids went to bed. Got a quick wkout in at lunch at the Embassy gym – I was able to run today for the first time since January – 5 min on the treadmill… Read more »
Can you send me a video of you doing muscle cleans? You can send it to
A – Crazy how something simple like leg swings help so much. Was able to almost catch in full locked out position without passing thru the dip on MUs. Now I need to focus on my HS walks. Neglected this for a good year. B – 6×4 @225. C – Hang clean sets at 170/175/180. Cleans to 215 but ran out of gas sooner than I thought I would. Pulls off riser at 250. D – sled at 135/180/135 (it was raining outside – no fun). Wow that bamboo walk thing was a dumpster fire. Holy cow. Did 44# KBs… Read more »
Solid work Mike!! I am pumped to hear about your muscle ups!!
Thanks Nichole! 🙂
A. Done with MU’s (7 min EMOM)
B. 170#
C. 150-160# hang cleans
165-185# cleans
210# clean pulls from 4″
D. Used my new E sled; 185#
1st time using an Earthquake Bar (only did 35# KBs, plenty heavy!)
Solid work Cheryl!
A. Did MU emom + the other 3 components
B. FS @ 235
C. HClean @ 235, Cleans @ 250, and riser pulls @ 295
D. Pulled and dragged that miserable homemade “sled” with 95. Terrible…
A-Done with MU. Held an eraser in between feet to help with hollow hold on swings, wow what a difference.
Did class wod: 10min emom PC 135×3
1000m row, 50 c2b. 30 #50 db snatches 10:06
Banded glute bridges
50 GHD sit-ups
Good idea, I am going to try the eraser!
A. Done, still working the HS Hold. Did 2 MU linked for 3 sets then singles. Was the best linked MUs so far.
B. 140
C. 115, 125, 130 hang sq cleans
120, 135, 140, 145, 150 power cleans
skipped pulls (short on time)
D. sled work done / ran out of time.
Awesome to hear about your muscle ups Elissa!
Thanks! I feel like I don’t try that enough – until you tell me to then I do it. 🙂
A. Done / MU EMOM done
B. 250# all sets
C. 215# x3 on Hang, 225/235/245/255/265 on Singles, 280 for pulls
D. 240# for sled pulls. (Done inside on turf)
Hip bridges and BOW(70#) done
Total time for me today – 1 hour 45 minutes
A. Done
B. 265 across
C1. Wrist too tender too clean. Did light snatches at 135 to 175
C2. Snatches to 215
C3. Clean pulls at 315. I like the volume better at 3s. 5s were a bit much!
D1. Sled drags at 225/ 225 +an “Ed”/ 135 +a “Cheryl Brost!” Back smoked on the last set
D2. Earthquake Bar at 35/53/70 was a good test will do 70s across next time. I like this one.
This took almost 3 hours today for the 3 of us! Not complaining but you wanted to know.
3 hours?!?! That is way too long! Was there some chatting going on there 😉
forgot to post I did 145 on the deficit pulls.
Yay Finally back to the gym today. I competed on Saturday at a local competition and took first place. I was really sore and beat up for a few days. We did 7 WODS! (one was a max rope climb and one was a 2 rep max of a thruster so really it was 5 WODS) Here is how today went. A. Done- no MU today still recovering my neck but it is so much better. B. 125 all sets C. 115 all sets of three. 120/130/135/135/ 130 (tried to get the last set a 135 but kept failing so… Read more »
Congrats on getting 1st!
Glad your back : )!!!
A. no MU practiced Turnovers-Handstands & Hollow
B. 115/125 for the last 5 sets
C. 95/105/115
D. 115/120/130
Did 3 position clean with bar/Have early arm bend habit trying to break
Love it!
I have never trained as hard as I have since I started this Program 3 weeks ago!
Love it!
So awesome to hear Cheryl!!!
A. done with muscle ups at end
B. 6 sets of 4 at 215 (these felt strong today even after lunges yesterday)
C. 3×3@ 165# for hang cleans (about 70%) then 185, 195, 205, 215, 215 (75-85%) on cleans and then 265# for clean pulls
D. 180# sled (definitely easier than the last two weeks), overhead walks with 60# of kb (these felt good, but will get a thicker PVC to load up more weight)
A. Done
B. All done w/ 215 (75%)
C. 175,185,195 hang cleans not linked together, done as three singles
Forgot to do clean pulls
D. No sled, did alternate conditioning piece
The workouts usually take me about two hours. I am usually working out early in the morning so it takes me a while to get warmed up.
Good to know, thanks Al!
A. Done w/MU
B. 60kg (75%)
C1. Until 72.5kg (95%)
C2. 77.5kg (+100%)
D. My Sled did not arrive yet. I did the running of the competitor’s blog (4x 1600m)