November 1, 2023 – Masters Program

Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Assisted Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side

Light Dumbbell Series:
Bicep Openers x 5 reps
Bicep Curl + Press x 5 reps
Delt Rows x 10 reps

and then …

Machine of choice x 10 minutes @ easy pace

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Bench Press x 4 reps @ 80-84%

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
15 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35lbs)
18/15 Calorie Ski or Row
Rest 8 minutes between sets and repeat for TWO sets.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
12 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35lbs)
15/12 Calorie Ski or Row
Rest 8 minutes between sets and repeat for TWO sets.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 Pull-Ups
12 Dumbbell Bench Press (35/20lbs)
15/12 Calorie Ski or Row
Rest 8 minutes between sets and repeat for TWO sets.

Scaling Options for Chest-to-Bar/Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Up (choose one of the following):
Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Chest-to-Bar / Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted

Three sets of:
20 Banded Lat Pulldowns
20 Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions
Rest 60 seconds

5 Minutes Light Jog @ Cool Down Pace
5 Minutes Upper Body Stretch

Upper Body Stretching Options:
Banded Pec Stretch
Banded Tricep Stretch
Foam Roll Tight Areas

General Training Notes:
Push and pull is the focus of todays training. Please start at the lower end of the % for your bench press and build over the course of the five sets. If bench press bothers your shoulder then try subbing this with heavy db floor presses instead!

You have two 8 minute amraps for todays training piece. This ends up being a slightly longer conditioning piece considering you will be working for a total of 16 minutes. The goal on this workout is 1-2 sets on each round of pull-ups, then 1-2 sets on each round of dumbbell bench press, and then hold a consistent pace that puts you at about a 7/10 RPE on the ski or row. If you stay there then you’re looking around a round every 2-2:30 or so. The goal should be to hold that pace knowing that you get a full 8 minute rest afterwards. Once the second round comes around you can dial up the intensity. At this point you’ll probably build lactic acid much faster than the first round and your grip will definitely start to go, but try to keep moving at the same pace knowing that you can push in the final 2 minutes.

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