Strategy Considerations and Preparation Notes
Please click the link below for our full list of preparation notes to help you all perform to the best of your ability. For years we reserved these notes only for our personal clients, but we’ve been blessed with the growth of this Invictus Athlete community, and we want to see you all succeed this season.
Please click here for our 20.4 Preparation Tools.
If you’d prefer a short video discussion, please find Tino & Hunter’s post-announcement tips here.
If you have any questions or need suggestions on how to tackle this event, please don’t hesitate to ask in the notes below and we will respond as quickly as possible!
Warm-Up, Mobility & Activation
10 minutes of low-intensity Assault Bike or Jogging @ 70%
Followed by…
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
(while in this position, bring your arms overhead and and reach back for a few pulses)
Thoracic Rotation Drill x 10 rotations
Followed by…
Leg Reach x 16 reps (8 per leg)
Banded Triceps Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Bent-Over DB Reverse Flies x 20 reps (use very light weight)
Followed by…
Squat Rock x 60 seconds
Followed by…
Two sets of:
60 second row or Assault Bike @ 70-75% Effort
Reverse-Hyper or Barbell Good Mornings x 15 reps (light)
Rest 60 seconds
60 second Row or Assault Bike @ 75-80% Effort
10 Goblet Squats (32/24 kg)
Rest 60 seconds
60 second Row or Assault Bike @ 80-85% Effort
5 Tall Box Jumps
(jump as high as you can and land as softly as possible, then step down)
Rest 60 seconds
Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Two sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps @ 3211 (Bring grip in each set)
rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Front squat x 5 reps @ 2010
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1+1/4 Front Squat x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets:
5 reps of each, three times through the complex with barbell
Clean-Grip RDL
Clean Pull from Below Knee
Hang Power Clean + Push Press
Clean from Below Knee + Jerk
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 115/75 lbs
In 6-8 attempts, build to approximately 225-245 lbs for males, and 145-155 lbs for females. Do not build heavier than 85% of your 1-RM.
Followed by…
One set at desired Game Pace of:
5 Clean & Jerks (95/65 lbs)
5 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
3-4 Clean & Jerks (135/85 lbs)
5 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
1-2 Clean & Jerks (185/115 lbs)
10 Single-Leg Squats
“CrossFit Games Open Event 20.4″
For time:
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
15 Clean & Jerks (95/65 lbs)
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
15 Clean & Jerks (135/85 lbs)
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
10 Clean & Jerks (185/115 lbs)
30 Single-Leg Squats
10 Clean & Jerks (225/145 lbs)
30 Single-Leg Squats
5 Clean & Jerks (275/175 lbs)
30 Single-Leg Squats
5 Clean & Jerks (315/205 lbs)
Time cap: 20 minutes
161 RX
In the 185lbs round I did 15 reps. ???
My shoulders were burned and I only did one rep with 225lbs…but still a PR. ??
b. 200 Reps
tie break 19:30
196 RX moved great through BJ and lighter c&js. The 145 I was a bit slower than I wanted. Think I could’ve had a shot of getting to the 175 if I didn’t change my own plates!
Sorry I’ve been inconsistent, going through some big life changes..
188 Reps
I‘m happy with Finishing the round of 225# all with Power Cleans. I should have pushed a little more to finish the Pistols.
236 reps
felt easy until 275, then 315 felt almost impossible, did one and done
200 reps, 18:16
I’ve always struggle Jerks, PR was 255.
Cleaned went up fairly easy on the 275#, but hesitated and loss the drive for the jerk. ?
Great work getting through all the reps at 225lb.
165 Reps
This guy!! ???
A. Done
B. 172, tiebreak 13:38
??? ?
? ?
20.4 Rx – 200 reps with 18:53 tiebreak.
Hit 275 clean but didn’t attempt jerk. 265 is my lifetime PR for C&J.
Was too conservative on the 225 C&J. Blew through the other stuff. PC and PJ throughout; 95 was UB and all others were fast singles. 225 was 3/3/2/1/1; should’ve stuck with fastish singles. BJ were all with a step down and pistols were all UB. Really glad pistols were on there. They are one of my favorites.
