Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Wrist Stretch Version 1 x 30 seconds pulsing
Wrist Stretch Version 2 x 30 seconds pulsing
and then . . .
Foam Roll Lats x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Scap Push-Ups x 10 reps
Push-Ups x 10 reps
Banded Squats x 10 reps
V-Ups x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Minute 1 – Double Unders x 40 reps
Minute 2 – Handstand Thigh Taps x 20 reps
55+: Handstand Thigh Taps x 10 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3 High Hang Cleans + 3 Front Squats @ 55% of 1-RM Clean
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Mid Thigh Cleans from blocks + 2 Front Squats @ 65% of 1-RM Clean
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
1 Clean from mid-patella off blocks + 1 Front Squat @ 75% of 1-RM Clean
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes, complete:
Assault Bike x 40/30 calories
Warmup: done
A. Gymnastics: Travis program – pistols day 😛
B1. 60kg across
B2. 65/70/75kg
B3. 75/80/85kg
C. (died here… my legs stopped responding… mental note: start slower to maintain in the other sets) 1’56/2’04/2’31/2’47/2’56
Cooldown: 10′ Bike very very slow
A. Complete. Subbed hand stand holds.
B. 115, 140, 160
C. Subbed 500m run. Maintained a 7:15-7:30 per mile pace. 2:15-2:25 per round
Catching up from missed training on tuesday, modified.
Did some front squats, built up to 3×3 at 65kg (78%) – elbow was not too bad but cleans would have pinched too much.
E5MOM 25 – 30 AB cals
2:29/2:21/2:17/2:20/2:28 overall pushed harder than the last time but fell apart mentally on the last one ?
A. Done w Sub Shoulder taps
B. 160lb/185lb/215lb
C. Ranged from 3 to 3:45
Been battling a sprained Ankle/Achilles issue since last Monday. Haven’t been able to do much so have been working upper body. Was feeling pretty good so went to see what I could do.
Narrow grip OHS squats from Monday – Surprised myself and was able to do with the 15lb training bar.
High Hang Snatch hurt the ankle on the pull so stopped.
Did Z press and then did intervals on the Assault bike. Just playing it by ear and resting till I feel it is back to 100%
Oh no Sean – I hope that the ankle is getting better. Have you been rolling out your foot as well?
Yes lots of rolling and stretching. Feels much better now just don’t want to push it.
Mob done
A. Done, thigh taps only 10, a lot of movement!
C. 1st 2 rounds complete, then legs (quads) blew up, could only get 20-25 cals before legs cramping up and had to get off bike. Could not seem to adjust bike properly today–always feels awkward, but today tried a different adjustment each time, but didn’t help.
Mob done.
A. Done. Subbed 30 DU & 20 Shoulder taps.
B1. 40kg
B2. 48kg
B3. 55kg
C. Subbed rower. 2:20/2:32/2:25/2:26/2:23
Core. 3 rounds of 1 min Chinese planks with 10kg. 1 min rest.
Love that core work!
DMA, and snatch warm up from 17.3 (which I love and really helps my snatch!) Then I had: A. 5 rounds of 10 power snatch @ 65# :90 rest between B. build to heavy snatch in 6 minutes C. build to heavy OHS in 4 minutes D1. :40 handstand hold (nose to wall) D2. :40 top of ring hold D3. 10 per arm single arm ring row E. For time: 500 m row 25 burpees 500 m row 25 kbs 53# x2 A. Done. I loved this. Each round took less than :30. Tried different cues, like exploding hips, sweep… Read more »
Dynamic Mobility & Activation = Done
A. Done
B. 165 / 195 / 225
C. Done
You will be on Satan’s Toy a lot this off season 🙂
I’m looking forward to that! 🙂
A. Done, not got at handstand thigh taps!
B. 1-160lbs.
B. 2-190lbs.
B. 3-225lbs.
C. 1:37-1:38-2:24-2:43-2:37
We will be working a lot on HS positioning for HS Walks!
A. Done.
B. 125/145/165
C. 2:38/2:38/2:40/2:57/2:55
Good to be back on the program been a little inconsistent but made sure i stay on top of movements that matter.
A. All good
B.75, 90, 105kg (did these from hang, focusing on staying tight and fast under the bar)
C. 1.48, 1,52,1.55,1.55 – good sweat love the air bicycle- ha
Nice work Chris!!
The two wrist stretch videos from above, while liking to two separate YouTube videos with different titles, appear to be identical. Can anyone tell me the difference between the two?
One has the palms on the floor and the other has the palms facing the ceiling
Thanks. That is what I figured, but whoever posted the two videos posted the palms up videos for both. The Links go to two separate videos, but video version 1 is palms up and video version 2 is also palms up.
So sorry! Noticed that the video is the same with the wrong titles – so sorry, thank you for pointing this out!
Activation and mobiization completed as Rx
A. Avoided DU to rest calves, but completed a low intensity running WOD to practice full kipping HSPU with a vest.
B. 70kg, 90kg and 100kg – kept it light and fast today
C. First time back on an assault bike for a few weeks. Tried different strategies, but all ended in 2:01/3/5/6/5 seconds. Knee felt ok.
Very consistent on the bike, great work!
I’m sure this has been asked a million times before, and for that I apologize.
Still, what’s the going conversion if we Row in place of Assault Bike (no access). Is it 1:1?
Yep! Just row the same amount of calories as the assault bike 🙂
Mobility done. Also did some of prescribed level one MU gymnastics as a warm up.
Opted into gym WOD today it was a special for a 30th birthday.
WU: 30 DU 30 30 burpees 30 sit ups
WOD: 9 mins to do – 30 box jump 30 push ups 30 wall balls 30 pull ups & 30 air squat. REPEAT losing 30sec off the time each round with 1 minute rest between. Was fun! Managed 15 pulls into the 4th round… boy it was fatiguing & I found the pull ups got tougher & tougher
M&A Done
A. Done, DU’s took about 30 seconds. No round UB for some reason, kept hitting feet. New shoes.
B2. 135#
B3. 155#
C. Would go hard until 10 calories, about 86 RPM, then recover around 60-61 RPM until finished, except last round went in around 61 rpm, then went hard @ 15 Cal for 5 cal, then rested @ 61 RPM, then @ 25 cal went hard for 5 cal, and so on until finished. 2:41, 2:42, 2:47, 2:54, & 3:03.
Mobility completed. Is it just me or do the videos on the wrist stretch look exactly the same for version 1 and version 2?
C)Was all over the place on this. Something came up at work and I was not mentally there until the last round.
Dean – I just realized the videos are titled wrong and they are the same stretch! One version should have the palms facing the floor!!
Yep. No worries. I figured as much.
Banded Squat just curious where the band goes?
Doug-I placed them right above my knees and made sure that I drove my knees out when I squatted to ensure that the band did not drive my knees in.
Dean is correct – place that band right above the knees!
Mobility done
A. Done
B1. 140# X 3
B2.165 X 3
B3. 190 X 3
C. Done