Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Bar Muscle-Ups x 3-5 reps; Jumping Bar Muscle Ups x 3-5 reps
Minute 2 – L-Sit Taps x 20 reps per side
Minute 3 – Handstand Walk x 15-20 meters (use assistance if needed)
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Chest to Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps, work on efficiency.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat @ 80-85% of 1-RM Snatch
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk @ 85-90% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
Snatch (full or power) x 10 reps
Pull-Ups x 15 reps
24″/20″ Box Jump Overs x 20 reps
40-49: 135/95 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; step-overs are allowed
A. Done
3 jumping muscle ups
Practising hand stand walk – slow progress
B. Snatch complex @ 60 kg
C. Clean and Jerk complex – 75kg, 77,5kg, 80 kg
Smooth split Jerk
D. 2 rounds 9 snatches @ 55 kg
Bit too heavy. Should have gone 50 kg
Form was not pretty.
Catching up with entering results:
A. Done (Bar MU 5,3,3 – Handstand Walks 15m)
B. 80kg
C. 107.5kg, 105kg, 100kg
D. 3+20 Rx
Shoulders were very stiff, hips lacked power … The 60 KB lunges? 3 wise men? Thoughts @nicholedehart:disqus?
A: Done but modified took a 45-minute gymnastics class that included HS walks and Bar MUs, a little better at both now. HS walks sets of 10 meters
B: 125# & 135# less than prescribed and it was a struggle, shoulder mobility
C: 175# less than prescribed
D: 4 rounds on the second (115# 50 y.o.)
Yoga tomorrow.
Did this on Sunday.
A done
B 95
C 115 120 125
C 1+40
It’s been awhile since I have snatched 95!
A) done with 3 reps on rings and handstand hold
B) went light worked range of motion
C) 245 across
D) 2+25 god i hate box jump overs
A. Done for 9min. I have lost rhythm of bar mu’s and this one was good for me. Coming back with those?
B. 50-55-60
C. 80-82,5-85
D.with 50kg – 3 rounds + 8 snatch
Did local comp today. Thursday was a swim day, Friday was off.
A. Done with with various bands on BMU, but skipped handstand walks
B. 90
C. 135
D. 2+10
M and a done.
A did mux3, toe taps and hsw. All felt pretty good
B did snatch at 56 , 85%
C did 72,72&75 which was 80-85%
D did snatch at 55 really wanted to get footwork right, I tend to spread my feet out quite wide and turned out when I go heavier.
Got 2 rounds and 9 snatch, first round was bit rough after doing cleans en straight back into snatch.
A. Done
B. 155,160,165
C. 200,205.210f,205
D. 3+28 (w/115)
Legs and back a little tired from squats and lunges yesterday. Olympic lifts felt a little rough. Nice met con. Have a nice weekend everyone!
A. Done
B. 115#
C. 140/140/145#
D. In place of part D. I did a baby shower wod with a group at the box this morning; also played an indoor soccer game last night and feeling tired. Have a great weekend everyone!
How fun Leticia!
A. Done with jumping bar muscle ups
B 95,100,105
C 123,125,130 (this is probably my power jerk max)
D 2+8 95# power snatch.
A. worked on ring muscle ups and handstand walks….did the lsit taps between sets (then did 10 sets of 5 chest to bar pullup EMOM as i misread the part A and thought 50+ meant 50 chest to bar pullups)
B. 135, 142.5, 150 (77-85%)
C. 160, 170, 180 (75-85%)
D. 2 rounds + 7 reps at 135#
(shoulders and legs were pretty tired coming in to today so felt good with WOD after doing the pullups in the warmup)
A. Skipped this part to test 1RM Clean- Caught 300lbs three times but could not stand it up. I did get 295lb which is a PR. Good day
B. 165lb Technique is coming back should be hitting some old numbers soon.
C. 225lb ,245lb, 265 Failed on jerk
D. 3 rounds + 5 reps. @ 135. then jumped up and tested MUs while fatigued. got 5 unbroken.
Man that 300# clean is close buddy. Just got to get those legs a little bit stronger. Very impressive though on 295!
Nice work Jim!!
A. Kind of a mess today. Best set of BMU was the last one, liked the lsit taps and handstands just didn’t go.
B.145,155,164,175. Extra set because it felt good today.
C. 205,215,225 good day for me on this.
D. 3 rounds +10 snatches @135#.
Good job Today Brent.
A. 5 jumping bmu, hs walks were bad as usual,:50 trying to achieve rxd distance (no one to assist)
B. 135,155,165
C. 195,205,215
D. 2 rds +12 reps
DAY 1 of Greek Throwdown is complete. Going into Day 2 tied for first. Workouts were:
1A) 10 min cap:
84/ 60/38 DUs
42/30/18 Alt Pistols
21/15/9 OHS 50kg
Rest 1 min then
1B) 1 attempt at max HS Hold
I got 14 pistols on the last Rd . That’s 84 pistols ?. Think that’s the most I’ve ever done. -7th place
Won the HS hold with 32 sec. Unbroken.
2) 7 min AMRAP of:
21 DL 70kg
14 Burpees over the bar
7 Hang Power Cleans 70kg
3 rds +21- 2nd place
Rest and massage time.
Your killing those wods. It’s funny how a comp will bring out the best in you. Great job on pistols.
Thanks Brent!
Solid day Corey!!! You smoked it – keep us updated with how tomorrow goes!