Primary Training Session
Movement Primer
Three rounds at 70-80% effort of:
60 second ANY machine
10 Gorilla Rows (each arm AND light weight)
20 Goblet Hold Alternating Reverse Lunges @ 1111 Tempo
10 Bird Dogs (each side)
10 Dead Bugs (each side)
100 Foot Double Kettlebell Front Racked Carry
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets) of:
Dead Stop Front Squat x 2 reps @ 85-90% of 1-RM Dead Stop Front Squat
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
2 Squat Cleans + 2 Front Squats + Jerk @ 65% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
“2018 Regionals Workout 4”
For time:
Two rounds of:
10 Snatches, (175/125lbs.)
12 Bar Facing Burpees
Then, Two rounds of:
10 Snatches, (115/75lbs.)
12 Bar Facing Burpees
Time cap: 9 minutes
Every minutes, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1 – Waiter’s Carry x 20-25 seconds each arm
Station 2 – Supine Ring Rows x 8 reps @ 2111
Station 3 – Copenhagen Side Plank (Left) x 30-40 seconds (accumulate the time if necessary)
Station 4 – Copenhagen Side Plank (Right) x 30-40 seconds (accumulate the time if necessary)
Three rounds of:
15 Right Plank Pulls with 1 Second Pause in Contraction
15 Left Plank Pulls with 1 Second Pause in Contraction
30 Bicycle Crunches
Athlete Notes:
Start your engines! This workout is meant to be quick! Top times at regionals in 2017 were in the 6 minute range. We love re-testing old workouts because it gives us an ability to check ourselves against some of the best in the world AND possibly even against a past version of ourselves! Don’t let the fact that the barbell gets lighter deceive you, the 115/75 bar is no joke! We would advise quick singles through the first weight, and that the weight should be something you are comfortably dropping and putting your hands right back onto the bar. When you get to the second bar, this is the gut check! How willing are you to hang on AND push the pace on the burpees? Throttle down at the end here and remember back to all that training we did last cycle where we made you lift with an elevated heart rate and focus on proper mechanics!
A. 235
B. 145
Primer ✅
A. 275 across
B. 205 all sets
C. 7:24 Rx. Singles at 175 then unbroken at 115
D. E. ✅
Solid push James!
PRImer : done
A. 305 lb
B. 175 lb
C. 36 reps
D. Done
E. Done
Primer done (really liked this one)
A: 200
B: 135-145
C: really misjudged capacity barely finished first 2 rounds at 115. Had to do all squat snatch. Should have been able to do power
D: done w/ 40# DB
E: done
A. 126Kg
B. 84Kg
C. Scaled to 70Kg, the rest Rx – Cap+12.
Really wanted to finish this but missed getting to the last set of BOB. Was a bit too conservative on the snatches at 70Kg b/c of shoulder fatigue. Turned out they got faster and felt better as I went. Happy to do this volume of snatches and have shoulders perform well.
D. Done
E. Done
Got to trust those old shoulders a little more! They’re stronger and more stable than you think!
True. I need to also focus on form when I fatigue. Sometimes that begins to break down and it puts my shoulders at risk. Today was pretty good and I was quick through the middle. Took a lot of the pressure off my shoulders.
A. Done 275 across slightly lighter but felt good
B. 205/215×5 again a little lighter but these felt great as well
C. 6:53 RX
Singles on 175 bar
7/3 singles – 8/2 singles on 115
D and E. Done as one as part of warm up
Congrats dude!! Excited to see you guys out there!
Thanks Tino!!
Primer 2 rounds
A. 110-112.5-115-117.5kg x 4
B. 85 kg 1st time doing split jerks in 3 weeks and shoulder felt ok.
C. Scaled to 70kg (155lb)
6 burpees short of finishing but carried on
Happy to do the snatches under fatigue, building the confidence in shoulder so not to concerned about the time
D. In the afternoon
E. Done
Great to see you moving well and feeling good!
Burpees over the bar?
Correct, Bar Facing Burpees