November 1, 2023 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
100 Foot Single Arm Overhead Carry (each arm)
30 Banded Good Mornings
20 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Presses

Followed by…

Three sets of:
10 Medball Slams
5 Broad Jumps

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets of):
Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
Sets 1-4: 50-70%
Set 5: 80%
Set 6: 85%
Sets 7-10: @ 90+%

*Percentages based off Power Jerk, Split Jerk, or Hang Power Clean, whichever is lightest.

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Bench Press x 4 reps @ 84%

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
15 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35lbs)
18/15 Calorie Ski or Row
Rest 8 minutes between sets and repeat for TWO sets.

**If strength is your primary need right now then substitute today’s metcon for the strength accessory option in the additional sessions.

Three sets of:
20-30 Banded Lat Pulldowns
40-50 Banded Triceps Pressdowns
Rest 60 seconds

Three sets of:
60 Second Right Side Suitcase Hold
60 Second Left Side Suitcase Hold

Athlete Training Notes:
Upper body pump sesh is on deck. The goal on this workout is 1-2 sets on each round of chest to bars, then 1-2 sets on each round of dumbbell bench press, and then hold a consistent pace that puts you at about a 7/10 RPE on the ski or row. If you stay there then you’re looking around a round every 2-2:30 or so. The goal should be to hold that pace knowing that you get a full 8 minute rest afterwards. Once the second round comes around it’s time to empty the tank. At this point you’ll probably build lactic acid much faster than the first round and your grip will definitely start to go, but try to keep moving at the same pace as you held in the first round and then kick it up a notch in the last minute or two.

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Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
November 4, 2023 12:39 pm

A. 90/100/105/115.
B. 125 (PRfor 4 reps)
C. This was fun but deceptive! Have myself 4 min rest btwn. 2+22/2+12
D &E. Done

Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
November 3, 2023 2:03 pm

B 175
C. Pull-ups / push-ups / row
Around 3 each time
3 rounds

Corey Reutlinger
Corey Reutlinger
November 1, 2023 11:43 am

A. Hang PC + PJ + SJ (off 190# HPC): 105, 115, 125, 135, 155, 165, 170, 175, 180#, 185(f)
B. Bench Press (off 195#): 160#x4x5
C. 2 of 2 sets done. AMRAP in 8 mins: 12 C2B Pull-Ups, 15 DB Bench Press (35#), 15 Cal Row. 2 rds + 27, 2 rds + 30
E. 3 of 3 sets done. :60s Right Side Suitcase Hold, :60s Left Side Suitcase Hold (80# KB)

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