One and done for this guy.
Solid attempt Wilson! Just need to trust yourself a little more and have confidence with those heavier loads!
True. I was getting fatigued and was super cautious because of my shoulders
TINO!!!! PISTOLS IN THE OPEN!!!! It’s the BEST DAY EVER!!!! Omg omg omg ?? AND heavy cleans! Did all the warm ups for my knee and the workout, etc. a) done B) 20.4- 235 Rx, tie break 19:34. That was so much fun and hurt like hell. I could have tried for 205 and it would have been a PR, but my quads were on fire and I did my last set of pistols in my socks. Started in normal shoes, then lifters after 3rd set, then socks for last set of pistols. That was mainly a shoe workout for… Read more »
Yeah!! What a fun workout for you. You crushed it and came out the other side unscathed. Awesome work Jessica!!!
Thanks so much Tino!! LOVED this one and would def do it again. And try to keep my shoes on. Haha
Serious Epsom salts tonight tho.
B. Scaled (Games Scaled weights) Finished 19:20. Working to get that heavy barbell soon!!!
B. 200 reps Rx 17:03 Tiebreak (+ I got my PR with squat clean 275#)? That’s +15#
Great work!! Congrats on the clean PR!! ?
Thank you Tino??
B. 201 reps 18:55 tie break
Good job getting that one rep at 275 in!!
Warm up Done
A) 245
B) 200- tiebreak 17:18. Missed the first clean @275 then missed two more attempts at the jerk. C&J PR is 270.
So close!! What’s your clean PR??
Clean PR is 287 and I’ve jerked 280 from blocks??♂️. Im not sure if it would be Beneficial to run this one again?
Depends on your priorities. If you want to maximise your results in the Open and you know you have more then hit it again. If your focus is in training and continuing to progress then move in and get some good sessions in next week instead of repeating.
Warm up done!
20.4 – 200 reps RX. Tie break: 18:57. As single leg squats are really difficult for me due to an old tear on my left quad, doing 60 of them was a huge accomplishment. Thank you for the amazing program! In the last minute tried to clean 275 lbs twice, caught it on both attempts but then my quads simple failed and I couldn’t stand up. damn you, Golgi reflex! ?It was a good day!
Have you all a great weekend!
Great to see you are strong and healthy enough to hit those pistols. Keep up the good work!
Warmups done
200 reps. Had plenty of time but just couldn’t make the 175lb c&j happen. Operation Mass Gain starts today ?
Bring on the gains!! Nice work!
Hello! Warm up done. 20.4 – 201 reps (120 reps RX then I scaled the barbell to 95lb , 105lb and 115lb. My PR is 116lb, I got 1 rep @ 115 after the second set of Pistols and felt great and solid! Tie brake was 19:15). Step up and down all the time. I thought about not scaling , lift my PR 10x and get some reps on Pistols. However it didn’t make any sense for me, once my elbow is still recovering and I’m doing the open just for fun. I’m pretty happy ?. Can’t say the same… Read more »
Great to see you making smart decisions. Solid work!
168reps (13:56) had to change my weights every turn
Warm up done
A. Done.
B. 133 reps. 1 RM is 115 lbs, so I should be happy doing 10 C&J at this weight. Have been hoping for pistols in the open every year, so it was quite annoying being capped after only 3 reps of them ?
Annoying to get 10 C&J at your 1-RM…C’MON!! Great work!!
Thanks Tino!
Warm ups done
B. 235 19:53 finished last set of pistols. Pistols destroy me so whatever
Good work dude! Look after those old knees and should now. ??
Thanks Tino! I’m getting married tomorrow not sure I’ll be able to walk down the aisle after all those pistols!!
Yeah! Thats way more important than a workout. I would have rather heard about that 🙂
Have an awesome day!!!
Much more important! Thanks Tino!
Congrats Bobby!
Thanks Dante! Nice job on this workout btw!
Thanks! You too! Goal was to not get beat by Brooke to bad lol
Wowww congratulations ?????? SO exciting !!!!
Thank you!!!