Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Upper Body Anterior Chain Opener x 2 minutes
followed by …
Three sets of:
T-Spine Pulse x 8 reps
Wall Slides x 5-6 reps
Band Pass Thrus in Squat
x 8-10 reps
One set of:
Band Assisted Cross Pull Scap Retraction x 30 seconds per side
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Drop Snatch x 2 reps
and then…
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
3-Position Snatch
*Sets 1-2 – 65% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position after the full snatch
*Sets 3-4 – 70% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position after the full snatch
*Sets 5-6 – 75% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position after the full snatch
*Sets 7-10 – 80%
Three rounds for time of:
Shoulder to Overhead x 15 reps
Double-Unders x 30 reps
40-49: 135/95 lbs
50-59: 115/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs
Rest 4 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch x 10 reps
Box Jumps x 15 reps (24/20″)
100/70 lbs
50-54: 70/55 lbs;
55-59: 55/35 lbs; Step-Ups allowed
60+: 55/35 lbs; Step-Ups allowed
Rest 4 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for completion:
100-Foot Farmer’s Carry
15 Toes-to-Bar
For the Farmer’s Carry, use 1/2 of your bodyweight in each hand, and walk – don’t run on the carry.
Three sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
DB External Rotation x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed
Mobility done.
A – 3-position snatch. Got to 145 (83%). Then it just got sloooowww. So I stopped there.
B1 – 5:14 at 135#. Ran into wall after round 1. Shoulders burned out quick.
B2 – 5:03 at 70#. Our gym doesn’t have 100#. Would have been a tall order.
B3 – Done.
C – Done.
Warm up 500m row all out… 1:25.9
OHS heavy for the day 245#
A. 3 position snatch up to 165 (tired at end, sneaky)
B1. 3:38 at 135#
B2. 4:16 at 70#
B3. Nope…knee
Mob done
A. Snatch drop–55/65/65
Then 68/78/83/85–a blower percentage, having trouble from hi
Gym so busy could not do next part: subbed 15 min quick EMOM 10 cal ski erg/12 DB walking lunges/8 TTB, unbroken kip swing
Hopefully will be able to get undone part in tomorrow.
DMA Done
A. Bar, 65, 75
A1. 65, 75, 80, 95 ( felt a little slow today, work in progress)
B1. 7:05 with 115 S2OH
B2. 6:44 with 50lb DB, 24″ box step ups
B3. 7:10 with 70lb KB
C. Done
Mob done
Snatch WU routine
A. 95/115/135
Then 130/140/150/160. Felt good on these
B. 3:48 w/135
6:34 used 80’s for DBS
The. 110 per hand for FC
T2B-10/5-13/2/15 yea. These are coming along
LM Rows 70#’s on bar
DB ext row with 10#’s
A2: 200# – singles at end
B1: 3:25
B2: 4:59 w/20@100#, 10@75#
B3: done
Was only able to do the WOD
B1. 3:20
B2 4:30
B3. 4:55 toes to bar went away
Solid work Jeff!!!
Hello from Columbus, Ohio! I’ve been following your programming, a couple weeks behind you since May. I decided to catch up and join the party.
Mobility done
A1. 65-65-75
A2. 75-75-80-80-85-85-90-90-95-95
B1. 5:02 (was able to do 1st round unbroken but had to do sets of 3 after that)
B2. 5:30 (used 50# for snatch)
Ran out of time for the rest. Great job, everybody.
Welcome and we are so happy to see you posting with us!!!! Great work today!
Mobility done
A1. 95-105-115#
A2. 105-110-115-120-125-130-135-140#(missed full)
B1. 3:09
B2. 4:31 (only had 60# DBs….that felt plenty heavy?)
B3. 4:02 (70# KBs …little heavier than prescribed, and walked a little longer too…ouch on the grip!)
Overall my legs and arms just felt tired today but got through it!
C. Done
Great work today Cheryl – I was looking for that first one to be around 3 minutes. Well done!
Thanks…could have definitely been closer to 2:30-2:40 if the dubs were smooth today.
