Primary Conditioning Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:
Minute 1 – 5 Thrusters (135/95 lbs) + 10 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 2 – 5 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs) + 4 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 3 – 15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 4 minutes until the running clock reaches 25:00, and then…
For time:
15 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
15 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
12 Bar Muscle-Ups
45/30 Calorie Assault Bike
Primary Strength Session
Three sets of:
Barbell Loaded Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 reps @ 10X0
(make these as heavy as you can handle, but do not deviate from the tempo – which means no stopping at the top, this should be constant motion throughout the set)
Rest 90 seconds after each leg
Dumbbell Z-Press
x 6 reps @ 2011
(Place the dumbbells on your shoulders with elbows out and palms facing forward. Shoulders should remain stacked over the hips with a flat back throughout the movement. Lock out the movement overhead, directly aligned over the hips and shoulders, without shrugging.)
Rest 90 seconds
Two sets of:
100-Foot Sled Push (Heavy)
immediately followed by…
30/20 lb Wall Ball Shots x Max Unbroken Reps
immediately followed by…
Close-Grip Push-Ups x Max Unbroken Reps
Rest 3 minutes
The sled should be loaded at a weight that you can move for 100-feet, HOWEVER it should be heavy enough that you don’t want to pick up the wall ball. As soon as you complete the sled push, immediately put your hands on the wall ball and go until your legs and arms give up. For the push-ups try to maintain as best form possible.
Three sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull (Heavy)
Rest as needed
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each @ 2111
Rest as needed
Weighted Stationary Dips x 10-12 reps @ 20X1
(place the weights on a dip belt behind you so that the plates rest against your butt like this
– it will help you focus on more triceps engagement)
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Chinese Rows x 6 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions x 30 reps @ 20X0
Rest 30 seconds
Prone GHD Hold x 30-45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises with Thumbs Facing Up
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Palms Facing Up
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Two rounds of:
30 seconds of Dumbbell Presses
30 seconds of Dumbbell Overhead Hold
Rest 60 seconds and repeat
Running Endurance Option
Six sets for times of:
350 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
Rowing Endurance Option
Three sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
Rest 60 seconds
Row 350 Meters
Rest 60 seconds
Row 250 Meters
Rest 3 minutes
Try to establish an aggressive 500 meter pace, and then hold that same pace for your 350 and 250 meter intervals.
Conditioning EMOM done, had to scale to 10 calories after first 2 rounds and took a minute off at 15 minutes. Gah damn that hurt. Second part of conditioning done at 7:39… annnd, just realized I forgot to get on the bike after the bar muscle ups!! Looking at 10+ probably then. Strength A) Lunges at 65, z-press at 55 B) our sled plus 5 45# plates, WB 17/16 reps basically stopped attempting after 3 failed attempts to get 10′ in a row, push ups 15/12 reps Ended session after this. I was able to break up last Thursday’s work… Read more »
Late Post – completed Wednesday
Only time for one session today! Family stuff and work the rest of the day 😉
Primary Conditioning
EMOM – missed 4 different min, I think and subbed the bike for rowing since I haven’t been doing much of that
For Time: 10:35 – stared at the bar a lot on the MU…wasn’t feeling confident in big sets
Primary Strength:
A. Bulgarian split squats at 65#
DB z-press @ 30/35/35
B. Round 1: 100ft sled @ 300, 20 wb, 10 pu
Round 2: 100ft sled @ 280, 24wb, 12pu
C. 75ft hand over hand sled pull:
135, 145, 155
Strength Accessory:
B. Chinese row: 115/115/120
Banded OH tri ext done w/ red band
Prone GHD hold x 45secs done
C. Done with 2.5# plates
Welp…did the EMOM…ish at 5am
Took min 3, 7, 12, and 18 off…this was pretty rough. Ran out of time to do the rest. Got to be principal for the day! ? Had to get to school early.
