Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Pec Stretch x 45-60 seconds
Band Distracted Samson Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Partner Assisted T-Spine Stretch x 20 seconds
Three sets of:
Muscle Ups x 2-5 reps
(work on linking these)
Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
(practice rhythmic cycling – if you’re having a hard time making these fluid, then check out this article and practice steps 1-4)
Single Leg Squat Off A Box
x 8 reps per leg
Progression for Muscle Ups
Banded Hip to Rings x 8-10 reps
(use a thick band for this drill)
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
2 High Hang Cleans + 1 Jerk
It would be preferable for you to work off blocks if you have access to them.
Five sets of:
4 Front Squats
6 Bar Muscle Ups
8 Box Jumps (24″/20″)*
12 Kettlebell Swings
Rest 3 minutes
40-44: 155/115 lbs; 32/24 kg
45-54: 135/95 lbs; 32/24 kg
55+: 115/75 lbs; *6 Ring Dips; Box Step Ups are allowed; 24/16 kg
A. Done, with MU assist. All T2B sets completed in one go. Yay.
B. Done, but didn’t write down weight. oops.
C. 3:43/2:59/3:07/4:11/2:42 (Bar MU’s were jumping)
A) Done- working on nonfalse grip MUs. Strung together 2s today, so progress.
B) off blocks- 105/115/120/125/130/135
working on using less of a gymnastic bar mu (feet come up on the high side) and more of a crossfit mu.
M&A – Done
A. reversed the order – 8 pistols, 12 t2b, 2/3/5 ub mu
B. 125-135-145-155-165-175# (felt solid; no misses; worked on fast cycling on 2nd high hang clean)
C. 1:04; 1:03; 1:01; 1:00; 1:00 (bar mu felt fluid and much easier than Monday night; Russian swings since neck was pretty jacked the past two days).
Flying to Washington tonight for a wedding and will return Monday afternoon. Might have to play catchup on training.
M&A – Done
A. Reversed the order. 8 pistols ea; 12 T2B; 2/3/5 muʻs. (last set of MUʻs felt pretty good).
B. 125-135-145-155-165-175# (these felt great today…no misses)
C. 1:04, 1:03, 1:01, 1:00, 1:00 (Bar MUs felt solid today, a lot more effortless than Monday night….Did Russian Swings today…neck was pretty jacked from WednesdayÊ»s training so wanted to NOT jack the traps up again).
A. 3MU, 12 T2B, 8 pistols
B. Worked up to 120# and started feeling nerve back pain, darn it. Massage yesterday but back/hips still feeling tweaked.
C. Front squats slow to protect the back, subbed out the box jumps with sled push 100 ft instead. Small band for bar MU, all rounds under 2 minutes. Still a great workout! I’ll be babying my back but want to get the work in and also heal up quickly.
Hey Christine – how is the back feeling?
Hi Christine,Congrats on a great performance in the Open/Quaifiers. You and I will be meeting up in Carson so I wanted to introduce myself. I would love to touch base with you and hopefully we can push each other along and help each other prepare to do our best in July. I’m at Hope to hear from you!
A. 5,11,8 x 3 unbroken- last round of MUs felt best
B. 135-205 no miss
1:10, 1:11, 1:15, 1:10, 1:07
A. Doing later – didn’t have access to muscle up rings
B. 165,165,175,175,185,185
C. 1:04,1:01,:54,:57,:51 transitioned better as I went