Dyn/Mob Done A1) 63,X70X2sets 2) 68x2s,73x,1x1fail,83xdailx2s,93x3fails. -frustrated..my snatch keeps going down 🙁 I thought it was bc I am still fighting something but this was going on before ..it might be a little of both. B1) 3rd/S2OHx15/30 D/U: used 95lbs did it in 8:07 2) alt one arm sntach, 50lbs DB. tried the 25 kg KB wanst strong enough so scaled it. box jumps did it in : 6:07 3) 100 ft Farmers carry/15T2B: used a bit more than half my bodyweight to make up for above. Used 2 good each did it it in: 15.min total time: 27;26 C)… Read more »
Can you send me a video Lise?
ok I did today with my phone..whats your email?
I am sure its me Im thinking too much and I have a disability my right foot is getting worse but you might be able to hlep me bc I think Im over anayzing it LOL that surely dint good … 🙂
A1. 185,195,205
A2. 120,130,140, couldn’t hit 150 for the complex did as singles
Mobility done
A1. 40,50,60 kg
A2. 2×65 kg, 2×70 kg, 2×75 kg, 2×80 kg, 85 kg, 90 kg (No misses; from 100 kg 1RM)
B1. 2:58
B2. 5:36
B3. Done
C. Done
Great work Bjorn – sub 3 is solid.
Mobility Done
A1. skipped, didn’t want to do because of shoulder
A2. built up to 110#
B1. 3:30
B2. 5:18 only used 50#, 60# felt to heavy.
B3. Done with 50#
C. no time
Good call Chris! Nice work on the conditioning today.
Mobility done
A1. 95/115/125
A2. 120/125/130/135/140/145/150/155/160 (failed mid-thigh)/160
B1. 6:06
B2. 9:00
B3. Done – 100# each hand
C. Done
ROMWOD – feeling beat up, lots of little nagging injuries that won’t heal.
Drop Snatch upto 135
3 position “did it wrong” did floor, knee cap, mid leg, once I got to 80% I could not hit all three lifts In complex.
Best was 180 ground then knee cap couldn’t lock out the hang.
Continued working til 195 for single
Metcon: done with 80# that’s the biggest I got. Grip was smoked
Unbroken 135/30 dubs
DB snatch 80# with step ups
FC 80s T2B 10/5 8/7 7/4/4
Maybe I need a break
Mobility completed
A2)90#/100/105/110/120. Failed on the high hang on both attempts at 120#. Performed this earlier today before I say Nichole’s note and performed the complex from the floor, mid thigh and then the high hang.
B1)5:34 @115#
B2)5:19 @70#
B3)Completed with 80# DB’s. Grip was smoked on the last round of farmer carry’s and T2B.
Fun day of training!
No worries Dean! Glad you had fun today!
PT and crossover symmetry, 10 min assault bike
A. Skipped – Still can’t snatch yet
B. Done with modifications:
B1. 3:56 right arm only thrusters w/25# DB instead of STOH
B2. 5:10 45# DB snatch w/right arm only
B3. 4:35 20 v-ups/round instead of T2B
C. Done (DB rows with 35#)
Great work today Leticia!!!! So fast!
B1. 5:12rx
B2. 70#kb no 100#
B3. 5:35rx
Will do snatch later
Awesome job Tom!!
Thanks Nichole. Was really trying to push harder but still have a lot to go.
Mobility – done
A. Drop Snatch – bar only
Should have checked before lifting today. Did a 2 second pause at three positions (mid shin, above knee and high hang) on way up and down. Then did a snatch from the floor.
85 – 85 – 95 – 95 – 102 – 102 – 108 -108 – 115 – 120(f) (f)
Only had time to lift this morning. Will finish the rest of the workout this afternoon.
Is this what you’re looking for on 3 Position Snatch?
1 Snatch from Floor + 1 Snatch from Knee + 1 Snatch from Mid Thigh
See below David!
Well that’s what I did…& it was wicked hard holding my grip