Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Three sets of:
Russian Baby Makers x 5 reps
Tempo Squat with 10 lbs plate x 5 reps @ 3311(start with the plate against your chest and press it out as you descend to the bottom of the squat. Hold it in front of you for 3 seconds, then ascend)
Band-Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
One set of:
Banded Clam Shells x 15 reps per side
Banded Hip Bridges x 30 reps (fast)
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Res as needed
Build over the course of the five sets to today’s heavy single.
Every 2 minutes, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Muscle Clean x 2 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Power Clean x 2 reps
and then…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean x 1 rep @ 75-85%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean x 1 rep @ 85-95%
Follwed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean x 1 rep @ 95+%
Two sets of:
Heavy Sandbag Squat x 5 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Right Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Left Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
One set of:
Yolk Carry x 100′
Rest as needed
Optional Session
(best completed 3-4 hours between sessions):
For time:
Row 2000 meters
Shoulder felt really good today but still a little blocked for external rotation on the left. Overhead eccentric is still very sticky and painful.
I opted to step into our weight lifting program at gym this evening, to get a bit of coaching on my form/technique. Felt comfortable doing light cleans & push presses, shoulder still gets stuck in overhead returns to rack… Darn it!
Fun Heather! I would like you to avoid doing anything overhead this week, especially with the shoulder feeling better and better!
Hi Nichole I have been lazy on the blog last few days. Enjoying the workouts but still opting to stay low or steer clear of anything that hurts my shoulder. Just read today’s (Monday) workout & can’t wait to give it a go!
DMA done.
A. 195#. 5# PR
B. 160. Failed at 165# which would have tied my PR. Just couldn’t flip it up.
C. Only had time for suitcase carry with 36kg KB.
Congrats on the FS PR Rodney!
I did 305# to a 16 inch box B. 135/145/155 185/195 stopped bc knee was sore did the 21-15-9 cals on new ass bike and rower – after the first 21 cals I caught my left foot between the pedal and the body of the bike- wailed like a wee baby until Kincaid helped get it out. Foot is going to be sore for awhile. Whimpered for a few minutes and got back on and 6:27- I can sub 6 this I was resetting the bike and rower each time and it slowed me down quite a bit- twice I… Read more »
She bit you hard! ?
What sort of bike bites you on the foot!!???! “That reeeeeeally hurt”
Poor Al!
Did some optional conditioning this morning with a mile swim.
Mob done.
A. 235/275/315/325/335(posted a video of this one on FB)
B5-265/275(f)/275(f) (posted video of 2 of these on FB)
C. 200# Sandbag
D. 405# yoke carry
A. worked up to 315#, 10 lb PR
B1. 95/135/155
B2. 185/205/225
B3. 185/185/195
B4. 205/205/215
B5. 225/235/255 – 20 lb PR
C. Sandbag @140, didn’t get to yoke or farmer carries (Nichole, good to add those in tomorrow or just skip it?)
No row – ended up doing most of this tonight and just ran outta time
Good day – now marc pro, then sleep and hopefully ready for whatever’s tomorrow- probably not 😉
Awesome job Andy!!! Those are major PRs!!!! Did you get any on film?
And no worries – don’t make up the strongman tomorrow. Just rest up tonight and hit tomorrows program fully recovered.
Hahaha thanks!! Truth is it all just felt amazing today – such a huge relief after going through about the past six months working around various injuries major and minor. Feel like my nutrition is on point, and the soft-tissue guru I’ve been working with here in Chicago has been an absolute godsend over the past two months in terms of getting everything firing properly. Feeling enormously grateful tonight.
And – no video… everything was just kinda in that flow state and was just feeling it – didn’t even occur to me. Next time!
Fantastic to hear Andy. It always feels so good when things come together like that!
Mobility done A. 185-195-205-210-215#(Miss)…these felt Uber heavy today, about 10# below my 1RM…but then again just getting back to full squats again. B1. 95-105-115# muscle B2. 135-145-155# power cleans B3. 155-165-175# clean B4. 185-190-195# (miss…slid off the front rack) B5. 195-200# (miss)-stopped here…just wasn’t feeling it today…legs felt fatigued, knee a bit cranky, and timing just felt off) C. Done except yoke carry Optional: Kincaid Assembled the new assault bike today so we decided to break it in with this fun couplet: 21-15-9 Double Trouble (bike then row) 6:47 Ouch…I started out too fast on the bike and then died!… Read more »
Fun workout Cheryl!!
And keep your lifting in perspective. You hit 95% of your 1-rm coming off of almost no full depth squats in 6 weeks. That seems pretty good to me!
Thanks Nichole!
dyn/mob Done
A) 165,180,200,x3sets
B1) MC: 83,88,93
B2) PCx2: 100,103,113
B3) clnx1: 106,113,120
B4) clnx1120x2fails,118xfail,droppped to 103,113,120 (not exactly the percentages I ws supposed to hit 🙁 )
B5) clnx1 133xfails x3,dropped ro 113, 118
C1) heavy sandbag sqt: s2 x60 lbs
2) 100ft one arm suitcase carry -used 2pood (left)
3) 100ft one arm suitcase carry-(right same weight)
4) yoke carry: used a 45 bb with 18 kgs, last 40 meters had to stop for a few mins
Warmed up…
A. 125/135/145/165 Tried 175 Failed X2
B1. 105
B2. 115/115/120
B3. 125/130 X2
B4. 135/135/137.5-only had 1 2.5 on the bar…OOpps
B5. Failed 140 X3 its ok didn’t have it today
C. Done
Mile Run
Cheryl – I have noticed you’ve increased your running the past few weeks. Make sure you are mobilizing your hips and calves so that your body is prepped for the squats in the program.