Came back to the gym in the afternoon. Got roped into…
5 rounds of Cindy
5 rounds of Cindy
5 rounds of Cindy
So much conditioning!
Sorry…I’m feeling real slow right now. I had to take the group workout. Motivating myself in the morning has been rough and lonely. ??
Scaled to
Also scaled the bar muscle ups to rings for the tiny one.
After the EMOM the toes to bar were starting to make my stomach feel weird, so I stopped
Ended with a quick 20 minute build to heavy bench, pr’d at 160
Nice work on the bench PR! Good to see you being smart and looking after yourself an the little person you’re growing.
Primary conditioning rx @ 5am
Missed one muscleup and two cals or so in rounds 5&6.
For time section took somewhere between 10&14 minutes…. and was terrible.
Between 10&14 is a big difference?? Nice work getting this in at 5am!
I think it was closer to 12, we took a three minute rest because we remembered it wrong, and I vaguely remember 36:14.
Almost had no time for the gym at all today due to work deadlines…. was in and out in 30 minutes to do the EMOM portion of today’s conditioning.
All I have to say is that I wish I didn’t scale it. When it was all over, I immediately said “I could have finished that”. It’s so hard to realize that though when you think you are dying in round 4! Did all the thrusters and G2OH rx, scaled the bike to 8 cals after round 2, and only did 3 BMU on rounds 4,5, and 6
#trustyourfitness or as Blaine would say #trustyourdopeness
Just the EMOM today
Min 1- All Rx
Min 2- BMU: 4/4/4/4/2/3/3
Min 3- 15/15/12/8/5/7/15
Lungs and shoulders, oh my
Session two
Hamster wheel running
6x400m run 2 min walk
You feel a lot better about your fitness when three people use the treadmill next to you in the time it takes to do a 20 min workout haha
You’re pretty fit (when you’re healthy)
AM: Went to Coach Burgener’s, what a amazing man, inspiration in all aspects, tramendos respect for that him. PS: A) 45/55/95 should have used 95 the whole time (20 reps is hard period) 45 on zpress B) 45/70 on a low push sled 30lbs/30 reps 50lbs/20 reps 15/15 push-ups C) mapro 100ft x 3 90 second rest (think I got new stretch marks on my back the pump was real today) SAO A) 45/70/95 on bar 45 lbs 12 reps B) 135 15 lbs 45 sec C) 10 x 4 / 10 x 4 20 x 2 x 15 reps… Read more »
Coach B is awesome. One of my favourite people. I’m sure he had a few things to say about your lifts 🙂
He did, and Coach Tino your the man to. Very greatful for all your time and input. Would not be half the Athlete I am today with out you. Humbled everyday, you are the example of a great man, athlete and coach.
Am session
Bulgarian split squat
185(haha only got 10 at tempo) went 135
1:38 pace
Primary Conditioning
Done RX enjoyed that push
8:52 (T2B got me… just looked at the bar for awhile)
Extra ab accessory
Did the vodo floss work?
Yes! Thank you. I’m going to start making it a habit with that, smashing, and the eccentric curls.
Glad to know
I’ll take all the help… Dr. Brown!! Haha ???
Dr Brown ?
When you have medical care providers who only care about sick to well you end up doing a lot of research right?! Thanks for making me a nerd, good laugh!
Morning session: Primary strength A) 95lbs for split squats 50lbs for presses. Ouch. B) 5 45s and 1 25 on the sled 30/31 for wall balls and 15/15 on push ups. That was so nasty C) 100lbs on the sled Strength accessory A) 45 for rows and 10lb on dips B) 155 for rows C) 5lbs D) 10lbs these always get me Afternoon session: Primary conditioning Emom done scaled to 115 which was good for me and did 18 cal row for the bike. I feel off pace on the second to last row and finished 40 seconds past 21… Read more »
Glad you were smart with your hands. It means you’ll be ready for Fridays work!
Yes sir!
