Primary Strength Session
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep
(build over the 6 sets to something heavy for today)
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
Loading per set:
*Sets 1-2 – 75% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position
*Sets 3-4 – 80% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position
*Sets 5-6 – 85%
*Sets 7-8 – 90%
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 5 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Goal is to perform 5% more than was performed on October 25, 2016.
Primary Conditioning Session
Three rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-Ups
14 Toes to Bar
21 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs to 10′ Target)
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Burpees
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skill Option
Three sets for max reps:
Row 500 Meters @ 80% of 500m PR Pace
45 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 15-20 seconds
Row 500 Meters @ 90% of 500m PR Pace
45 seconds of Ring Dips @ 2011
(pause for a full second at the top)
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
30-Second L-Sit Hold
30 V-Ups
30-Second Hollow Hold
Rest as needed
Try to perform the triplet with as little rest as possible, then rest between sets.
for time 7 MIN
A. 50 A 57.5
B. 60 A 72.5
C. 50 A 55 KGS
Muscle snatch – 70kg PR
Hang snatch – worked up to 78kg- full 3 sec in bottom position
Seated strict press (+5% each set)
42.5kg/52.5/58/63/63/68kg (hurt good but happy strength increasing!!!!!!!!)
1 – 8.38 (really happy I hit all MU unbroken – this was my goal today)
2 – 4+42
A. 65/67.5/70/72.5/75/77.5kg
B. Hang Sn 90/92.5/95/97.5/100/102.5/105/107.5kg*Fail
C. 60/62.5/65/67.5/70kg
A. 8:06 rxd
B. 5+2 rxd
Aerobic/gymnastics skill
A. First row was on pace but couldn’t get second to 90% was more 85%.
SHSPU 19/16/17
Ring dips 13/11/15
B. Did one round heavily mod then called it a day. Something to work on.
Did this Thursday… Kind of feel like this is my catch up day =) Four sets of: I said I got this in the other day and I got disrupted…So I did it over my lunch while doing chart notes today =) 30-Second L-Sit Hold 30 V-Ups 30-Second Hollow Hold Jumped into the normal class and did a little EMOM for 9 minutes: 2 Legless Rope Climbs- 3/4 the way up with 2 taps. Didn’t want to risk falling but wanted to work on the tapping and re-grabbing. I like doing this and hopefully I am gaining ore confidence in… Read more »
Two Sessions
Primary Strength:
A) Muscle SN – 85/95/105/105/105/110
B) Hang SN – 120/120/130/130/135 – f, f, make/135 (instead of 145) f, make, make. I was catching with the bar too far foward.
C)Unsupported Strict – did the thing from last week to figure out my max 5, topped out at 90#
Primary Conditioning
Did the 3 rounds with 7 ring rows+7 dips instead of C2B.
A) 8:30
B) Amrap: 4 rounds
+ some mobility and stability work for shoulder, which is being a tad cranky after clicking a little through yesterday’s OHS’s.
Primary Strength Session
A. 62.5 kg
B. Worked up to 81 kg (90%) No misses
C. 55 kg
Primary Conditioning Session
A. 6:19 RX
B. 5 + 10
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skill Option
A. Done. (pace from 1:30)
Rounds: SHSPU/RD:
B. Done
Muscle snatch: 55,75,85,95,105,115
Hang snatch: 130, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160F
Had a bad snatch day…. I have a giant rip in my finger so I’m blaming it on that 😉
Seated press: 85,90,95,95,100
Didnt get to do these last week because I had a comp I was getting ready for… these were fun/hard 🙂
10:03 – everything was a struggle today. The first round was great then it went downhill.
4 rounds plus 21 double unders
A) muscle snatch up to 180# – turnover gets pretty slow at this weight
B) Hang Snatches based off 240# – felt really strong
C) Shoulder presses – added 5% and used 150# for each set
A) 7:36 Wall balls un-broken, nothing else was
B) 4 + 30
Primary Lifting
A. 75-85-95-100-105-110
B. 2 sets of each weight: 135-145-155-160
C. 75-85-95-95-100(3) – didn’t get to do this last week, so did a build today. Really had to focus on keeping my core tight, I tend to lose the midline on heavy presses.
