May 8, 2012 – Competition (May 18)

Workout of the Day

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Build to 80-85% of your 1-RM Snatch

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep
20 Double-Unders
Snatch x 1 rep
(perform with 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch)

Rest 3 minutes, and then . . .

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep
20 Double-Unders
Snatch x 1 rep
(perform with 75-80% of 1-RM Snatch)

Rest 3 minutes, and then . . .

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep
20 Double-Unders
Snatch x 1 rep
(perform with 80-85% of 1-RM Snatch)

For time:
40 Pull-Ups

Rest 3 minutes

Two sets for times:
20 Alternating Pistols
Rest 60 seconds

Rest 3 minutes

For time:
40 Pull-Ups

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Stephen Putbrese
Stephen Putbrese
May 8, 2012 7:46 pm

A. 190

B. 165, 175, 185 – Only missed rep was at 175, but had time to hit it.

C. 40 sec (unbroken), 32 sec, 34 sec, 46 sec (35, 4, 1)

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