Row Option
1:32 – 1:08 – :42
1:33 – 1:10 – :42
1:35 – 1:10 – :44
2 sets
Power Snatch x 2
Power Clean x 2
EMOM done
Missed a thruster round on the 5th set. The bike was destroying me on this workout
For time
All the conditioning today! Start backing off ready for the weekend!
For sure coach ! Gotta be fresh
Surf session in the am… Then conditioning session: This workout made me want to throw up several times and reconsider life a few times as well? Scaled thrusters to 75 lbs, all reps as prescribed except for around the 4th round where I broke and did 8 calories and 2 MU. Then for time part: 9:45 with 75 lbs on barbell. I could not find the motivation to push harder, I was already done after the EMOM mentally:( I had to stop every 10 cal on the bike and convince myself to keep moving…at times like this, I am really… Read more »
Good luck with the house hunting!
My left hammie out of nowhere became super pissed off, warming up for thrusters. I could barely bend over or squat.
A. Did the first 9 minutes as written, and then had to change thrusters to S2OH, and G2OH to hang pc and jerks. Everything else was all UB
A1. 8:32. Thrusters and g2oh changed.
Called it. Heading to roll out and and compex.
Shoot. I hope you feel better come Friday.
AM Session
I have some tennis elbow going on so holding front rack with a full grip is a bit painful so mod to
1. 5 front squat 155# + 10 T2b
2. 5 power clean 155# + 4 BMU
3. 15 cal AB
Then FT: 9:55
Strength Accessories
A. Rows 20kg + bar
Dips @12kgx12
B. Chinese rows 70/75/80kg
Red band
45 sec ghd hold
C & D 3kg DBs
PM Session
Primary Strength
A. 40kg Bulgarians
20kg db Z press
B. 100kg sled
WBs 27/25 @35#
Push ups 17/16
C. Rope pulls 40/45/50kg + prowler
Lay off anything that hurts for the next week and hopefully inflammation subsides. Dial dial that wrist mobility and smash your forearms, biceps and triceps.
Will do!!
Primary conditioning
Emom x 21 ✅
For time:
15 thrusters
30 ttb
15 gtoh
12 bar muscle ups
45 cals
8:34 rx
Strength this afternoon
Great work Jacob! You crushed it today!
Modified the programmation, compete this week end
Saturday: Strenght Accessory with bench’s variation grip
Monday: Every 4′ .. horror, I write the Tino quote on white board, replace “Strenght” by “Engine”, and fix it ^^..
3’33 – 3’40- 3’41-3’48 Everything RX ..
Last 2 sets don’t proud of me, I cheat I just do 12 burpees over row, can’t breathe 3’50-3’51
Emom5′ Bent Over Row + Dips
3sets: HOHRP + DB Bench 12rep@25 each sets
Yesterday: Deadlift + Stiff Leg Deadlift
And Sandbag “fun” ^^, around 400m in 10′
Interval row, hold 1’35 – 1’37-1’38 pace
Swings Russian or American ??
Americain, 12/8 every time
Haha great work dude! Looks like you have put some solid work in this week. Lots of fun!
Oh yeah, really excited with the Emom and For time from today, and Assaut Bike Conditioning from Monday =)
Scale to 5 thrusters 45 + 8 ttb/ 5 gto+ 2 bmu/ 12cal. Maybe scale too much…
For time: 11’13
1) 40 kg/ 22,5kg
2) 30′ bike 15/10 18/8
3) 5 peg board ascent
Strength accessory:
1) 50/ 12 ring dips with vest
2) ghd prone hold+ row: 40
Small band
3) 2×10 lateral rises
2×10 lateral rises thumbs up 10kg
4) 10kg
Solid day of training! I’d like to see you push that for time piece a little more. It shouldn’t take you longer than 9 minutes 🙂
Next time I’ll will win the mental game!
What’s a good scale for thrusters based on 1RM?
Scale to a load that will challenge you but you can move for the duration of the workout.