Primary Conditioning
A. 9:50 – just couldn’t move faster…blah
MU – UB/4-3/4-3
T2B – UB/8-6/8-6
WB – 12-9/12-9/12-9
B. 4+16 – I tried out a steady “pace” on this, didn’t really work out how I’d planned, lol 😀
“Didn’t work out how I’d planned”…I think that’s called training/learning. Chalk it up as a good learning experience and move forward. 🙂
For sure! I figure now is the time to try out different approaches to workouts. I know things like this that are pure “cardio” kill me (hello light snatches and DU from the Open), so I was trying to even out my pace a little more to keep from falling off the table at the end. I think I could have maintained a slightly faster pace, so a bit faster next time and see if I can hang on 🙂
gymnastics lesson + part B of optional gymnastics session
A. 85/95/105/110/115/120
B. Hang snatch
C. 85/95/105/110/115
A. 10:23 -just felt really lethargic here….
B. 4 + 33
A.Had to do Tuesday PM… that was not very fun after this morning’s MU workout =P J/K Boat loads of sweaty fun!
Five sets for times of: 3:34, 3:29, 3:19, 3:32, 3:32
50/30 Calories of Assault Bike- did first set to slow
20 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs) 12/8 (rested on back rack), then all other sets UB playing with hand position
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 8/7, rest UB but had to kip for 10 on my last set… shoulders said no more butterfly tonight.
Rest 3 minutes
B.4x 30-Second L-Sit Hold
30 V-Ups
30-Second Hollow Hold
Solid times on the Assault Bike workout Karla!
Thanks, it was nice to be able to do them UB… this is something my body can do right now! =)
I didn’t even think to rest it on my back! Thanks for sharing!
A) Built to 175
B) 195-230 Missed one snatch at 220
C) 105-150 5 reps each set
A) 6:20 MU UB/T2B = 14/14/7-7
Wall balls = 12-9/12-9/21
B) 5 rounds
Extra doing now!
if you can do the last set unbroken you can also do the first two…:)
Haha I know it… I’ve just gotta get in the right frame of mind before hand
That’s what I have to get better at! I pace too much
Great to see your name on here buddy! Solid work on today’s muscle-up workout!
Thanks coach! Feels good to be hitting it
hard again.
A) row paces 2:20/2:04
SHSPU: 15/16/17
Ring dips: 8/7/8
B) only time for 2 rounds (they were taking awhile)
A) 65/75/80/85/90/90
B) warmed up to 75 and stopped – apparently my wrist can handle muscle snatches no problem, but receiving in squat still hurts (more rotation, I guess)
C) did last week’s presses
Right into conditioning:
A) 13:41, banded strict MU transitions, subbed pistols for wall balls (last time, wall balls didn’t hurt, but wrist was worse the next day)
B) 3+9
Then finished 2 rounds of core from this morning 🙂
Down with the sickness today, so I did what I could this evening.
Primary Weightlifting
Muscle Snatch = Worked to 160#
Hang Snatch = 160/170/180/190 (no misses!)
Seated OH Press = Worked to 175 x 4
Primary Conditioning
Double Under/Burpee Metcon = 4 rounds
Accessory Gymnastics
L-Sit/V-Up/Hollow Hold Circuit = Completed
Hope you’re back to full health soon
I felt pretty decent tonight. I was so sick on Monday, that my training partner had to tell me to tap out during the conditioning because I looked like death, lol.
Days like that you should stay away from the gym! For you and everyone’s else’s benefit!
Agreed. I wasn’t symptomatic that day, just didn’t have any juice. I guess stubbornness is a double-edged sword 🙂
Take care of yourself man!
Thanks CJ!
AM Session:
Session 2:
A. L-sit muscle up practice
*cant fill hang with garage
B. 3 rds:
14 TTB
21 wall ball 30lbs
*TTB slowed me down. Wussed out cause hands were getting beat up
C. 6 min AMRAP
4 rds+17DU
D. Strict HSPU practice
Session two
Muscle snatch up to 165 with no thumb wrapped around and then a very pressed out 170 with straps
Hang snatch
245 fail 240 245
Rest of the night will be spent eating and pretending we don’t have an EMOM tomorrow
Wrong mindset! Embrace the EMOM! Can’t beat yourself before you’ve even started !
haha just think it only lasts 30 minutes 🙂
It’s still an “easy” EMOM. 🙂
Primary Lifting:
Used Dumbbells
Did a variation with
Strict HSPU
Primary Conditioning:
Missed my first 5 Wallballs by just throwing it straight up in the Air. Muscle-Ups unbroken ttb, 2 sets and wall balls broke me
To many burpees today 🙂
S1 Gymnastics. I just did 15 strict hspu and ring dips. They were roughly 45 seconds. Maybe a little longer. All strict hspu went 10/5 which I was pumped about. Ring dips were unbroken. They got shaky but good number for me. Core work done but damn hard. S2 Muscle snatch 180. Tried 190. Fail. Hang Snatch 205 x 2 225 x 2 235 x 2 245 x 1 255 x 1 Seated strict press all sets at 145. Conditioning 7:49 Muscle-Ups and Toes-to-Bar are always a tough combo for me plus the mornings core work was still lingering. 4… Read more »