Ok I will definitely do that. Thank You
Not a bad day for strength work:
A. 225/255/275/295/305# (5# PR)
B1. 135/145/155
B2. 185/205/215
B3. 225/225/230
B4. 235/235/235
B5. 245/250# (5# PR)…stopped
Then did some Army PT with Soldiers from my unit
Solid day Theo 🙂
Thanks for posting those videos to the FB group!
Sure thing Nichole
A: 245; 265; 285; 305(m); 305- 3lb PR but it was close in depth
B1:95; 115; 135
B2: 165; 185; 205
B3: 215; 225; 235
B4: 245; 255(mx2)
B5: 250(mx3)- Not sure what happened since 245 was easy but it felt as if I forgot how to lift the last 4!
C:200lbs sandbag Squat
95lb barbell suitcase carry
Mobilized. Mostly worked on leg problems.
A. Can’t do any heavy legs so put together new Assault Air Bike!
B. Practiced strict HSPUs. Got to 45 til couldn’t do another.
C. Double trouble. 21, 15, 9 of Ass. bike and row. 5 min. even. Think I could easily get sub 5 now that I know how it feels. Good one!!
Perfect workout to break that bad boy in!! Love it! Shot over some photos!
OK. for sure!
Is the AB hard to assemble? Mine is still sitting in the garage in the box. ?
Haha, It was easy! Maybe half hour to 45 min to put together.
Mobility – done
A. 125/145/165/185/200(f)/195(f)
B. MC’s 65/75/95
PC’s 105/115/125
C’s 135/145/150
C’s 155/160/165(f)
C’s – stopped here – just testing out shoulders, didn’t want to overdo it
C. Sandbag Squats – 100#
Suitcase carry – 70# KB
Yolk Carry – with green bands and KBs
Good call Barry!
Rowing 7:42
Wasn’t a great day today, but still walked away feeling positive because I could feel I was closer to some of my old PRs then I thought.
A. 205, 225, 245, 255, 265 (failed)
B1 135, 155, 165
B2 185, 195, 205
B3 215, 215, 215
B4 Failed 225 all three times (but could smell it). Stopped.
C. Did Goblet squats, Suitcase 70lbs, Carried Back Squat position at 245lbs.
That is awesome to hear Jem!
A. 225, 255, 265, 275, 285 ? 5lb PR!
B1 95, 115, 125
B2 155, 165, 175
B3 185, 195, 205
B4 210, 215F, 215
B5 225F, 227F, my one rep max is 225, tried the 227 to see if I could make it a PR, just missed it at the bottom!
C. Sand bags @ 150
Suitcase @ 70
Yolk carry overhead with axel bar @ 75
Back in the afternoon for row 2000M
Awesome work on your FS PR Ed!!
Thanks Nichole, welcome back!
Yeah Ed!??
Congrats Ed!!!
Mobility done
205,225,235,245,250 98%
MC 135 across
B2. 185,205,210
Based off 245# goal
B3. 210 across 85%
B4. 220 across 90%
B5. 225 across(95% of current PR of 235)92% of goal PR of 245
Mobility done
A. Up to 260# (10# PR)
B1. 145/155/170
B2. 190/210/220
B3, B4, B5: worked up to 95% (235). Had 2 lifts left, tried a 5# PR at 250# twice but wasn’t happening today. Caught it too deep both times and couldn’t get out of the hole.
C. Done – improvised the best I could with the equipment I had
Optional – did some bike intervals at home (no rower)
Nice PR!]
PT work and mobility
A. Front squats: did sets of 3 and avoided gettting too heavy to be easy on my back and shoulder: 85/115/125/135/145/150#
Conditioning: 2k row: 8:27; not a great time for me, just didn’t feel the power this morning. Still hurt like heck though!
Mobility completed
A)195#/205/215/225/240 5# PR
B5)190#/195/200 5# PR
A day of PR’s Dean! Great job on your FS pr and your Clean pr! Hope you got that on film – if so, make sure to post it!!
Thank you Nichole! I hope y’all had a good time at the game this weekend. Regrettably no videos today. FS was a struggle and I had a little more in the clean.
Game was awesome. We will be making a trip to Boston for a game yearly now!
No worries about the video!!
Beast Dean!
Good lifts this morning
PR’d my Front squat and Clean..
Could use a good link for the banded hip bridges, my imagination is short on petrol this morning
Oh haha I just saw you posted this – thanks Dan!
Sorry for the late reply Jesse … here is an old video but should help with the banded hip bridges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuNega_w810
And great job with your FS and Clean PR!!! Did you get them on film?
No film, but a Snatch and Strict press too on the PR front yesterday.
Last week I was trying to complete the entire session in one block of time, getting worn out, this week I am splitting the volume and then the strength and conditioning at different times of the day, (more food to be eat’n in between sessions).. much better this week.
Fantastic Jesse. That is the preferred way!
Congrats on PRs